Fresh For Your Success. Right For Our Environment.


New Crop Chilean Hosui Asian Pears

Hosui pears were developed in Japan in 1972 at a horticultural research station, currently known as the Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science within the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, or NARO. The variety was created from a cross between hiratsuka and kosui pears and was bred to exhibit improved flavor, texture, and resistance to black spot disease. Hosui pears are slightly more acidic than other Asian pear varieties, developing a complex, sweet and tangy flavor with a brandy-like undertone.



is a source of vitamin K to assist in faster wound healing, fiber and vitamin C to strengthen the immune system while reducing inflammation. The spears also contain vitamin A to maintain healthy organ functioning, folate to develop red blood cells, glutathione, an antioxidant that plays an important role in nutrient metabolism, and contains other amounts of phosphorus, vitamin E, and potassium.

Asparagus has a mild, grassy flavor suited for fresh and cooked preparations. The spears need to be trimmed, discarding any fibrous ends, and they can be naturally snapped to remove the tough portions of the shoot.

Florida Bi Color Corn  is an excellent source of folate, vitamin C, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and iron. Corn is versatile and best suited for both raw and cooked applications. When fresh, the kernels can be cut away from the cob and added to potato, green, or pasta salads, or tossed with other raw summer vegetables and herbs as a simple corn salad.


New from Taylor Farms: Bacon Caesar Kit

Savory addition to the classic Caesar Salad Kit.

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