Dear Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) Grantees and Members of the LATA Subscription List:
Important News! The California Public Utilities Commission has opened registration for the Broadband Grant Portal for LATA Grantees. This is relevant to you because grantees will use the Broadband Grant Portal to request payments and report on grant progress.
The Broadband Grant Portal provides a seamless online process for LATA Grantees to perform the following grant functions online:
- Seek reimbursement.
- Request grant award modifications.
- Submit quarterly LATA project progress reports and monthly contractor reports.
Watch for communications from “”
In the next few weeks, the Key Project Contacts identified in the Grantee’s approved LATA application will receive emails from with important information on how to register in the Broadband Grant Portal. The email will include a unique link to connect the LATA grant to the Grantee.
Please complete by Close of Business Friday, March 22, 2024
1. Update your Key Project Contact
If the Key Project Contact has changed since your approved LATA application, please email with the new Key Project Contact information. Please include the local agency or tribal organization and include the first and last name and email of the Key Project Contact who should have access to the LATA grant in the Broadband Grant Portal.
2. Use an existing account
If you already have an existing Federal Funding Account (FFA) request in the Broadband Grant Portal and would like to have the FFA and LATA accounts linked under one user account, please also email to request this action. Linking accounts does not have an impact on an active FFA grant request.
Please stay tuned for another information announcement regarding registration in early April.
Thank you for your time and attention,
CPUC Communications Division
Broadband Deployment Team