Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 11

9:30am + 10:30am Miss Anne's Music Class / Patio

2:00pm Saintly Stitchers

Thursday, September 12

12:15pm Pray for the Saints/ LIB

Friday, September 13

10:00a+ 11:00a Miss Anne's Music Class / Patio

6:00pm Game Night / TH

Saturday, September 14

8:00am Vestry Retreat

10:30am Codependents Anon.

Sunday, September 15

8:00am HE Rite I Service

9:15am Faith Formation / TH

10:30am HE Rite II Service

11:45am Youth Group / Patio

Monday, September 16

10:15am God Within Group / LIB

6:00pm Men's Club Dinner / TH

Tuesday, September 17

10:00am Staff Meeting / LIB

10:00a+ 11:00a Miss Anne's Music Class / Patio

Sunday, September 15

8:00am Holy Eucharist Rite I in the Chapel

9:15am Adult Faith Formation / TH

10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Sanctuary

11:45am Youth Group / Patio

Our nursery is available for infants through age 3 during the 10:30am service. Children's activity bags will be available during the 10:30am outdoor service.


Our livestream is available to watch during the 10:30am service on our website, facebook page, and youtube page.

A Reflection from The Rev. Ben Robertson

More Joy!

In July, I wrote a reflection for the Dove titled, “Sparking Joy.” You can find it (and all of our past reflections) here. In it, I asked all y’all to pray and think about what creates, or sparks, joy for you and your family at All Saints. Some of you have responded using the anonymous Google form, some have used the suggestion box in the Narthex, and some have handed me handwritten notes after Sunday worship. Thank you. However, I am hoping to receive much more joy. Specifically, I am looking for one or two-word answers, like “music,” “youth,” or “David.” Again, you can submit your joys to me personally, using the anonymous Google form linked above, or the suggestion box in the narthex.

Admittedly, I am looking for these one or two-word answers for an exercise with the Vestry during our retreat later this month. As the Vestry reflects on our mission, values, goals, and objectives, I would love to use your joys to focus our discussions. Please, think about what at All Saints makes you smile, makes you get in your car and drive to worship on a Sunday, and what makes you proud to be a Saint and a member of this great parish. If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to receiving your joys!

Keep the Faith,


Remembering 9/11


As we remember those we lost and the horrible events of 11 September 2001, let us pray.

We seem to give them back to Thee, O God, who gavest them to us. Yet, as thou didst not lose them in giving, so do we not lose them by their return. Not as the world giveth, givest Thou, O Lover of Souls. What Thou givest, Thou takest not away. For what is Thine is ours also if we are Thine.

And life is eternal and love is immortal, and death is only an horizon, and an horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

Lift us up, strong Son of God, that we may see further; cleanse our eyes that we may know ourselves to be nearer to our loved ones who art with Thee. And while Thou dost prepare a place for us, prepare us also for that happy place, that where Thou art we may be also for evermore.

William Penn

Family Game Night: Friday at 6pm


Grab your kids and join us for a night full of board games and fun! We will have board games for all ages, from Pre-K to adults, and you are welcome to bring your own. Snacks and treats will be provided. We’d love to have you come out - and avoid being BOARD! 

Youth Group Meeting


The first youth group meeting of the season took place this past Sunday after church! It was a great gathering with our new Director of Youth Ministries, Nick Brata. Our next meeting is this coming Sunday, September 15th after church until 1 p.m. We'll meet on the patio outside right after the service. Anyone in grades 6 - 12 are welcome. Invite a friend!

Men's Club Returns September 16

Please RSVP


The Men’s Club will begin their monthly dinners again on Monday, September 16 at 6pm. They will meet in the Parish Hall for dinner, fellowship, and a speaker.

RSVP here.

Faith Formation: Sundays at 9:15am


Faith formation has resumed! Meet us on Sundays at 9:15am in Thornton Hall. We will begin with a 4-week study of the Book of Ruth. Please bring whatever Bible translation you normally use and join us for conversation, learning, and laughter. Coffee and breakfast snacks provided. And, please come when you are able. You don't need to attend every session if your calendar does not permit. 

Hymnathon: September 27, 28, & 29


Hymnathon Update – Help us reach our halfway point!


Help us reach the halfway mark for our fundraising goal for the Hymnathon! We’ve had wonderful support from everyone for the Hymnathon – and we’re nearing the halfway mark of about $10,000 raised through this event with just about $4,000 already pledged. 100% of the proceeds will go toward financial aid for the choir’s Scotland trip in Summer 2025. Help us reach our goal by chipping in! 


You can do so in two ways – there are still many hymns available for sponsorship! 


  1. Several of our “top” hymns are still available especially in the Christmas and Easter sections, like “O Come, All Ye Faithful” or “Welcome Happy Morning”.  You can take a look at the spreadsheet and see what is still available! 
  2. If you’d like to support us in this effort, but don’t necessarily want to sponsor a specific hymn, you can donate any amount, and we’ll assign your sponsorship randomly to some of the lesser-known hymns of the hymnal. 


Thank you for your support!

Blessing of the Animals: September 29


Our annual blessing of the animals service will be held Sunday, September 29 at 5pm outdoors on the patio. Bring your pet, a picture of your pet, or even a special stuffed animal for a blessing. We will also be collecting dog and cat food (dry and wet), cat toys, and towels (new or used) for the Richmond SPCA.

Sacred Ground Program


St. Mary's Episcopal Church invites All Saints members to join its third Sacred Ground program. Sacred Ground is a "film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity." It will begin on Monday, Oct 14th, at 5:30pm, and it will run for 11 weeks (breaking for holidays). The group will meet at St. Mary's. To learn more or to register, please contact Samuel Bruce at  

Retreat at Roslyn: October 15-17


Roslyn will host a three-day retreat with renowned Scholar, Author and Theologian John Philip Newell on Oct 15-17 with commuter and residential options available. The retreat is the first of a three year cycle in which John Philip delves deep into the teachings from his new book "The Great Search," with lectures, spiritual practice, and time for fellowship. Information and registration can be found here.

Consider Becoming an Acolyte


Acolytes are an important part of our worship service and we are looking for new acolytes! Beginners are given easy tasks and work their way up adding new responsibilities. Schedules are flexible and training is provided. We accept any grade level-it's never too late!

Contact Anne Blackwell at 804-317-3036, or look for us in the Cloister every Sunday before the 10:30 service.

All Saints Garden Guild


Want to get your hands dirty? The All Saints Garden Guild is reforming. Help with the regular upkeep of our many beautiful gardens. Lots of different tasks, something for every ability. Come when you can. Any time you can give is appreciated. No previous experience needed. No long-term commitment. Email our Junior Warden, Gretchen Jones, to sign up or ask questions.

Welborne United Methodist Food Pantry Donations

Welborne is in great need of food donations for their food pantry. Please consider picking up a few items during your next grocery trip and donating them to the green shed outside of the All Saints Playground.

Click here to view Welborne's Facebook page where they post important updates as well as their current needs.

If you are interested in volunteering at Welborne, please email Mark Wilcox at


Evaporated milk

Laundry detergent

How to Contact Us

8787 River Road, Richmond, Virginia, 23229

(804) 288-7811

The Rev. Ben Robertson, Rector

The Rev. David Curtis, Deacon

Scott Hayes, Director of Music

Daniel Stipe, Principal Organist

Winston Hazlegrove, Parish Administrator

Natallia Chyhryna, Financial Secretary

Sam Robinson, AV Coordinator

Melissa Taylor, Preschool Director

Tyronn Wilkins, Building & Grounds

Nick Brata, Director of Youth Ministries

Whitney Reid, Director of Children & Family Ministries

Judy Kronimus, Nursery Director

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