PYO August Newsletter

The PYO is a fun group for kids turning 10 years in the calendar year until the age of 18 years old. This season we had 21 members actively working the snack shack during Kids Bingo, Movie nighty and Friday night bingo. They also hosted there annual PYO Island Treasure & Craft show.

This year the elected officers are;

·        President - Madeline Emmitt

·        Vice President – Espen Farnham

·        Treasurer – Emilia Koopman

·        Secretary – Karina Koopman

PYO Basketball Tournament

The 2024 Annual Basketball tournament was August 3rd with 26 players competing in the brutal heat!! Congratulations to all the players and thank you parents for your continued support !!!

The Avengers

Winning 12+ Team

Baby & Toddler Classes

Winning 8 - 11 Team

The PYO Fund raising continues.

We thank all of you who have signed up to cook Friday night bingo dinners this year it has been a HUGE help. Its not to late to sign up we have 3 Friday nights left unfilled.

The PYO Board decided to sell Ice coffee, Chi tea & lemonade during different events and as a pop up road side event to help raise money toward there winter ski trip, so keep your eyes open for them.

The summer fieldtrip is August 16th at Level 99 in the Providence Place Mall. .

Level 99 is like an escape room. It has over 50 physical and mental challenge rooms. Please feel free to check out their website at

This event is paid for by funds raised by the PYO. The kids put in the time They get the rewards!! It's a great team building experience for all.