March 15, 2024

Dear Rockford Reformed Church family and friends,

Time for an update on a few things today… Winter has quickly sputtered out and so, I guess it makes sense that holy week is just around the corner. After this weekend, we turn to Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter. While we invite neighbors, friends, and co-workers to join us any time, this season is one of our best opportunities for extending invitations. Times and details are being provided in the bulletin and other emails, but the Easter Egg Hunt and Family Breakfast on Saturday, March 23 and then Easter worship will be important events for welcoming and connecting with guests who will join us. The Maundy Thursday worship (including the Lord’s Supper) will draw us into the suffering and death of Jesus as a proper backdrop for a grand celebration of Easter morning. Invite people to our Easter celebration! Some families will be away because of Spring Break, and we will add some seating so that we can accommodate everyone. 

Pray for the renovation contractors as they work toward a finish line of April 1—before the audio-visual contractor completes his work through the first three weeks of April. You may notice that foggy (seal broken) windows have been replaced with new ones throughout the facility. We will also be adding a tint to sun-exposed windows to lower utility expenses and reduce fading for carpet and wood trim.

I apologize as there will be some disappointment over our not hosting a Vacation Bible School this year. We will work to get an earlier start with making a decision and preparing for it next year. I’m grateful for a team that is preparing for a “Summer Blast” on a Sunday afternoon/evening (6/23) for VBS-aged kids. Details are still developing, but this will be a great outreach opportunity with Bible-themed crafts, games, fun food, and more. Emily Cutter is also initiating a new weekly (Wednesdays) summer children’s ministry (10 am-noon). Parents/caregivers will remain responsible for their own children and there will be games, a children’s lesson, free play time, and lunch. I’m excited about these new, creative ways to make connections and invest in our kids.

We provide several opportunities for Bible study and prayer together. However, especially since my Psalm 1 sermon on meditation (“Deep Roots” on 2/25), people have expressed struggles with having their personal time in Scripture and prayer bear fruit for their fellowship with Jesus. And so, I am going to host, for anyone interested, a weekly “Word and Prayer” gathering in my office starting next Thursday (noon-1pm). We will move to the Fireside Room if the numbers exceed the capacity of my office. We will spend about 30 minutes in the Word and 30 in prayer and I will focus especially on equipping you for your own study and prayer times AND for discipling others in doing the same. Bring your Bibles, a pen, and notebook.

As I noted in my sermon of last week, let us pray for God’s Spirit to move powerfully in, through, and ahead of us so that we can pursue our vision of his kingdom someday coming through an everyday focus on the glorious gospel of Jesus. I am grateful and greatly encouraged with his Spirit wonderfully at work among us. Jesus has purchased us with his blood and is worthy of our lives.

Finally, as we mourn the loss and celebrate the homegoing of a long-time and beloved saint, Doris DeGood, many of you are already praying and coming alongside the DeGood family. I recently came across this interview at the link below that serves as a guide for how to genuinely and wisely care for those who grieve. It may be helpful for you as it was for me.


Grace, peace, and love,

Pastor Tim

Rockford Reformed Church
4890 11 Mile Road, Rockford, MI 49341

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