Welcome, August!

This month is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

So, what is the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Here's an overview!

Pope Francis also asks us to join him in prayer for a specific intention each month. For August 2024: "We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs." To see a complete list of the Pope's monthly intentions for 2024, click here.

Our first Faith Formation gathering will be held on Sunday, September 15th. Everyone is invited ... children, parents, grandparents, parishioners, aunts, uncles, cousins, godparents, friends, visitors, you name it ... all are truly welcome! We will begin by attending Blessed Sacrament Church's 9 a.m. Mass, then move to the school gym for a delicious breakfast. There will be large-group and small-group activities that center around this year's Faith Formation theme: "Blessed." (Adults will even have their own discussion group!) At each monthly gathering, we'll explore the Beatitudes in more depth (found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke), and there will also be wonderful faith-enrichment resources for everyone (all ages!) to take home. The registration form will be available very soon!

Did you know that we offer a "kids' bulletin" each weekend? It's free to download and print and is a wonderful way to engage young people in the Mass in a fun way! The bulletin has Sunday Gospel activities and much more. Click the image at right to see this coming weekend's bulletin (8/10-8/11) ... or visit the website for an archive of previous bulletins! We also hope to make hard copies of these bulletins available in the church.

Have you ever thought about being a catechist?

Are you feeling called to encourage and support our young people in faith? Maybe you could consider serving as a Faith Formation catechist this year at Blessed Sacrament!

We will have a beginning-of-the-year catechist meeting on Sunday, August 25th from 10-11 a.m. in the school library. Come join us and find out more! Please contact our office if you are interested in the vocation and ministry of being a catechist: (518) 438-5854, ext. 119, or send us an e-mail at Full training and support is provided!

Catechetical Sunday is September 15th. We will bless all catechists at the 9 a.m. Mass that day!

Baptism at Blessed Sacrament
Parents who are seeking the sacrament of baptism for their child are asked to attend a baptism preparation meeting, and we encourage the godparents to attend as well! These preparation sessions are held the second Saturday of the month at noon in the church and usually last less than an hour. Our parish office has a baptism preparation form that the parent(s) need to complete and bring with them to the preparation meeting. After the meeting, the child's baptism will be scheduled by our church office. Although many families choose to schedule their child's baptism on the weekend after a Mass, they can schedule any day that works for their family. Please call our parish office at (518) 482-3375 or send an e-mail to