28 March 2024

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor

Today's Top Story

NSW government to begin public consultations on Compulsory Land Acquisitions review


The New South Wales government has begun public consultation on their review into improving compulsory land acquisition processes for communities impacted by state infrastructure or other public projects.


Note: In-person public consultation sessions will take place in Nowra, Singleton, Dubbo, Coffs Harbour, Armidale, Parramatta and Wagga Wagga; there will also be online sessions.


Mobile phone 3G service to shut down in June

Check your ‘Settings’ for an option like ‘Mobile networks’, then make sure you have one of the options including ‘4G’ available and enabled.

Concerns are rife about the imminent shutdown of 3G mobile phone services at the end of June this year. NSW Farmers, self-declared as Australia’s largest and only state-based farming organisation that represents farmers across all agricultural commodities, have called for the Federal Government to take urgent action to ensure phone companies do not leave thousands of farmers without mobile coverage in the wake of the 3G shutdown.


If you haven’t already, now is the time to check the service capability of your phone/s – and for those in regions with service issues, join the lobby for upgrades and improvement.

Government ignores advice against 'biosecurity tax'


NSW Farmers is urging federal MPs to reject the Government's plan to impose a 'double tax' on Australia's food and fibre producers. The controversial Biosecurity Protection Levy would impose additional costs on the very farmers who already paid significant levies for biosecurity efforts, and bore the cost of dealing with previous biosecurity failures such as Varroa mite and Red Imported Fire Ant.

Farmers optimistic for first time in two years: Rabobank

Farmers are more confident than they have been since June 2022, according to a national survey. Pic: AgriShots


The latest quarterly Rabobank Rural Confidence Survey, released today, found national farmer confidence has returned to “positive territory” for the first time since June 2022, with more farmers now optimistic than pessimistic about the year ahead.


We hope you’re amongst them!

Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 

If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment like Angelo, who has an oil mill and production accessories for sale. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at

More Australians are buying bushfire bunkers, highlighting a national regulation problem

Weighing more than 7 tonnes, the bunker is Mr Aitken's last resort if there's a catastrophic bushfire. (ABC News: James Tugwell)


David Aitken remembers the helplessness of being trapped in his New South Wales south coast home during the Black Summer bushfires of 2019. His plan to evacuate from the house he built 3 kilometres south-west of Moruya was undone by fallen trees and road closures that blocked the route he could have used to escape.


An interesting discussion – and a reminder that all property owners need a bushfire plan.

Horticulture standard implementation in Victoria


Under the Food Act 1984, all producers have an obligation to ensure that food for sale is safe and suitable for human consumption and to comply with the Food Standards Code. From February 2025, there are new requirements for businesses producing some horticultural products.

Agriculture Victoria will engage with growers, including to discuss onboarding processes, from mid-2024.

More information here

Higher temperatures mean higher food prices, new inflation study finds


Food prices and overall inflation will rise as temperatures climb with climate change, a new study by an environmental scientist and the European Central Bank has found.


Growing business between Australia and Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is at the centre of global growth and the region is expected to be the world’s fourth largest economy by 2040. Population growth, rising incomes and escalating food security requirements will continue driving Southeast Asian needs for agricultural products, including meat, seafood, eggs, dairy products and manufactured foods.

Which means it’s a great time for Australian business seeking new opportunities in the region. 

Find out more about Austrade’s Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange program, which aims to increase two-way trade between the regions, here.


Register now for 2024 Olive Oil Processing Workshop

The AOA’s annual Olive Oil Processing Workshop is a must-attend for anyone wanting to improve the quality of their olive oil, while ensuring maximum extraction.

The course covers every aspect of processing quality olive oil, from grove management for optimal fruit quality to best-practice processing and storage. Along the way you’ll learn a lot about olive oil chemistry, and the practical aspects of oil extraction.

The course is presented by international Olive Oil Consultant Pablo Canamasas - Quality, Chemistry, Processing – and Rio Vista Olives Master Miller Jared Bettio - Processing. Between them they have a wealth of technical skills and hands-on experience, and are keen to impart it to their industry peers.

Run over two days, the course covers topics including: Pre-season arrangements, Oil chemistry basics, Agronomical aspects impacting on oil quality, Determining optimal harvesting times, Crushing & Malaxing, Use of processing aids, Centrifugation equipment options and principles, Oil storage and filtration.

The first day ends with a networking dinner, before the second day’s processing demonstration and tasting of the oils produced by the various methods.


When: Thursday 18 April – Friday 19 April 2024

Where: Rio Vista Olives, 262 Carawatha Drive, Mypolonga, SA

Cost: AOA Members & Olive Levy payers: $275 inc GST; Others: $375 inc GST. Includes all meals.

Register here.

This event is part of the Olive levy project Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL22000), funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation olive research and development levy, co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.

New Zealand

Higher olive oil prices due to shortage - Foodstuffs


Supermarket giant Foodstuffs is warning of a olive oil shortage and in turn, higher prices at the checkout. Spain the world's largest producer of olive oil has had extremely dry weather, damaging the harvest of olives for a second year in a row. Global production of olive oil was expected to fall and be short of global demand.


It’s disappointing that the article discusses alternatives and ways to use less olive oil, with no mention of buying NZ’s own high-quality EVOO.


Olive oil producers in Portugal celebrate country’s second-highest yield


From the traditional groves in the north to the super-high-density plantations of the south, producers across Portugal overcame winter rain to achieve a bountiful harvest.

Vegetable oil has no vegetables, so what is it?


You will always see grocery stores stocked up on “Pure Vegetable Oil” with a picture of fresh veggies like tomatoes, cucumbers and onions on it. Despite the healthy, green marketing, these oils do not contain any vegetables at all.


Good point. While extra virgin olive oil contains … olives. And nothing else.

Study questions the accuracy of olive tree dating methods


Using radiocarbon dating, researchers concluded a 1,100-year-old tree in Lebanon is the world’s oldest olive tree. Other experts believe the method may have been flawed.

Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news

We’re now well into 2024 and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) team continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.

And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

New law in Italy incentivizes young people to become farmers


The Italian Parliament has passed a new law to increase the number of young farmers in the country. This legislation provides funding and initiatives to address the generational gap in agriculture by supporting companies with new ideas and technologies and prioritizing innovative entrepreneurial skills.

Quantities of olives used in presses for 2023 season rise by 7.5%


Amman: The total quantity of olive fruits received from all governorates of the Kingdom and used for pressing reached 138,898 tons, an increase of 7.5 percent from the 2022 season, which was 129,157 tons.


Interestingly, there was a 1.5%. decrease in the quantity of olive oil produced from the increased tonnage.

I'm a nutritionist who follows the Mediterranean diet. Here are 9 mistakes people make and what to do instead.


The Mediterranean diet is based on traditional ways of eating from countries on the sea in southern Europe that gives it its name, like Greece, Spain and Italy. The diet is hugely popular, and for good reason - it's been named the healthiest way to eat for six years running by the US News and World report.


Top relevance is #3.


16-17 April

Olives NZ Processing Practices Course – Rangitikei, NZ


18-19 April

AOA Processing Workshop – Mypolonga, SA

15 July   

Entries open, Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW


30 August            

Entries close (Table Olives and Tapenades), Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW


13 September

Entries close (All Oils), Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW


10 October

Awards presentation, Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW

12 October

2024 Olives NZ Conference – Wellington, NZ


12 October

2024 NZ EVOO Awards Presentation – Wellington, NZ

24-25 October

AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition – Bendigo, VIC

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at

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 Olivegrower Communications:

Olivegrower & Processor 

March Issue

Australian and New Zealand

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