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Welcome to Today's SFZ -
Spiritual Solutions You can Count ON!
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"All of A.A.'s Twelve Steps ask us to go contrary to our natural desires ... they all deflate our egos. When it comes to ego deflation, few Steps are harder to take than Five. But scarcely any step is more necessary to longtime sobriety and peace of mind than this one." (12 & 12, p. 55)


"We gain a new understanding of the principle of humility as we work this step. We've most likely been under the impression that we were somehow bigger or more visible than other people." "Through our self-disclosure, we feel connected with humanity, perhaps for the first time in our lives." (It Works, How and Why)

"Pride per-

ceiving humility

honorable, often bor-

rows her cloak."

- Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661) British clergyman / philosopher

HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself, like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.

How have you been humbled by your own humanity, lately?

Zonr Suggestions:

Find a quiet place while you put aside all pre-judgments and open yourself up to the Universal Truths above that unite spiritual traditions from around the world. You may want to replace alcohol & drugs with your own struggles with smoking, food, sex, money, rage, work, or even love, in order to make each SFZ a closer, personal fit.

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