Our 22 June dance was a great success, due to the hard work of several members and Auxiliary… Pete Vasilakos, who organized it and helped set it up, with help from “Friendship Girls;” Linda Robertson and Barbra “Babs” Conner, who set up, worked and broke down the upstairs Bar; Laurie Stanton, who set up the on-line ticket sales, and worked with Holli Woods and Theresa Roberts doing tickets at the Front Desk. Ray’s “Dream And The Dreamer” Band were SO good, with many dancers on the floor during each tune. And there was Felix Taco serving a very reasonable and good tasting dinner. Thanks to all of you.
Our “Bunker” Bar did quite well at the last “Native Sons Dinner,” due to John Madeiros and Linda
The Auxiliary is planning a dinner, on the 1st Tuesday, 6 August, at 6:00 PM. I’m sure it will be very reasonable and good.
Coming up will be our Executive Board Meeting, on Tuesday, 2 July, at 5:00 PM, in the Bunker. Hope to see you there.
All for now…
Have a Very Happy 4th of July