Wisconsin Forestry Center
August 2024 Newsletter
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WFC Director Les Werner retiring
This month the WFC bids farewell to Director Les Werner, who is retiring from UW-Stevens Point on Aug. 23.
Les played a key role in establishing the Wisconsin Forestry Center in 2020. He became the WFC's first director and manages a staff that has generated more than $9 million in grants and revenue from professional development programming and forestry workforce development efforts.
In 2022, Les and his team secured an $8 million forestry workforce development grant, the largest state grant ever awarded to UW-Stevens Point. Les has become involved nationally in forestry workforce efforts. He crafted the language for the Jobs in Woods Act proposed as part of the 2023 Farm Bill. He was an invited speaker at Forest Resources Association and Society of American Foresters events, and has led efforts to develop a national coalition of forest operations training providers.
Les has also been instrumental in bringing utility vegetation management (UVM) training to UW-Stevens Point. The WFC manages the only UVM professional certificate program in North America. Additionally, Les helped to facilitate a $1 million Milwaukee Tool equipment endowment, which provides access to world-class tools for students in the College of Natural Resources.
Les has been a professor of forestry since 2003. In 2018, he was awarded the Alex Shigo Excellence in Arboricultural Teaching Award from the International Society of Arboriculture.
Thank you, Les, for all you've done for the WFC, the College of Natural Resources, and the forestry sector in Wisconsin and beyond. To wish Les a happy retirement, please feel free to send him a note.
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WFC hosts first Forestry Skills Camp for high school students |
In July, the WFC offered a successful first Forestry Skills Camp for high school students.
The camp is part of the Wisconsin Forestry Careers Coalition (WFCC), a forestry education and career pathway program. It serves as the capstone experience for the applied high school forestry curriculum developed as part of the WFCC.
The camp's goal was to give students hands-on experiences in forestry and the opportunity to learn from industry professionals. Seven students from around Wisconsin attended the camp, which was hosted at the Central Wisconsin Environmental Station, a UW-Stevens Point field station in Amherst Junction.
Campers started the week using a Ponsse full simulator to learn how to operate a mechanized harvester. They then completed safety training led by Mary Bauer of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and explored forest measurements and silviculture with retired forester Buzz Vahradian. By mid-week, the campers were operating a portable sawmill and learning the basics of drying lumber with experienced TimberKing operator Arik Duhr of the Aldo Leopold Foundation.
Perhaps most anticipated were two full days of chainsaw operation and safety with Paul Ahlen of Woods Walker LLC and experienced chainsaw operators Rebecca Seibel and Shelly Wollerman. With safety as the primary goal, students practiced notch, bore, and release cuts for directional felling, along with the basics of chainsaw maintenance. They put these skills to the test by carving chairs out of stumps. When asked about their experience, the students said they wished the camp was a week longer.
The WFC will host the next Forestry Skills Camp in June 2025. Watch our website for an application process in late winter.
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The Power of Partnerships: Forestry Cost-Share Opportunities | |
Case Studies: Prescribed Fire and Interfering Vegetation | |
A free, year-long webinar series on prescribed fire for forest management continues on Sept. 4 at 8:30 a.m. CT.
Join us for "Case Studies: Prescribed Fire and Interfering Vegetation," as we explore ways that prescribed burning can help forest managers deal with interfering vegetation.
The webinar will be presented by Jack McGowan-Stinski, program manager for the Lake States Fire Science Consortium at Ohio State University, and Jim Elleson, founder of Quercus Land Stewardship Services.
The webinar will be moderated by Michele Witecha, prescribed fire specialist at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
WHEN: Sept. 4 from 8:30-10 a.m. CT.
WHERE: Online
COST: Registration is free but required. Register once to access all sessions.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: CEUs and CFEs have been pre-approved. Please visit the website for more information.
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This month's episode of SilviCast sponsored by: | |
The WFC offers a variety of on-demand continuing education options, including SilviCast podcast episodes and online on-demand courses. They are pre-approved for SAF and WI-DNR Cooperating Forester credits. | |
WFC Forestry Jobs Board
Looking for the next step in your forestry career or your next hire? Check out our free forestry jobs board.
Job-seekers: Check out current full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions across all forestry sectors.
Employers: Get the word out about your job openings by sending them to the WFC.
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Do you have workshop or training ideas that you want the WFC to explore? | | |
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