Volume 78 | March 2024

Caspersen Rowing Center Happenings
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Providing a venue where athletes of all ages, talents and backgrounds have the opportunity to develop their rowing ability to their highest potential.

Why I Row - Mercer Master's Rower Stephanie Benjamin

We received the following from Mercer Master Rower Stephanie Benjamin:

Most of the PNRA community doesn’t interact with–and perhaps doesn’t even know about–the Masters rowers at Mercer. For most of the year, we’re rowing before the sun even comes up, hours before the National Team launches or the late-afternoon choreography of the youth team unfolds. The majority of my teammates have been rowing for decades, maybe rowing on a college team or with other clubs when they were younger. Rowing is a familiar friend to them, a constant that provides them satisfaction, fitness, and friendship. To read more

Submit your rowing story by clicking this link.

Summer Camp Registrations

Registration for the 2024 PNRA/Mercer Learn to Row Camps are now open and filling fast.

The summer camps are open to (rising) 7-12 graders and teach the fundamentals of rowing in a fun learning environment.

Session I

June 17-21, 2024 Level 1

Session II

June 24-28, 2024 Level 1 and 2

Session III

July 8-12, 2024 Level 1 and 2

Session IV

July 15-19, 2024 Level 1 and 2

Session V

July 22-26, 2024 Level 2

Learn more and register HERE.

Trenton Public Schools Introduce Erg Classes

How do you generate interest in rowing where the only sports offered by schools are football, basketball and cheer squad. PNRA is working to solve this issue by partnering with the Trenton Intermediate and Middle Schools and the Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County to introduce ergs in the schools as part of the after school activities.

PNRA is placing Concept2 ergs in five different schools in Trenton with the goal of adding 2 more schools. Along with the ergs, we are working to teach the staff how to coach their student athletes on the rowing machines. The target is to hold an indoor competition this spring among the schools.

Thank you to Concept2 for their generous donation of PM5 erg monitors and 3 new ergs to be used for these programs.

Boating Safety Class - March 17

Are you a Mercer parent/fan who wants the best spectating experience for the home races on Lake Mercer?

Are you hoping to apply to be a Head Coach at the Mercer Summer Learn to Row Camps?

Then you'll need your New Jersey Boater's Safety certificate!

There are a few spots left for the Boater's Safety course to be held at the Caspersen Rowing Center this Sunday, March 17 from 10:30am - 6:30pm.

Email Hilary to get more information and put your name on the list!

8th Annual Rowing Cares - Mercer Indoor Challenge Results

The 2024 Rowing Cares Indoor Erg Challenge saw the largest in-person attendance in the 8 years of holding the event. There were 25 different event categories with competitors from 13 different clubs. A total of 16 pink hammers were awarded (an event must have at least 3 people to award a hammer).

The event raised almost $3,000 which will be presented to the YWCA Princeton's Breast Cancer Resource Center later this month.

Huge thank you to the Peddie School for hosting the event! And thank you to members of the Rowing Cares team and the YWCA Princeton's Breast Cancer Resource Center for attending!

It's not too late to Donate Here!

Mercer Novice Girls

U17 Girls:

Hammer: Sophie Jing (middle)

2nd place: Maddie Wirth (right)

3rd place: Katie Kramer (left)

Novice Girls:

Hammer: Anna Petrova (middle)

2nd place: Luna Ciarrocca (right)

3rd place: Rome Guevara (left)

Girls Coxswains:

Hammer (tie): Makena Jenkins (middle)

Hammer (tie): Nat Ruzich (right)

3rd place: Gabrielle Zammit (left)

Mercer Varsity Girls

More pictures of the Rowing Cares Mercer Indoor Challenge can be found on

Erg Sales Now Available

We are accepting reservations for erg sales for this spring. All units are sold AS IS and will be available in late March or early April 2024. All machines are 2.5-3.5 years old and are the black RowErg/Model D with a PM5 monitor and are $725. Any minor maintenance or small parts replacement will be covered by PNRA. Please email Jamie at to ensure your place is reserved! Please let us know if you have any questions!

We're all in this together!!

Your support today will make a difference.

Click here to donate now.

Thank you.

Mercer Team gear is still available - hats, scarves, umbrellas, shirts . . .

Show your Mercer Spirit!

Contact Hilary Gehman

PNRA is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit corporation. We are grateful to all who support our mission and could not do it without you! We gladly accept gifts of appreciated stock and corporate matching gifts. Have questions? Contact Kris at

GIft Matters Donate
Through your support you make a difference at PNRA!