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Hello Conservation Community,

As the days begin to warm and Earth Day Napa quickly approaches, its a great time to reflect on all the ways we enjoy and look after our local environment. We've got lots of opportunities to get involved outdoors while caring for the community coming up, both with Napa RCD and our amazing partners. Check out what's going on this month below, and we'll see you there!

Until next time,

Napa RCD

This Month's News

Program Spotlights

  • Earth Day Napa - 20th Anniversary Cleanup
  • Rotary Screw Trap Season Begins

Announcements & Events

  • 2022-2023 Annual Report Available
  • February & March Rainfall Summary
  • RCD Scholarship Deadline Approaching
  • Our Future's So Bright, We're Gonna Need Shade (Trees) Video Contest
  • SOD Walk & Talk and BioBlitz
  • Climate-Friendly Garden Tour

Tap into our Community

  • UCCE Water Conservation Workshop
  • North Bay Watershed Association Conference
  • Climate Restoration Community Program
  • Climate Solutions Showcase
  • Napa Bikefest

Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup

It's our 20th Anniversary!

Two volunteers sorting litter on Earth Day 2023

Join Napa RCD and our partners for the 2024 Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup!

This year, we celebrate the Cleanup's 20th anniversary with seven sites throughout the City of Napa. One of our project sites even features the opportunity to kayak while you clean!

The Community Cleanup starts at 9am at each of our sites, and ends at 11:30am. That leaves plenty of time for folks to head over to the Earth Day Napa Festival at the Oxbow Commons from 11am-4pm. The festival is presented by the Environmental Education Coalition of Napa County.

What to wear: Sturdy shoes, long pants, and layered clothing appropriate for the weather. Sunscreen and a hat are recommended!

What to bring: A filled, reusable water bottle is essential to keep you hydrated. If you have them, bring a pair of gardening gloves, a trash picker, and a 5-gallon bucket. Don't have those things? That's okay, we'll have some at each project site to share!

Please register in advance. Drop-ins also welcome! show up on Sunday morning at any of our sites.

Register for the Cleanup
Learn More about the Festival Happening at the Oxbow 

With questions, contact Ashley at

Rotary Screw Trap Season Begins!

Napa RCD's annual fish monitoring includes capturing and counting juvenile salmonids as they migrate to the ocean, counting and mapping adult fish and their spawning distributions, and tracking individual fish with implanted tags long term. This work is done using an 8-foot rotating fish trap located in the Napa River, and just last month, the Napa RCD’s Rotary Screw Trap (RST) began fishing!

Every day the trap is fishing, Napa RCD staff identify and count all species captured, and for select species they measure, weigh, tag, and collect genetic samples. After data is collected, the fish are released back into the river so they can continue their journeys.

Our Teen Conservation Interns Jarven and Sofia recently had a first-hand look at how Napa RCD’s environmental scientists Paul and Martin work with the RST -- they even helped process the day's catch!

Are you interested in having a first-hand look

at the Rotary Screw Trap? Keep an eye out for information on our RST Open House this May.

Read more about the Rotary Screw Trap 

Announcements & Events

Napa RCD 2022-2023 Annual Report

The Napa RCD 2022-2023 Annual Report is now available. The report highlights work completed throughout the year in our four main program areas (Forest Health, Agriculture, Streams & Habitat, and Community & Youth). It also describes several initiatives we'd like to launch this upcoming year that will expand our ability to help the community care for the land, water, soil, and wildlife of Napa.

Read the Annual Report 

February and March Rainfall Summary

February and March brought nine storms and 28 days of measurable rainfall to the Napa Valley. Rain totals at the County ALERT monitoring stations ( were above average for February, ranging between 6.3 inches in the City of Napa and 12.3 inches at the peak of Mt. Veeder. These totals represent approximately 26% of mean annual precipitation.

March rainfall was just slightly below average, ranging between 2.7 and 6.7 inches and representing approximately 13% of the mean annual total. On average, we get 19% of our rainfall in February and 14% during the month of March.

The recent storms put us on track for an average water year. Seasonal totals (beginning October 1) range between 23.5 and 44.0 inches, representing about 90% of mean annual rainfall. The long-term average for this time of year is 88%.

Napa RCD 2024 Scholarship for Emerging Environmental Leaders

The purpose of this scholarship is to celebrate the contributions of young leaders who partner with Napa RCD to care for the County’s land, water, soil, wildlife, and people. As the go-to-hub for conservation in our community, Napa RCD is honored to recognize, activate, and empower the next generation of environmental stewards. 

The deadline to apply is April 30. Click below to learn more.

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The Future's So Bright, We're Gonna Need Shade (TREES!)

It's time for the annual Water Conservation Video Contest! This year's theme? Our urban trees!

Urban trees provide us with vital environmental, economic, and health benefits. In our warming and drought-prone climate, it is important to care for these shade-providing plants in a climate-smart way. Water conservation around our communities, schools, and homes is important, but because trees are often large and established, they can be overlooked as a plant that needs extra care and water during dry seasons. How can we best care for our neighborhood trees, with water conservation in mind, so they can care for us into the future?

Learn about prizes, rules, and tips for success at the link below. And check out previous winners at our YouTube Page!

Learn More

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) Walk & Talk + BioBlitz

Learn about Sudden Oak Death (SOD) with Napa RCD board member Bill Pramuk on a Walk & Talk May 1st along the Napa River Trail north of Lincoln St from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. This walk will offer opportunities to see trees affected by SOD along the trail.

Learn More

Napa’s 2024 SOD Blitz will be on Saturday May 4, 9-11am.

Participants will collect bay laurel leaf samples at any locations they choose and return completed packets to the original pick up location at the Napa County Ag Commissioners Office front porch, 1710 Soscol Avenue by Monday morning, May 6.

Learn More

Grow Your Knowledge at the Climate-Friendly Garden Tour!

What does Climate-Friendly Gardening mean? To us, its a philosophy of gardening that showcases beautiful, climate-smart, and water-wise features. This year's Garden Tour is Saturday, May 18, from 10am-4pm. Tickets are on sale now, just $5 each. Visit our website for more information and to purchase your ticket.

The 2024 Climate-Smart Garden Tour is offered in partnership between the City of Napa Water Division, Napa RCD, and UC Master Gardeners.

Learn More

Tap into our Community

4/12: UCCE Water Conservation Workshop

Register Here

4/19: Imagine Our Future North Bay Conference*

Register Here

4/23: Climate Restoration Community Program & Film Screening

Learn More

4/27: Climate Solutions Showcase*

Learn More

5/5: Napa Bikefest*

Learn More

*don't forget to stop by and say hello to us at this event!

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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |