August 2, 2024

Dear Supporters of NHAHC,

We are thrilled to inform you about the recent proposal by the Senate Transportation-HUD Subcommittee of $524M for the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program. This proposal includes $19M increase over FY24 enacted levels. This additional funding will provide crucial support to individuals living with HIV by offering them access to stable housing and necessary supportive services.

According to the CDC, being unhoused and housing instability are linked to higher viral loads and failure to attain or sustain viral suppression among people with HIVThe HOPWA program plays a vital role in ensuring that individuals living with HIV have a safe and stable place to adhere to medical treatment. We understand that access to housing maybe a challenge however together we can make a difference through advocacy!

Now is the time to urge the Senate to pass this spending bill and to thank those on the subcommittee! Find members by clicking HERE.

Find FY25 THUD Spending Bill by clicking HERE.

Want to join us in our wins and in our fight? Become an advocacy partner below.

Become a NHAHC Advocacy Member & Fight for Housing.

Please remember to register for our upcoming Beyond the Regs: A Conference on Innovation & Advocacy for Housing, on October 20th & 21st, 2024, in Washington, D.C.

This event will precede HUD’s HOPWA Institute and is set to be an enlightening gathering for professionals dedicated to improving housing outcomes for individuals affected by HIV. At Beyond the Regs, our goal is to provide informative resources for federally funded HIV programs, equipping attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to overcome barriers that people living with HIV often face when it comes to housing stability.

For any questions, please e-mail

Beyond the Regs Conference Registration is HERE.

Coming soon: Hotel registration information, draft agendas, speaker biographies, and much more! 

Stay tuned, stay engaged, and stay alert… this is going to be a great event!

The 2024 HOPWA Institute will be an opportunity to learn the most current HOPWA program information, as well as network with other HOPWA programs from across the country.

Topics will include: 

  • Best practices for HOPWA housing and services, including strategies to revamp existing programs to meet current needs
  • Advancing equity in HOPWA funded activities
  • Updated guidance on HOPWA eligible activities

HOPWA Institute Registration Here

A Syndemic Approach: what it is, why it matters, and how it can improve outcomes

When: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 1:00 PM EDT

This webinar sets the stage for effective and efficient syndemic approaches. The audience will learn about the HHS definition for syndemics as well as understand what defines a syndemic approach, including the benefits and some of the barriers.

The webinar highlights best practices that have delivered results and discusses important issues with a panel of syndemic experts.

Register Here

The 2024 United States Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA) will be held from September 12 - 15, in New Orleans, LA. This year’s theme is “So Goes the South, So Goes the Epidemic”, which focuses on HIV in the South.

Register by clicking HERE.

Learn more about USCHA by clicking HERE.

Southern AIDS Coalition will be hosting the Saving Ourselves Symposium (SOS) from August 15-18th in Atlanta, GA. This is an annual conference designed to educate and empower the Black LGBTQ+ community in the South.

Register by clicking HERE.

Learn more about SOS by clicking HERE.

SAGE Announces State of LGBTQ+ Aging Survey


SAGE’s Center of Excellence has partnered with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to conduct the “State of LGBTQ+ Aging Survey.” The survey seeks to better understand the current experiences, needs, and resiliencies of older people in the U.S. who identify as LGBTQ+.


The survey is now open to LGBTQ+ adults 50 years old and older. It takes 30 to 45 minutes and can be conducted online or over the phone.

To learn more and take the survey, please click here.

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