It's Macchiato! 🐱 Remember me? You helped me out with my luxating patellas!

I have a quick little update to share with you! ✨ I had my first surgery a few weeks ago to fix my right knee, and I'm finally feeling better! I don't have to wear a cone anymore, which is the best thing EVER. I'm also allowed to start doing some mild exercise, so I gently play with and slowly run after my foster siblings! 🐾 How great is that?! I never thought I'd be so excited to move!

My left knee isn't fixed yet, so I still have to be really careful, and I'm getting pain medicine to help keep me comfortable. 💊 My foster siblings help with the comfort part, too: when we're not having playtime, we snuggle up and sunbathe together!

Now that my first leg is healed up, I'm getting ready to go through one more surgery to fix my left knee. ❤️‍🩹 I'll have to do the whole process all over again on the other side, but I can't wait for the day that I finally feel all better.

This wouldn't be possible without the awesome peeps here at AARCS, and of course not without YOU! Your support means everything to me. You are helping me get my life back! Soon enough, I'm going to be able to run and jump and play at full speed with my foster siblings. Thank you for being so kind and helping me have this chance. 🤩

I'll pop in with another update after my second surgery! Keep your paws crossed for a smooth recovery!

--xo, Macchiato 🤗

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AARCS Critical Care

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Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society
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