HOVC Scouter Newsletter | April 19th, 2024

2024 Solar Eclipse April 8

Another successful Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Workshop, sponsored by CloverMotor Co., is in the books! On Saturday, April 13th, Scouts came together to earn their Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge, spending a full day at the Clover Hill Farms Recreation Association's facility in Midlothian. Automotive Maintenance was the 47th most earned merit badge of 138 possible badges in 2023, but it's definitely an HOVC Scout favorite!

Hi Heart of Virginia!

🚨 Camp Card Early Bird Sale Ends: April 26th 🚨

The Camp Card Early Bird Sale ends April 26th. Units receive $1 EXTRA commission ($6 per card) for Camp Cards when the Unit pays Council by 4/26. Council payments received after 4/26/24 will be $5 per card. The Camp Card sale runs March 18 – May 31. ALL Camp Cards & final payments are due June 7th (with commission of $5 per card). Don't forget about the bi-weekly Camp Card Prize Drawings, too! The next LIVE Facebook drawing is scheduled for April 26th (the last day of our Early Bird Sale) at 4:30 PM.

[Visit the Camp Card Website]

AOL to Scout Transition Update: April 24th and 7pm

The new Cub Scout program launches in June, and with it come changes for Arrow of Light dens and the Troops they'll join. Learn more about the changes and how it affects your units at our AOL to Scout Transition orientation on April 24th at 7pm. We look forward to seeing you at the Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Drive in Henrico.

[Learn more about the new program]

Permanent Orienteering Courses at Camp T. Brady Saunders

Whether you're working on rank requirements or the Orienteering merit badge, Camp T. Brady Saunders has a new set of Permanent Orienteering Courses in Virginia! Downloadable course maps and Avenza Topographic maps have been added to the website.

[Get on the Course]

Cub Family Camporee: May 3rd - 5th

Join us at Cub Adventure Camp for a weekend of fun spring activities including fishing, archery, BB, Crafts, and for 4th and 5th graders, the climbing tower in May. Event check-in is on Saturday morning, but packs can arrive and camp on Friday if desired. You can also just come out for the day. Cub and Webelos Scouts can attend with either their Pack or as a Family campout.

[Join In on the Fun!]

⚜️ [Troop Volunteers Are Needed!]

Hampden-Sydney College Merit Badge Day with Wilderness First Aid

Hampden-Sydney College Merit Badge Day on June 1st is open to all Scouts BSA Troops in the Heart of Virginia Council. Thanks to the support and involvement of the college administration, faculty, staff and community, we are able to offer a great day and merit badge opportunities taught by qualified instructors. While your Scouts are busily earning merit badges, you have opportunities to learn and get some exercise! Register to take Wilderness First Aid and to participate in a 3-mile hike!

[Register to Attend]

“By the rude bridge that arched the flood,

Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,

Here once the battled farmers stood

And fired the shot heard round the world.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Concord Hymn," documenting the start of the American Revolution in Lexington, Massachusetts on this day in 1775.

Scout Shop Hours of Operation

Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm

Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

View the Full Heart of Virginia Council Calendar

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Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228



Prepared. For Life.

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