In This Edition:

  • Weekly Message
  • Pesach Resources
  • Women's Voices
  • Israel Resources
  • Divrei Torah by Women on Parshat Metzora

Weekly Message:

Eternal Questions


With Pesach just days away, hostages still in Gaza, war still raging, and antisemitism rearing its ugly head, this year feels particularly different -- fraught, intense, unsettled. We do not feel free and unfettered -- we feel weighted with heavy hearts and minds, wondering what will be, how we will survive yet again.

In this context, how can we imagine ourselves experiencing the feeling of freedom, the elation of the Exodus from Egypt, while the state of the world feels like it is crumbling all around us?

The Seder is a time when we ask many questions and posit many answers. Many have suggested adding to the Haggadah a fifth question -- as to why this Pesach is different from previous Pesachs -- or a fifth child, the one who is missing from their home and family on Pesach, whether because they are still in captivity, serving in the IDF, evacuated, or G-d forbid, have already perished.

But as we all know, even if we stay up all night asking questions and proposing answers, as the five rabbis famously did in Bnei Brak, we will not arrive at definitive conclusions. We will keep asking, as we do year after year, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Even with Israel at war, the hostages not yet home, young people threatened on university campuses, and so many in harm's way in Israel, we will do what we have always done: tell the story of our enslavement; pose the questions and answers; remember the eternal promise of redemption and freedom, and hopefully, ultimately, renew our confidence in the Jewish people's survival, and reaffirm our belief in G-d and humanity. Perhaps that is the experience of freedom to be found this year.

With this in mind, to help you prepare for Pesach and find new perspectives to consider in these last few days before the chag begins, below you will find several Pesach resources, including a compilation of divrei Torah for Pesach by women; women's voices and perspectives on the situation in Israel and the weekly parsha, and more suggested ways to support needs on the ground in Israel. 

Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher v'Sameach that brings a renewed sense of hope and freedom.

Shabbat Shalom ~ Besorot Tovot ~ Am Yisrael Chai

New Pesach Resources:

Shema Bekolah Pesach Collection


"Let Our People Go: The Power of Being an Upstander"

We're so happy to share this collection of divrei Torah by women for Pesach, featuring several distinguished contributors, brought together to enhance your chag.

"Let Our People Go: The Power of Being an Upstander" is a new Pesach guide and source sheet that Jofa produced in partnership with Everyone Counts, #BringThemHomeNow's educational toolkit site. Find these, along with additional Pesach resources, on Jofa's Pesach page and Everyone Counts.

Additional Jofa Pesach Resources

Activity Handbook

In addition to the new resources above, don't forget to check out Jofa's Pesach page for more resources, including:

We hope that these resources will help expand your participation and experience.

Seder Sense Virtual Learning Program Recordings

On April 7, Jofa joined YCT and many communal partners to present Seder Sense: An Evening of Pesach Prep for Your Mind and Soul. The program offered six learning sessions with excellent educators -- a great opportunity to get into the Pesach spirit! If you missed it, you can access recordings of all the sessions here.

Women's Voices

We continue to raise women's voices and insights about what has been happening and how they are finding meaning in it. We hope that these writings provide you with new perspectives, and inspire you to write and share your own insights:

More Ways to Help Now

As we approach the holiday of our national freedom and peoplehood, the situation in Israel and the hostages who are still not free weigh heavily on us.

Please check our Supporting Israel: Ways to Help Now page, where we continue adding ways to stay connected and engaged with what is happening in Israel and what we can do - including raising the voices and stories of how girls and women are impacted, how they are responding, and ways to support them.

The page includes resources for fighting antisemitism; advocating; staying informed; keeping attention on the hostages; finding comfort in rituals; ways to contribute; talking to kids about Israel; reaching out; mental health; community gatherings, tefillot, and more.

We will also keep spotlighting additional resources in this weekly email and our social feeds, and adding them to our Israel page. We hope that each week you'll find something that speaks to you, helps you stay connected, take action, raise your voice -- in Israel, around the world, and in your own home and community.

Spotlighted Israel Resources

We continue highlighting resources and organizations that you can turn to for information, support, or to contribute toward direct needs on the ground in Israel. Please see our Supporting Israel page for our running list.


The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) cares for those who have nowhere else to turn – vulnerable seniors, people with disabilities, children and young adults at risk, families in financial distress, and the unemployed. The JDC has responded to the unique needs of these special populations, as well as the southern communities' residents and leadership, to help reinforce personal security, ensure access to government benefits, embrace vulnerable populations, strengthen local leadership and resources, and provide multifaceted care for youth. JDC is also providing training and counseling to frontline professionals, to ensure that they have the support they need to continue their important work.  

Latet ("to give") is a leading Israeli non-profit combatting poverty and food insecurity, and working to mobilize Israeli civil society toward mutual responsibility. Latet began its humanitarian response for individuals and families affected by the war, by providing food and hygiene kits to those most in need. Latet is prioritizing populations including evacuees from the southern and northern border regions, senior citizens, Holocaust survivors, soldiers, and families in areas with significant rocket attacks. Latet is also distributing thousands of school kits for evacuee children in first through sixth grades, with everything they need to continue their studies at temporary educational facilities.

Divrei Torah by Women on Parshat Metzora

Jews around the world are reading and studying Parshat Metzora this week. Here are a few divrei Torah by women on this week's parsha:

Shabbat Shalom ~ Chag Kasher v'Sameach

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