A Note from the Administration

Save the Date - Wednesday, August 7

Dear CVCA Students and Parents,

We are excited to kick off a new school year at our New Student/Parent Orientation on Wednesday, August 7 for all new students and their families! All the details of the evening can be found in this email.

Middle School Retreat Meetings

5:45 to 6:15 p.m.

All 6th and 7th graders and their parents should arrive by 5:45 p.m. for a retreat meeting. Each retreat will have a separate meeting. (No meeting for 8th grade.) Rooms are listed below:

  • 6th Grade Ignition Retreat: Middle School Cafe
  • 7th Grade JumpStart Retreat: Gym

Orientation and Self-guided Walk-through

6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

We will have slightly different schedules for middle school and high school orientation. Please review the table below to confirm your schedule. It is important that new students and their parents attend the informative Orientation Meeting. During the self-guided walk-through, students can pick up their Chromebooks, set up their lockers, and more.

What you can expect at Orientation:

  • Time of worship and dedication
  • Pick up Chromebooks
  • Walk student schedules
  • Set up student locker
  • Meet some teachers
  • Purchase CVCA apparel
  • Speak with the Athletics staff
  • Meet other new families
  • Q & A



6:30-7:00 p.m. – Orientation Meeting in Chapel

6:30-7:30 p.m. – Self-Guided Walk-through

7:00-8:00 p.m. – Self-Guided Walk-through

7:30-8:00 p.m. – Orientation Meeting in Chapel

Back-to-School Resources

As you prepare for Orientation, please spend some time reviewing the New Student page or MY CVCA page of our website. Some of the most important links are listed below:


Class schedules will be available for download in your RENWEB Family Portal account by August 5. You will receive an email when they are posted. Your student will need to print and bring a copy of their schedule to Orientation on August 7. If you are unable to schedule classes prior to Orientation, a sample schedule will be provided for you to follow.

Our hope is that these resources and this event will help students feel both prepared and excited for the first week of classes. This is also a great time to meet new students and their families! We can’t wait to have you here!

Elissa Hyatt

Director of Admissions

330-929-0575, ext 321

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