The Three Rs to Cyber Defense and Response
March 13, 2024
By Rick Diamond and Reese Lacasse
The three Rs are three basic skills taught in schools: Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. In the arena of responding to a cybersecurity intrusion, there must also be three Rs—Resilience, Recovery and Reset.
The Challenge
Just as when you were in school, if you could read but not write, you might get by for a while, but eventually you will have issues getting ahead in life. The same holds true for a strong cybersecurity defense and response program. You must plan for the “three Rs” to be RESILIENT in your drive to keep your plans up to date and learn from past mistakes, know how you will RECOVER from a future attack and RESET your ability to conduct business.
What’s at Stake?
Everything! A company that does not take cyber defense and cyber recovery seriously will be doomed to fail. It is not a matter of IF you will ever get hacked, it is just a matter of WHEN. In 2023, the number of data compromises in the financial services industry in the United States reached 744, up from 138 such incidents in 2020. The financial services sector was the second-most targeted industry by cybersecurity incidents resulting in data compromise.
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