Religious Education Newsletter

March 2024

Message from the Director

Jessie Adrians, Director of Religious Education

Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.” Lk 22:19-20

This year marks my 10th year of ministry at St. Raphael, and that means for the past ten years I have had the privilege of preparing children for First Eucharist.  And while each year is unique, 2023/2024 has carried special meaning for me because our son Andrew is preparing to receive Jesus in the Eucharist in April. 

Supporting Andrew as he prepares for First Eucharist has been both a blessing and a challenge. Listening to and responding to his questions has really made me “step things up” in hopes of fostering a greater love for Jesus in the Eucharist in Andrew’s mind and heart. 

One Saturday morning we were working on his First Eucharist book and the topic was Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. The Church teaches us that In the celebration of the Eucharist, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. As Catholics we believe that Christ is truly present -- body, blood, soul, and divinity -- under the appearances of bread and wine. 

The true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is difficult for many adults to understand, so I was unsure how the conversation would go. Andrew has a curious mind and has never met a question he doesn’t like, so I was fully prepared to have a long discussion after we read the chapter on what happens during the consecration. However, in addition to being a boy of questions, he is also a boy of surprises.  

“Does that make sense to you?” I asked. He only nodded, so I decided he must not understand. “You know what I’m asking right? Can you explain it to me?” He looked annoyed but complied, “Yes, it is saying that the Eucharist is really Jesus even if it looks like bread.”  

I decided to push a little bit more and asked, “How can that be? What if someone told you that is impossible. What would you say?” His answer took me by surprise, “I would tell them to come to Mass and then they will understand.” Andrew then turned back to the book and we finished the chapter together.   

As I was reflecting on our conversation later, I pondered  Andrew’s response.  He has been participating in the Mass every weekend since we brought him home from the hospital, and like any child he often has difficulty sustaining attention and seems to be doing everything BUT listening, however, his response proves that being in the presence of a community of believers and  Jesus in the Eucharist has left an imprint on him that cannot be denied. He perceives a reality I can’t see with my eyes, but I know in the stillness of my heart to be true.  Jesus tells us in all 4 Gospels that the bread and wine IS His Body and Blood. (See Mt 26:26-30, Mk14:22-26, Lk 22:14-20 and Jn 6:22-59). And although God makes his presence known in many different ways, it is at Mass that God has the time and space to reveal Himself fully in the Word and the Sacrament.  

In a few short days we will be entering into the Holiest time of the liturgical year: The Sacred Paschal Triduum.  If you have not done so before, I highly encourage you to attend at least one of the three days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) as a family. It is during these three days that we hear the story that is the heart of our faith: the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is this Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist, who frees us from sin and death so we can live with God forever in heaven. Now if that isn’t something to celebrate as a family, I don’t know what is!

If you are traveling during Holy Week due to spring break, do not be discouraged from worshiping together as a family. When you visit you can find a variety of Mass times near you, wherever you may be. However you decide to grow as a family in faith during Holy Week, Josh Andrew and I will be praying for you, please pray for us!

Jessie Adrians 

Director of Religious Education  

Family Outreach

Kathy Baehman, Youth Ministry Assistant & Family Outreach Coordinator

In Holy Week, the Catholic Church invites us to experience the most critical moments in history.  In the busyness of daily life, the repetitive nature of the liturgical calendar, and the extended season of Lent, it’s easy to miss the power of these days.

Let’s take the opportunity to accept these final days of Lent in joy and experience all the Lord has in store for us, our families and our children.

Be Intentional.  

Don’t make this just another week.  Use this week to double down, maybe add a sacrifice, creating extra space and silence for the Lord to grow in detachment.  But, remember “Detachment is never just letting go; it’s letting go of lesser things so that we can attach ourselves to something better, to a higher good. Consider giving an Easter gift to a non-profit or religious community that you are passionate about.


Make space, giving up social media, TV or music detaches us from worldly comforts to find comfort in the Lord and create space and dedicated time for him.  This week spend some time meditating on the Stations of the Cross.  Don’t miss the Divine Mercy Novena starting on Good Friday and bring a little more mercy into your life and world. 

Make the Liturgies a Priority.

Make time and space for Holy Thursday Mass.  We celebrate the washing of the feet, the institution of the Eucharist, The transition into the Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus’s arrest. Good Friday Services include venerations of the cross.

Saturday Easter Vigil is the most extraordinary liturgy of the year.  If you have never been, consider experiencing salvation history unfold as we welcome new members into the church.

Easter Sunday

After you dive deep during Holy Week, it’s time to celebrate!  The joy of Easter should permeate all eight days of the Easter octave.  Let’s commit to keeping the focus on Christ and the joy because “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins” (1 Cor 15:17) But our faith is not in vain, and he has RISEN!

St. Raphael Holy Week Mass Times

Holy Thursday  March 28  7pm

Good Friday  March 29  1pm & 7pm

Easter Vigil  March 30  8pm

Easter Sunday  March 31  7, 9, & 11am

My prayer for your family is that you all experience a prayerful Holy Week full of God’s blessings and mercy!

Kathy Baehman

Family Outreach Coordinator/Youth Ministry Assistant

Sunday School

Gwendolyn Noto, Sunday School Coordinator PK/K

Hello Families,

This month we have been learning about St. Patrick and the events that created Holy Week. The kids had a blast making St. Patrick headbands as well as learning about what he did for the Catholic church. 

We talked about the events of Holy Week, using a carton of eggs we explored more about the significant moments in Jesus’ life leading up to His death and Resurrection. We also did a walkthrough of the stations of the cross to get a better understanding of just what sufferings He went through to save us from our sins.

As we near the end of the Lenten season consider how you have done with your sacrifices during this time of the year. Check in with your family members to see how your Lenten journeys are going, are there aspects where you might be falling short? How can you fix this during these last 2 weeks of lent? Have you considered when you will make it to church during this upcoming Holy Week?

God Bless,

Gwendolyn Noto

Sunday School Coordinator PK/K

Elementary School

Jenifer Jensen, Elementary School Coordinator

Our Lenten journey continues...Have you embraced the opportunities to give more of yourself? Pray more often? What about tackling the difficult task to fast from something you usually relish in? This kind of journey can be very difficult for young children to understand, especially giving up something. Know that in many families, children don’t begin making traditional Lenten sacrifices (where they choose something to give up) until after their First Communion.Lenten sacrifices are also a means for charitable giving. Traditionally, Christians abstained from meat during Lent partly so that they could use the money they saved on meat to give to the poor, to those who couldn’t afford meat. This makes so much sense. And so not gloomy! 

Elementary students will continue to focus on Lent, redemptive suffering and Easter. They had a beautiful opportunity recently with Stations of the Cross. Nothing more powerful to bring us into the Easter season than that! As Easter approaches, continue to encourage your family in prayer, fasting and giving…these practices truly bring us closer to Jesus and each other.

Middle & High School Youth Ministry

Michael Wilms, Youth Ministry & MS/HS RE

Praise the Lord!...Now and forever!! This phrase has a new meaning, a new depth come Easter Season. It is the word we have avoided saying throughout Lent, “Alleluia.” Now, it is the phrase we shout from the rooftops in glorious exultation as our Lord has done as He promised, He rises from the dead. “Christ is Risen, alleluia!! He is risen indeed, alleluia!” He opens the gates of Heaven to us and bestows His infinite mercy upon all those who call upon Him. All this has been done for you, because He loves you, and you are worthy of this Love.

The season of Lent, along with the gloomy Wisconsin “is it winter, is it spring” conundrum can at times make it hard to see the light in the darkness. It is easy to focus on all that we are giving up, the things we do not have, how it is not yet summer, etc. The focus however, is rather about how we can say “Yes!” to Jesus, instead of looking at all the things we are saying “no” to. This is the great cheat code of Lent, that can continue to carry you in your faith much further than 40 days. By saying “Yes” to the one whom we love and who infinitely Loves us, life immediately starts to look much brighter and full of hope! This is the miraculous “Yes” the Lord takes and transforms things that may seem dark, mundane or lifeless and turns them into a source of great grace and life. All is gift from Him. Our part is to open ourselves up, ask Him for the grace to receive His Love and continue to say “yes” to Him each day. Do this, and you will become the Saint God made you to be. 

This Easter Season of joy, let us continue to proclaim His praises as we say, “Alleluia, Praise the Lord!!”

We have a very practical way for you and your family to do that too with our special event: 

**Save the date!!** National singer/songwriter Luke Spehar will be coming to Saint Raphael on Sunday, April 21st to share with us a concert of Easter Joy! Luke has performed with three-time Grammy Award-winning artist Ben Harper, opening for Harper’s first-ever solo acoustic tour. This inspiring music will be shared with us during the 5pm Mass, with a light reception before the concert begins. All are invited to come and join us, whether they belong to the parish, community or beyond. Here is a sneak peek into his music: 

God Bless!

Save the Date!

  • Love Begins Here: Saint Raphael will be bringing a group of middle school students (currently in 5-8th grade) on mission June 10-13, 2024. This year’s location will be in Appleton, spots will be reserved on a first come first serve basis. Reserve your spot and check out last year’s video here:  St Raphael youth events-LBH 

Upcoming Events and Retreats

  • Sunday April 14 - Second Sunday Holy Hour (SSHH!) Our monthly time for prayer and worship, held the 2nd Sunday of every month, at 4pm, followed by Sunday Mass at 5pm. This is a great opportunity to come pray for our youth/parish and spend time on the Sabbath growing in your own relationship with God.

  • Sunday April 21st- Concert of Easter Joy with National artist Luke Spehar, here at St Raphael!! Come for Mass where Luke and Franki Moscato will lead us in worship, followed by a light reception and concert. Open to all ages!

  • Catholic Youth Expeditions (CYE): Retreats for middle, high school and families! Located in beautiful Door County WI, CYE offers retreats that combine nature, community, prayer and fun for all ages. Visit to find out more.

  • TEC Retreat, Green Bay (16+ years) -A great retreat that helps youth and young adults to engage in their faith in a fun and deep way. Visit for more information.

Follow us on instagram (aftershock_ym_straph) for updates, inspirations and to stay connected.

Blessed Carlo Acutis…Pray for us!

Michael Wilms (

Youth Minister/Faith Formation

Grades 6-12

inFORMED Highlights

Some content in this section may be from FORMED, a Catholic content digital platform that provides 24/7 access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks. St. Raphael has a parish-wide subscription, so sign up for your FREE account by visiting and searching for St. Raphael the Archangel in Oshkosh, WI.

The Mass: A Life-Giving Prayer | Brother Francis


Come with Brother Francis as he celebrates the life-changing power of the Mass in this inspirational and instructive presentation!

Seven Catholic hacks for getting more out of mass


Lisa Cotter shares 7 practical tips for staying engaged and getting more spiritual fruit out of every Sunday Mass.

The Catholic Parent: Our Sunday Obligation | The Catholic Parent | Episode 1


The realities of bringing the whole family to Mass can strike fear into the hearts of many parents. How do you navigate crying, distractions, and looks from other parishioners? Find encouragement in this episode of The Catholic Parent as families share their testimonies and how they made the Mass the center of their family life

Upcoming Events
Check the youth page on the St. Raphael website for calendar updates. 
Religious Education
920 233 8044

Director: Jessie Adrians
RE Secretary: Anne Glowcheski
Sunday School: Gwendolyn Larsen
Elementary School: Jenifer Jensen
Youth Ministry, Middle/HS RE: Michael Wilms
Youth Ministry, Families of Faith: Kathy Baehman