March 29, 2024

Wood Badge

Wood Badge is Scouting's premier training course. Baden-Powell designed it so that Scouters could learn, in as practical a way possible, the skills and methods of Scouting. It is first and foremost, learning by doing. The members of the course are formed into patrols and these into a troop.  The entire troop camps in the outdoors, camping, cooking their own meals, and practices Scout skills while honing their leadership and teamwork. The Course occurs over 2 weekends at T.L. Storer: 4/12-4/14/2024 & 5/18-5/19/2024

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Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS)

June 8 & 9, 2024 at New England Base Camp, Milton - $40 Fee. Register by May 10. Click here to sign up today.

Build confidence in your skillset and connect with other leaders while you satisfy this required training under the guidance of instructors with years of unit level experience. Offered by the Sons of Liberty District. Please direct questions to Joe Curran, District Training Chair, at

Scout Day on USS Constitution

Want to fly your troop’s American flag and fold it with a Navy crew member onboard USS Constitution? It's all part of the experience on Scout Day on April 14! Join us for a special day of activities just for Boy Scouts of America and @GirlScouts. Learn about life at sea in 1812 and life in the Navy today, all while meeting some requirements for scout rank advancement badges. ⚓ 🇺🇸 ⚜️ Registration and details:

Gloucester, MA Sea Scouts join New York Sea Scouts. 

(Gloucester MA) – Sea Scouts Ship 5 crew and adult volunteers from Gloucester MA belonging to BSA Spirit of Adventure Council, chartered by Gloucester Elks Lodge 892, joined New York Scouts for their Annual University of Sea Scouting at SUNY Maritime College Ft Schuyler, on Saturday March 23, 2024, for a full day of Maritime and Marine experiences.  

The event featured various training modules geared toward specific Sea Scout rank advancements as well as a campus tour. 2024 proved to be a groundbreaking year with the introduction of a dedicated track tailored exclusively for the Maritime Exploring Clubs attending the University of Scouting and the option for interested Ships to camp on the Historic Ft Schuyler grounds. 

Whether Apprentice or Quartermaster, there were a variety of advancement classes to choose from as well as professional presentations from the Coast Guard Search and Rescue team (the Navy SEALS of the Coast Guard) and a chance to talk one on one with representatives from the Power Squadron, Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary and Academy. 

Ship 5 shared their Maritime Skills, Splicing and Decorative Knot tying, with the Scouts. Then introduced the Patriot Path Scouts to the Big Anchor Project, an international Citizen Science initiative which explores Maritime history through the historical anchors we find, in and out of the water. The Big Anchor Project is sponsored by the Nautical Archaeological Society and can be found online at  

Sea Scout Ship 5 would like to acknowledge the members of Patriots Path Council which graciously included Ship 5 in their annual Sea Scout Event at Ft Schuyler.  

Commodore David N. Tarantino, 

Skipper Jan Rose - Dean of Curriculum, Ship 460 NY 

Maritime Explorer Track Chair - Monica Couillard, Ship 1908 Rising Phoenix 

Sea Scout Track Chair - Lora Panepinto, Ship 228 Argonaut 

Adult Leader Track Chair - Dr. Noel E. Guzman, Ship 441 Vigilant 

NEBC STEM Camp 2024 - Chemistry (6th-12th grade) - Day Camp Session

STEM Camp: Return of the Pathways STEM is a broad topic, and there is no one right way! This year, we are bringing back different pathways, to make sure that folks can pick the STEM experience best for them! Participants in Scouts BSA will work towards Chemistry, Engineering, and Inventing Merit Badge, and work towards the “Next Big Thing” NOVA Award.  

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NEBC STEM Camp 2024 - Game Design (6th-12th grade) - Day Camp Session

STEM Camp: Participants in Scouts BSA will work towards Animation, Game Design, and Chess Merit Badge, and start the “Shoot!” NOVA Award.  

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NEBC STEM Camp 2024 - Robotics (6th-12th grade) - Day Camp Session

STEM Camp: Participants in Scouts BSA will work towards Programming and Robotics Merit Badge, and start the “Hello World” NOVA Award If you are looking for Pathway 1: Game Design & Animation - CLICK HERE If you are looking for Pathway 3: Chemistry and Engineering - CLICK HERE  Details: This day camp session runs from April 16th to April 19th Drop-off is from 8:30 - 9 AM and camp ends at 4 PM Early Drop Off (7:30-8:30 AM) can be added onto your camp registration for...

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Silver Beaver Award Nominations Due

Do you know an extraordinary Scouter? Nominations Silver Beaver are due April 1st.

The 2024 Silver Beaver Awards will be presented at the Annual Council Recognition Dinner on June 20th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Woburn.

Please submit all applications to Angela Rzeszut either via email ( or delivered to the Woburn Service Center (2 Tower Office Park, Woburn MA 01801).

Calendar of Events

4/6 - Citizenship in the Society Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/6 - Commissioner's College - Burlington, MA

4/8 - SOL District Annual Meeting

4/9 - GBH District Annual Meeting

4/9 - Pets Merit Badge Online

4/10 - Fish & Wildlife Merit Badge Online

4/12-14 - Wood Badge - Barnstead, NH

4/13 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/16 - Venturing Mentoring Training - Milton, MA

4/16-19 - Spring STEM Day Camp - Milton, MA

4/16 - Report to Commonwealth - Boston, MA

4/17 - Photography Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/19 - WE/AOL Into the Woods - Woburn, MA

4/19 - Bear Marble Madness - Woburn, MA

4/19 - Wolf Finding Your Way - Woburn, MA

4/22-26 - Spring Day Camp - Barnstead, NH

4/23 - Sustainability Merit Badge Online

4/24 - FLD Annual Dinner - Bedford, MA

4/27 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/27 - NLD Chuck Wagon Derby - Newburyport, MA

4/30 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Online

5/1 - NLD Annual Dinner - West Newbury, MA

5/3-5 - WW/GE Spring Camporee - Barnstead, NH

5/3-4 - IOLS - West Newbury, MA

5/4-5 - IOLS - West Newbury, MA

5/4 - Cooking Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

5/4-5 - BALOO - West Newbury, MA

5/5 - NEBC Outdoor Conference

5/6 & 5/8 - Game Design Merit Badge Online

5/8 - Den Leader Training - Woburn, MA

5/9 - SOL District Program Kickoff

5/14 - GED Annual Dinner - Topsfield, MA

5/18 - Law Enforcement Explorer Day - Lynnfield, MA

5/21 & 5/28 - Communication Merit Badge Online

5/29 - Salesmanship Merit Badge Online

5/31 - COPE & Climbing Instructor Training - Milton, MA

6/8-9 - IOLS - Milton, MA

6/20 - Council Recognition Dinner - Woburn, MA

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004

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New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

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