| On the Sunday that falls from the 13th to the 19th of the present month, we chant the Service to the Holy and God-bearing Fathers who came together in the Seven Ecumenical Councils, that is: the First Council, of the 318 Fathers who assembled in Nicaea in 325 to condemn Arius, who denied that the Son of God is consubstantial with the Father; the Fathers of the First Council also ordained that the whole Church should celebrate Pascha according to the same reckoning; the Second Council, of the 150 Fathers who assembled in Constantinople in 381 to condemn Macedonius, Patriarch of Constantinople, who denied the Divinity of the Holy Spirit; the Third Council, of the 200 Fathers who assembled in Ephesus in 431, to condemn Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, who called Christ a mere man and not God incarnate; the Fourth Council, of the 630 who assembled in Chalcedon in 451, to condemn Eutyches, who taught that there was only one nature, the divine, in Christ after the Incarnation, and Dioscorus, Patriarch of Alexandria, who illegally received Eutyches back into communion and deposed Saint Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, who had excommunicated Eutyches; the Fifth Council in 553, of the 165 who assembled in Constantinople for the second time to condemn Origen and Theodore of Mopsuestia, the teacher of Nestorius; the Sixth Council in 680, of the 170 who assembled in Constantinople for the third time, to condemn the Monothelite heresy, which taught that there is in Christ but one will, the divine; and the Seventh Council in 787, of the 350 who assembled in Nicaea for the second time to condemn Iconoclasm.
Friday, July 26 - 9:00 a.m., Orthros and Divine Liturgy
+Saint Paraskevi of Rome
Saturday, July 27 - 9:00 a.m., Orthros and Divine Liturgy
+Saint Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer
Thursday, August 1 - 10:30 a.m., Agiasmos (Blessing of the water)
6:30 p.m., Small Paraklesis Service
Friday, August 2 - 10:30 a.m., Great Paraklesis Service
Monday, August 5 - 6:00 p.m., Great Vespers for the Holy Transfiguration of our Lord will take place at Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Monastery in Harvard, Illinois
Tuesday, August 6 - 9:00 a.m. Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Holy Transfiguration of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ
Tuesday, August 6- 5:00 p.m., Great Paraklesis Service
Wednesday, August 7 - 6:30 p.m., Small Paraklesis Service
Thursday, August 8 - 10:30 a.m., Great Paraklesis Service
Friday, August 9 - 6:30 p.m., Small Paraklesis Service
Wednesday, August 14 - 7:00 p.m., Great Vespers Dormition of the Theotokos
10:30 p.m. - Small Paraklesis Service
Thursday, August 15 - 12:00 a.m., Akathist Hymn to the Holy Theotokos
2:00 a.m., Sacrament of Holy Unction
4:00 a.m., Orthros - Dormition of the Holy Theotokos
5:00 a.m., 1st Divine Liturgy - Dormition of the Holy Theotokos
9:30 a.m., 2nd Divine Liturgy - Dormition of the Holy Theotokos
Friday, August 23 - 9:00 a.m., Apodosis of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos
Tuesday, August 27 - 9:00 a.m, Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Saint Phanourios the Great-Martyr
Thursday, August 29 - 9:00 a.m., Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Please contact the Church office at: 773.626.3114 or email at: office@assumptionchicago.org if you would like to sponsor a coffee hour in memory of a loved one, a special occasion or just because.
Available dates for the month of July: July 21 and August 4,11,18,25
The fast of the Dormition begins on August 1 through August 15. Please only Lenten items during this time.
For later dates available dates, please contact the church office.
Thank you to our beloved parishioners and friends of Assumption Panagia for your continued love and support!
Please give the “Gift of Light” to Assumption Panagia’s Church. We need a family or an individual to sponsor, per week, the lighting of our vigil lamps and candles in both of our holy Altars of Panagia and Saint Catherine. This includes the daily lighting of both of our Holy Altars throughout the week. Suggested donation for this ministry is $100.00. Through our Church’s Website, sign up can be made through our Tithe.ly platform. simply click on the big green GIVE button, request your week and make your donation.
Please contact the church office to sponsor a week for the health and well-being of your family or in loving memory of a loved one.
There will be a General Meeting, Sunday, July 21 after Church in St. Catherin’s meeting room. We will discuss August 14 & 15 Feast Day receptions and news from the National Philoptochos Convention. Please plan on attending. Looking forward to seeing you!
Thank you to all who have submitted their 2024 Stewardship Pledge Cards. If you have not yet submitted your stewardship card, members of the Parish Council will be handing out stewardship packets today.
Please fill out the pledge card (it is important that you enter a pledge amount) and the information card completely and return it in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for supporting our beautiful parish of Panagia!
Please visit our Religious Bookstore! Not only do we have beautiful Icons for your home and to give as gifts, we also have books for all ages, baby’s bibs for baptisms and much more! Our bookstore is open following the Divine Liturgy on Sundays in Plato Hall.
The Blessing of Five Loaves of Bread is a brief service of thanksgiving through which we express our gratitude for all the blessings of life. Oil, wine, wheat, and the loaves of bread which are used in the service, are viewed as the most basic elements necessary for life. The Blessing reminds us of the miracle of the multiplication of the bread and fish by which Christ fed the multitude. This Blessing is usually offered during Vespers or after the Divine Liturgy on Feast days and other special occasions. After the Service, the bread is cut and distributed to the congregation. If you would like to offer an Artoklasia, please contact the church office at: 773.626.3114 or email: office@assumptionchicago.org to reserve a date.
Orthodox Christians should reject cremation, in accordance with the Church’s teachings about the sanctity of the human body and its role in our salvation. Orthodox Christians believe that in the General Resurrection, our bodies and souls will be restored to each other. Cremation is the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made and is viewed as the denial of the Resurrection. Cremation treats the body violently, without the respect due to it as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Those who voluntarily request cremation upon death will not receive an Orthodox funeral, either in the church, or the funeral home or any other place. Memorial services with kolyva are not allowed since the connection of the “kernel of wheat” as a sign of the Resurrection has been intentionally destroyed. It is an honor for Orthodox Christians to have a church funeral - our salvation and the state of our souls and bodies should always be at the forefront in our lives and for the lives of our loved ones.
Prayers for: Charlie, John, Nicoletta, Sarah, Nathan
Lord our God, Who by word alone did heal all diseases, Who cured the mother in law of Peter, You Who chastise with pity and heal according to Your goodness; grant aid to these Your servants (Names) and heal them of every sickness of which they are grieved; lift them up from their pain, and send down upon them Your great mercy. For to you we send up Glory: to Father, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayers for the living will be retained on the list for 40 days. Contact the church office to add names at office@assumptionchicago.org or call: 773.626.3114.