June 14, 2024




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Recent Digest Newsletter
Updated Member Resources
Upcoming Full Coalition Meeting
July 18, 2024 9:00-11:00am
  • In-Person: Howard County Health Department OR
  • Virtual: Zoom
  • Register

Email with questions.
Howard County Walktober Interest Form

The Howard County Local Health Improvement Coalition (HCLHIC) is excited to lead the 2024 Walktober initiatives!

Walktober is celebrated in October across Maryland as part of our State's official exercise and the call to action to promote walking for physical activity and improved health for residents of all ages and abilities.

As we plan for HoCo Walktober 2024 events, the webpage will be updated to highlight all the Walktober events. Promotional flyers in multiple languages and giveaways will be available.

Please use the form to submit walk/move events and share with others who are hosting events.


Howard County Health Department's CAREAPP helps you find services for food, health, housing, transportation, education, employment assistance, and more!

CAREAPP's Inbound Referrals Dashboard has a new layout making it easier to review client details and update referral status.

Check it out by logging into your CAREAPP account today!


To learn more about CAREAPP, email Shannon Harris at

Lead Poisoning Prevention

The Howard County Health Department's Elevated Blood Lead Program has FREE print copies of lead exposure materials to request in multiple languages.

Anyone can have lead poisoning, but children are more at risk because they are more likely to chew non-food items, more likely to get lead dust on their hands, and they absorb lead more easily than adults. Elevated lead levels can have negative effects over time on children’s mental and physical development.

Coalition Members are asked to check out, share and/or request print copies of the lead exposure materials:

Substance Use Dashboard

The Howard County Health Department's Bureau of Behavioral Health launched a new substance use dashboard to help the community track overdoses and overdose deaths in Howard County.

This tool is used to help identify trends and how prevention/treatment programs can be better used. For more information about the data used in the substance use dashboard and risk map, please contact

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