Who Are The Founders of RTLACO?

Nine Visionaries formed

The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio

in March 2017

Meet One of Our Founders

Ed Sitter

Ed Sitter was instrumental in developing the guiding documents that helped form the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio. To this day, RTLACO implements the Statement of Christian Faith & Values that every officer, board of director and members leadership adhere to by affixing their signature to the statement.

Ed served honorably as the first President of RTLACO. He continues to lead and speak on prolife issues in Ohio. He taught the "I-LEAD" dynamic leadership course for Coalition leaders and members and wrote an article for National Review "Abortion Radicalism has No Place in Ohio's Constitution." During a recent District-2 Educational Session he spoke on "Emerging Issues with In-Vitro Fertilization" and how "We are Agents of Change" in the Prolife movement.

Ed will attend the Founders' Salute on Saturday, September 14th where members can engage him and fellow Founders of RTLACO.

Ed continues to serve the Prolife community in northwest Ohio as the Executive Director of Greater Toledo Right to Life and The Foundation for Life.

He is married to his wife, Diane, and they are the parents of two adult sons.

Members & Prolife Friends

The Founders' Salute Celebration

Saturday Evening 5:00pm, September 14th

Fellowship, Dinner, Music, Fundraising

Villa Milano Banquet & Conference Center, Columbus


Hearing the song "I Was Gonna Be"

Sung Live by Nashville Singer Rachel Holt


Recharging Your Batteries with Like-Minded People


Celebrating Life, Unity & Fellowship


Breaking Bread with Family & Friends


Fundraising to Protect & Defend Life

Limited Seating !

Get Your Tickets NOW! Here

Sponsorship Tiers Available

Linda Theis 419-957-6632

Be a Table Host - Invite Family & Friends!

Liz Kent 216-659-6604

Donations are Flowing In For

Raffle Baskets & Silent Auction Items:

*Newborn Baby Basket

*Hocking Hills Gotta Getaway

*Ohio’s Best Sporting Memories

basket of historic programs, photos, collectables

*Deluxe Weekend at the

Bringing America Back to Life Convention


What Items Are You Getting Together

to Help Raise Funds for Life?

Reach Out Today!

Kate Makra - Silent Auction Items

Judy Harness - Raffle Baskets

Worthy of Our Members Attention

MAID is Health Care?

The Association of American Medical Colleges Journal is pushing for Residencies in Assisted Suicide. Read an article in National Review on how the Sutter Family Residency Medical Program in California is training doctors to perform Euthanasia or "medical aid in dying" (MAID).

Reviving America Summit

Hosted by David Bereit

Take a look at the video “Foundations of Freedom: Safeguard America’s Constitutional Principles” by Dr. Matthew Spalding. View Video here.

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Injunction

According to an article by Alliance Defending Freedom, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upheld two recent federal appeals court rulings that halted the administration’s unlawful rules in the states of Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia; Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho.

Read full article here.

Disturbing Facts from Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati

(a member group of RTLACO)

In Ohio there are 9 abortion mills. Six of these killing businesses are considered “surgical centers” where the death for-profit businesses perform a violent procedure on the mothers after selling them the death of their child. Three Ohio abortion facilities are “pill-mills” or “medication-only clinics.” Abortion pills are wreaking havoc on mothers, killing unborn babies, and destroying our environment. Dangerous chemicals and the remains of the unborn pollute our water systems. Current Ohio abortion law permits a mother to execute her son or daughter until 21 weeks and six days gestation, causing Ohio to become a destination for many out-of-state mothers seeking, or more often, being pressured to deny life, dismember, decapitate, and poison their precious unborn baby. Studies report that more than 60% of moms who denied life to their baby, were pressured into the decision.

Cincinnati Right to Life and other pro-life organizations warned of the blood-bath that would occur in Ohio if Issue 1 passed. Laura Strietmann, Executive Director of Cincinnati Right to Life shares“While we are people of hope, our work in Ohio, especially Cincinnati, is grueling right now. The dedicated staff and volunteers that record the Planned Parenthood traffic on Auburn Ave. have seen an obscene rise in the number of cars entering the local death-mill. Somber, weeping moms will stop to talk with the law-abiding, trained advocates before entering Planned Parenthood. There are frequent turn-aways where mothers are given immediate, free pregnancy-tests and ultra-sounds. Lives are being saved during such a disastrous holocaust in Clifton.

Judge Christian Jenkins (an activist judge who paused Ohio's Heartbeat Law back in September 2022), is a Judge on the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, has scheduled a decision on Ohio's Heartbeat Law for Friday, August 29th.

Political Leadership Training for RTLACO Leaders

Cleveland Right to Life is sponsoring a training session on Political Leadership in Columbus at CCV on October 19, 2024. The training will be conducted by the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership (FACL).

The Training will focus on numerous subjects:

  • The REAL nature of politics and politicians and why just educating people alone won’t result in the political change you want.
  • Why small groups of dedicated activists can and do win.
  • Why you will never be politically respected until you are politically feared.
  • How to build a group that is feared by politicians on the wrong side of your issue.
  • You'll learn the greatest lie ever told in politics and how the political class uses that lie and your convictions against you.
  • How to pick a good political fight.
  • How to put together a legislative project, get a bill sponsor, and force a roll call vote despite opposition from the leadership.
  • How to hold politicians accountable for their actions (or lack of action).

In a nutshell, you’ll learn why you’ve been losing and how to start winning!

This will be a full day of training (times to be announced shortly).

Are You Interested in Attending? send an email to Jeannine Jones.

Dates to Remember

Sept 14: Founders' Salute Celebration: 5:00pm Fellowship, Cash Bar & Meet 'n Greet the RTLACO Founders. 6:00pm Buffet Dinner & Activities. Limited Seating at Villa Milano, Columbus. Get Your Tickets Here.

Sept 19: District 3 Educational Session: All Members & Friends are Invited to hear Allie Frazier & other speakers from 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Family Life Center Meeting Room at St. Basil The Great Catholic Church, 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, OH 44141. View RTLACO Districts Map here.

Sept 21: ProLife Boot Camp! A half-day training from 8:30am to 1:30pm at Bethel Assembly of God, Perrysburg. Featuring Seth DrayerVice President of Created Equal. A course on Apologetics will greatly assist all prolife persons confidently make a Case For Life when engaging pro-choice people. This much needed ProLife Boot Camp Training is only $10 (includes workbook, lunch, t-shirt).

Register Here Today!

Sept 24: Building A Culture of Life: Dayton Right to Life GALA. Doors Open 5:30 pm and Event begins at 6:30 pm. Featuring Lauren Muzyka who serves as President & CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life (SAFL) where she oversees the organization’s vision, mission, and program. Register for Tickets Here

Cleveland Right to Life is a founding member of Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio. 

The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio's foundational principle is to safeguard the inalienable right to life - with the recognition of personhood, from conception until natural death, with no exceptions. Visit our website.

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