Counting the Omer 5784

Passover to Shavuot

Part I

Release: What is Freedom?

Day 9

Inner Truth Aligns with Outer Self


The first modern Chief Rabbi of the Land of Israel, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, defines freedom as living on the basis of one’s inner truth, being faithful to one’s inner self. A person can be living under Roman subjugation in the third century, or Soviet oppression in the twentieth, but if they do not betray their convictions and their principles, they remain free.


Every Passover we leave Egypt again; every Passover we are given renewed ability and strength to align our outer and inner selves, to renew our fidelity to our inner truth. Sometimes we have to take the time to rediscover that inner truth, but it is there, and it is the most important element in every one of us. Carl Jung said that “the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”. It is the privilege of a lifetime and the opportunity of Passover. Let us grasp it with both hands.


--Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Elton, Passover and the meaning of freedom,


Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu al sefirat ha'omer.


Blessed are You, God, Eternal Source of the Universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments and commanded us to count the Omer.


Today is nine days, which is one week and two days of the Omer.

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