June 19, 2024

The BCHS main office is open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Normal school hours will resume on August 1.

We hope you are having a fantastic summer!

News & Current Events
4th Quarter Honor Roll

Congratulations to all students who were named to the 2023–2024 BCHS Honor Roll, Fourth Quarter.

Our honor roll criteria are:
  • Principal’s Honor Roll: GPA or 4.0 or higher, all letter grades A- or higher
  • First Honor Roll: GPA of 3.5 or higher, all letter grades B- or higher
  • Second Honor Roll: GPA of 3.0 or higher, all letter grades C or higher
New Parent Orientation Night: June 25

An important orientation meeting for parents of incoming freshmen and transfer students will be held on Tuesday, June 25 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the main gym. At this meeting, parents will be introduced to some of the individuals who will be instrumental in their child's high school journey, and we will share important information about policies and procedures at Bishop Chatard.
Summer Reading Assignments

AP and Honors English students who have been assigned summer reading assignments, can find information about this here.
Used Uniform Sale: June 25

Bishop Chatard's annual Used Uniform Sale will be held on June 25. All BCHS parents are invited to attend to purchase approved uniform apparel at discount prices. The sale will be held in the school cafeteria from 5 to 8 p.m. Polos, shorts, pants, sweatshirts and other items will be available. Cash, check, credit card or Venmo payments will be accepted. 
The Bishop Chatard Spirit Shop, located immediately outside the cafeteria, will be open for shopping as well! Popular spirit wear items that your Trojan will enjoy wearing this summer and in the year ahead are in stock.

Donations still being accepted!
We need your donation of used uniforms to make the sale a success! Donations can be dropped off at the BCHS school office or at the Zyromski home (5732 Broadway Street, 46220). Uniforms, spirit wear, and sports items are appreciated!

Trinity Club is looking for volunteers to help with the Used Uniform Sale. Help is needed between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. Set up starts at 2 p.m. followed by the sale at 5 p.m. As a bonus, volunteers can shop early.

If you have any questions or you are interested in helping with the sale, please email Jennifer Zyromski at or text 317-366-3020.
Girls Basketball Jr. Trojans Competitive Team Tryouts

Only 1 session is required, but you can attend both. 

July 21 at Bishop Chatard HS
6-7:00 p.m. for 3-5th grades
7:15-8:15 p.m. for 6-8th grades

July 22 at Bishop Chatard HS
5-6:00 p.m. for 3-5th grades
6:15-7:15 p.m. for 6-8th grades

We will have Competitive level teams for the following grade levels.

3rd Grade – TBD (if interested in heading this team, please email me)
4th Grade – Coach Mark Wenclewicz
5th Grade – TBD (if interested in heading this team, please email me)
6th Grade – Coach Sean Chesebrough
7th Grade – Coach Alissa Hankee
8th Grade – Coach Dan Wagner

Pre-registration is required through our online form

Tryout registration closes on July 15, 2024. No cost to tryout. A link for payment of $200 will be sent after tryouts once team placement is made. Payment includes league fees and uniforms.

Developmental League
Our developmental program is for girls who need or would like to grow their basketball skills. Girls will participate in training sessions on Sunday evenings 6:30-8 pm starting in November and will go through January. Bishop Chatard Varsity Head Coach Dan Wagner and former JV Head Coach Ana Adams will be leading training sessions. Cost is $50 per player. Registration will open in September for this program. Click here for more information on Trojan Girls Basketball programs.

Questions? Email Coach Adams at
Physical & FinalForms Due July 26

Reminder that all fall athletes/parent need to get their physical and FinalForms completed by July 26. Links to forms along with information can be found here.
Visit the BCHS Spirit Shop!

The BCHS online Trojan Spirit Shop will remain available throughout the summer months, with shipping to your home, to fulfill all of your spirit wear needs and get you ready for the 2024-2025 school year.

The online store is open 24/7. Visit now!

The Spirit Shop at BCHS will be open on June 25 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. during the New Parent Orientation and Used Uniform Sale night. 

Questions? Email
Community News
SAVE THE DATE: National Eucharistic Congress

We all know the power of prayer when two or more are gathered in the Lord's name, but what if it was 80,000 people? This summer, join fellow students from BCHS and individuals from across the nation in reviving our love for the Eucharist at the National Eucharistic Congress from
July 17-21.
Quick Links

Contact Andy Reel, Director of Student life, with any student life questions or concerns!
5885 Crittenden Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46220
P: 317.251.1451 | F: 317.251.3648