Upcoming Events
Saturday, May 25th
Junior Senior Prom, Baywood Golf and Country Club
May 28th through May 30th
8th Grade Trip to TLC
Friday, May 31st
Move-Up Assembly
Flip Flop Flag Football, 3:30 pm, Crusader Field
SB al Fine Concert, Doors open at 6:30, music starts at 7:00
Thursday, June 6th
Last Day of School
8th Grade Mass, St. Joseph's Church, 10:00
8th Grade Graduation, St. Bernard's Church, 6:00
Friday, June 7th
High School Baccalaureate Mass, Sacred Heart Church, 10:00
High School Graduation, St. Bernard's Gym, 1:00
August 9th & 10th
All-Alumni and Friends Reunion - Old Growth Cellars
Monday, August 19th
New Student Orientation
Back to School Potluck Barbecue
Wednesday, August 21st
First Day of School, 1:00 pm dismissal