181st Annual Convention

Friday, Sept. 20 - Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024

Camp Weed & Cerveny Conference Center

11057 Camp Weed Place, Live Oak

Dear Diocese of Florida,

In case you missed it - we recently launched and released a variety of materials supporting our 181st Annual Convention. This includes a webpage and resources which will serve as a one-stop-shop for all-things-convention. We will continuously add more information to this page as planning and preparation continues.


We have opened registration for the convention. Please click here or the button below to register at your earliest convenience. Registration will close on September 15, 2024.

Similar to previous conventions, all clergy and lay delegates are required to attend in-person. There is also an opportunity to attend in-person if you plan to serve as a volunteer; if that's the case, please contact Hannia Reyes at at the Diocesan Office before registering.

Register for Convention

Calls for Nomination & Resolutions:

Forms to submit nominations for open positions as well as resolutions are now live on our website. Please visit the convention webpage or follow the buttons below to start a submission. You may submit forms online or via mail*, but please note the timelines below.

  • Friday, July 12 at 5 p.m. ET: Resolutions Submission Deadline
  • Monday, July 22: Slate of preferred Resolutions Published by Diocese
  • Friday, August 16 at 5 p.m. ET: Nominations Submission Deadline
  • Friday, August 30: Slate of Nominees Published by Diocese

*Mail-in Resolution forms must be sent to the Diocesan Office at 325N Market St., Jacksonville, FL 32202 and received by the deadline date above in order to be considered.

*Mail-in Nominations forms must be sent to St. George Episcopal Church, Attn: Rev. Jon Baugh at 10560 Fort George Road, Jacksonville, FL 32226 and received by the deadline date above in order to be considered.



For questions related to Nominations, please contact the Rev. Jon Baugh at

For questions related to Resolutions, please contact Rhonda Williams at 

For questions related to registration, please reach out to Hannia Reyes at

We look forward to coming together at convention this September celebrating "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism!"

Juneteenth Concert

On June 15, there was a marvelous Juneteenth Gospel Concert at St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville.

The Jacksonville Gospel Chorale presented the Southeastern premiere of M. Roger Holland's new mass, Voice of My People, which explored the various ways in which musical genres within the African diaspora articulate the cultural expressions of Blackness.

Cedric Williams conducting

Dean Kate with Rev. Charles Myers, and M. Roger Holland II

Alma Flowers, Chapter President of The Father Sidney B. Parker Union of Black Episcopalians

Severe damage sustained at

St. Michael and All Angels

A message from Fr. Hugh:

May 10th, 2024, will live on in infamy here in Tallahassee. We are occasionally cautioned to be prepared for a potential hurricane, but often they veer away from us. However, that day was different, as businesses, homes, vehicles, and our three university centers were targeted by three tornadoes. This caused untold damage to our church buildings and grounds at St. Michael and All Angels.

Part of the promised financial relief from Church Insurance has arrived, but dealing with high deductibles has brought an additional burden upon us. We are talking about $30,000 or more to make us whole. Additionally, we are still dealing with downed trees, and their removal will cost close to another $10,000.

We feel truly blessed to have received financial gifts from our sister churches in the Apalachee Region, with these efforts spearheaded by the clergy! At the time of writing, we have yet to commence repair work as we await another portion of what has been promised by Church Insurance. While we are not anxious, the hurricane season has begun, so we do not want to tempt fate. Any donation, regardless of size, will be welcomed by our wardens, vestry, and congregation.

Clergy Updates

Welcome to the Reverend Deacon Teri Calinao who joined St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Green Cove Springs, as Curate.

Teri earned her Master of Divinity from The Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest Austin, Texas in May 2024 and began her curacy at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Green Cove Springs in June 2024. She was ordained as a transitional Deacon on January 11, 2024 by Bishop Scott Benhase, Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Florida, at The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Jacksonville, Florida.


Prior to answering the call to ordination and attending seminary, Teri worked in the banking and insurance industries as well as the non-profit sector. She served as the Philanthropic Services Officer at The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, managing the day-to-day operations and overseeing the grantmaking process of the Women’s Giving Alliance. She served in lay roles at Good Shepherd, her sending parish, and as a postulant at Resurrection Episcopal Church in Jacksonville.


Teri is passionate about sharing the love of Christ with all persons that she encounters whether it be in the parish setting, the grocery store, a restaurant, or traveling. It is her joy to experience the face of God in each person, and she always attempts to see the whole of an individual and not just what is presented on the surface. She believes that God is always meeting people wherever they may be in their journey of life. A favorite quote is, “Without love, deeds even the most brilliant, count as nothing” – Saint Therese of Lisieux.


Raised in the United Methodist tradition, she was confirmed at Good Shepherd in May of 2017. She and her husband visited the Washington National Cathedral the year prior and attended a small service in the basement where she remarked, “that she felt she had come home.” Attending an Episcopal seminary has further affirmed her calling to the Episcopal Church and the call of God to ordination. 


Teri has been married to her husband George for 22 years. Their daughter Savannah serves as a rector in the coastal village of Saunderstown, Rhode Island and is married to their son-in-law, Matthew. They also have two grand dogs, Augustine and Monica, who are rescued greyhounds from Ireland. Her interests outside of service in the church include photographing historic churches/steeples and traveling to her favorite places, Alaska and the Canadian province of Quebec. She and George enjoy visiting various parishes and meeting parishioners during their travels. They are joyful and thankful to have returned to the Diocese of Florida.

In Case You Missed it

Summer P.O.S.T. Postponed; Fall Meeting scheduled for November 14, 2024

In case you missed it: The Diocesan staff have decided to postpone the Summer conference and take this opportunity to revamp and enhance the event to better meet the needs and expectations of attendees.

Please add November 14 to your calendars for a fall get-together. More info will be delivered later. We will keep you “P.O.S.T.”ed! 


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Deanna Peck at or Hannia Reyes at We look forward to sharing more details about the revamped event soon!

Upcoming Bishop Visits

On Saturday, July 20, Bishop Benhase will install the Reverend Natalie Blasco as Rector at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Jacksonville. The installation will take place at 2 p.m.

Clergy are asked to vest in white stoles, and there will be a reception following the ceremony. All are invited to join!

Bishop Benhase will visit St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Green Cove Springs, at 5 p.m. on Sunday, July 21. This visit is to officiate the Ordination of Teri Calinao to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ’s One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Clergy are asked to vest in red stoles, and there will be a reception following. All are welcome!

Recent Bishop Church Visitations

On June 2, Bishop Stokes visited St. George Episcopal Church, Jacksonville for confirmations.

Pictured left to right are: Scott Trent, Elizabeth Diamond, Anna Trent, John Thomas Eldreth, Patricia Arck, Susan LaForce, Bishop Stokes, Abbie Jones, Karen Elomaa, Wanda Kitchens (behind Wanda Kitchens with her face hidden is Hope McCharen), Pam Spencer, Rev. Jon Baugh.

Congratulations to those confirmed!

On June 2, Bishop Benhase visited Holy Trinity, Gainesville for confirmations.

On June 9, Bishop Stokes visited St. Paul’s by the Sea, Jacksonville Beach.

Those confirmed: Charles Avery, Craig Cartlidge, Gracianna Peck-Headley, Ben Swanson, Aletta McDonald Walker, Fischer Coleman Walker, and Judson Howell Walker.


Those reaffirmed: Susan Goucher-Plath, Michele Newmans-Avery, and Gerri Walker.


Those received: Joey DeJesus, Janet Fox, Michele Hubbard, and Jim Plath.

Upcoming Workshop for

Clergy and Pledge Drive Leaders

Led by Dean Kate Moorehead Carroll


Thursday, August 22, 2024

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Taliaferro Hall

St John’s Cathedral, Jacksonville

About the Workshop

The Bishop’s Institute and St John’s Cathedral Present "The Art of the Pledge Drive."

How does a follower of Christ lead a congregation to give in an age when everyone seems to want to take your money? How do we cultivate the trust that leads to generosity? How do we plan and execute a 6 to 9 week pledge drive this fall that gives us an accurate income with which to plan a budget for 2025? Technology has altered, making it possible for money to come into the church in a variety of ways. Learn how to get cheap and good technology, instill motivation and master the art of thanking.


10:00 Morning Prayer

10:15-10:45 Nurturing a Culture of Generosity

10:45-11:30 Discussion

11:30-12:15 Lunch

12:15 Pledge Drive Pointers

Schedule, Theme, Technology

12:45-1:15 Discussion and Goal Setting

1:15-1:45 The Art of Thank You and Donor Development

1:45-2:00 Closing Prayers

Learn More


Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Key Community Garden Members

On Wednesday, June 12, Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Key Community Garden members Mike Leiner, Nancy Baldwin, Vincent, and Susan McVeigh harvested 3 beds of garden vegetables for the Cedar Key Food Pantry. These were delivered to the pantry on the same day of harvest and included tomatoes, banana peppers, leeks, eggplant, and green beans.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Jacksonville

In May, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Jacksonville partnered with St. Mary's Episcopal Church and Outreach to restock their dry goods!

Christ Episcopal Church Youth Ministry

Christ Episcopal Church Youth Ministry spent last week at St. Mary's Episcopal Church and Outreach for Hometown Mission week!

St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Fernandina Beach

St. Peter's hosted their annual Sterling Luncheon on Wednesday, May 15 for their parishioners 80 years and up. It was a celebratory day co-sponsored by the Charitable Foundation of St. Peter's Episcopal Church.

Bishop Chip Stokes celebrated and preached on Pentecost Sunday with many confirmations, receptions, and two baptisms. St. Peter's thanks him for his warmth and presence on a full Sunday! View the students' confirmation service report here.

On Sunday, June 23rd, St. Peter's celebrated the Rev. Canon John Tidy, their Associate Priest & Chaplain to the Staff, who just marked his "golden jubilee," the 50th anniversary of his ordination.

2024 Cursillo and Upcoming Ultreyas

As Christians, each of us is called to “go and make disciples.” For many of us, this instruction can be difficult to live out. The Cursillo method is one tool that helps many in this diocese live out the call on their lives to reach the world for Christ.

Cursillo weekends are being planned for this fall and now is the time to consider attending. Men are invited to attend September 26-29. Women are invited to attend October 3-6.

About Cursillo and Ultreya

Cursillo means “a short course” in Christianity and begins before the weekends we have at Camp Weed. While the weekends are wonderful, they are just part of the process of becoming the apostles God calls us to be.

A Cursillo Weekend is an experience in Christian education for all adults, where participants have an opportunity to meet and learn from clergy and laity who are seeking to strengthen their faith. Shared prayer, worship, study, music, fellowship, laughter, and tears all work together to create a loving atmosphere where you can feel the reality of God’s free and unconditional love.

Cursillo provides a community of friends who help strengthen each other’s growth in faith. We support each other as we develop our own special gifts of ministry – in our family, our church, and our community.

Our support community meets in two types of groups: Group Reunions – a small group of people who meet regularly (often weekly) for mutual encouragement and support through Prayer, Study, and Action – and Ultreyas (Diocesan, Regional, or Parish meetings) – a larger group of people who meet (often monthly) to share their Christian walk. Ultreyas let us encourage each other in our efforts to evangelize our environments.


If you are interested in more information about Cursillo, there are several options. Your parish priest should be able to help you explore Cursillo. If your parish is not active, there are members of the Cursillo council who would love to assist you! 

For more information, email lay directory, Guy Bond, at There is a new Cursillo website with more information 

All are welcome at the diocesan Ultreyas. At an Ultreya, you can meet people who have been to Cursillo, hear a talk about how someone is actively doing the work of Jesus in their daily life, participate in grouping, participate in Eucharist, and eat good food. 

Upcoming Ultreyas

  • Friday, July 12, Trinity Parish St. Augustine, 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday, August 9, St. Thomas Palm Coast, 6:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, August 11, Holy Trinity, Gainesville, 4 p.m.
  • Sunday, August 25 Church of our Savior, Jacksonville, 4 p.m.

Camp Weed and Youth Ministry News

Summer Camp!

It’s not too late to sign up for summer camp at Camp Weed. Limited spaces are available, so register soon. Check out the dates below and register at the button below!

Summer Camp 2024 Dates 

June 9-14: Senior Session; Rising 10th-12th graders 

June 16-21: Junior Session; Rising 8th-9th graders 

June 23-28: Middler Session; Rising 6th-7th graders -(Waiting list for girls) 

June 30-July 3: Mini Camp; 7-9-year-olds 

July 7-12: Kid Camp 1; Rising 3rd-5th graders (Waiting list for girls) 

July 14-19: Kid Camp 2; Rising 3rd-5th graders 

July 21-26: Final Session; Rising 6th-9th graders - (Waiting list for girls and boys) 

Register for Summer Camp!

Happening #151: Registration is open!

Happening is a weekend renewal retreat for led by youth for youth. High school students put together an incredibly moving weekend filled with learning, sharing, and building relationships. Happening #151 is scheduled for September 6-8, and registration is open now. 


Happening #151 Leadership:

  • Rector: Andrew Lasserre (St. Peter's Episcopal, Fernandina Beach) 
  • Head Gofer: Sarah Frances Magevney (Christ Church, Ponte Vedra Beach) 
  • Head of Music: Rhys Barrett (St. Francis in the Field, Ponte Vedra Beach) 
  • Adult Advisor: Melissa Bryant (St. Peter's, Fernandina Beach) 
  • Assistant Adult Advisor: Keith Daw (St. Mark's, Jacksonville) 
  • Lay Director: Liz Collins  
  • Spiritual Director: Rev. Christopher Dell 

Happening #151 Deadlines: 

  • Candidate Application Deadline: August 19, 2024  
  • Team Application Deadline: July 29, 2024  

Learn more and register here by clicking here.

Questions? Contact Sam Marxsen at

Camp Weed's 100th Anniversary

Camp Weed’s 100th Anniversary will be part of the Diocesan Convention this year. Mark your calendar now for September 20. More details are coming soon. 

Diocesan Happenings

Coming Up:

July 14 @ 10 a.m.: Bishop Benhase to visit St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Quincy

July 20 @ 2 p.m.: Bishop Benhase to visit St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Jacksonville

July 21 @ 5 p.m.: Bishop Benhase to visit St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Green Cove Springs

Do you have news or updates you want to share in our next issue of Diocesan Digest? Please email us at

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