March 22, 2024


Palm Sunday

We will meet at Centenary at 9:45 am to process together to Second Presbyterian.

Also, you are invited to gather for coffee and treats following the Palm Sunday service. This gathering will be held in the street level social hall Sunday March 24. Greet church family and welcome spring.

A remembrance of the supper Jesus shared with his disciples

before his crucifixion.

A Service of Shadows in the Taizé tradition.

Please bring fresh flowers to adorn our cross in celebration of Easter.


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Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Click here to watch at Church Online

The Cotton Patch Gospel

This Sunday is the last class for Cotton Patch Gospel. We will meet in the classroom on the second floor. Join us as we watch and discuss Tom Key and Russell Trez’ stage adaptation of radical preacher and New Testament scholar Clarence Jordan’s Cotton Patch Gospels, with music by the late Harry Chapin (Cats in the Cradle). Led by Rev. Brooke Willson.

Zoom Bible Study

Wednesdays at 10:00am

Join us as Pastor Matt leads us through a look at the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. Contact the church office to be put on the Bible Study email list and have a reminder email with Zoom information in your email inbox every Tuesday!


Thank you to all my dear friends at Centenary for your kind expressions of sympathy following the death of my mother. She always loved Centenary and its members and was always excited to attend church there.

- Stan Baker

We express our sympathy to Anne Kraft and her family in the death of Anne's mother

Geranium Sale

$4.50 for a 4.5” pot

The geraniums come in red, pink and white. You may order a specific color, but color is not guaranteed. Orders due by March 31. Plants arrive April 20. To order or for more information, please contact the church office.


Sunday, March 24 @ 9:00am - The Cotton Patch Gospel Class- 2nd floor classroom

9:45am - Gather to process to Second Presbyterian Church

10:00am Blessing of the Palms at Second Presbyterian Church

@ 10:30 am - In person and Online Worship

After Worship - Coffee and Treats in the social hall

Monday, March 25 @ 5:00pm - Change the World/RVA

Tuesday, March 26 @ Noon - AA - Room 106

Wednesday, March 27 @ 10:00am - Bible Study - Zoom

@ 7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, March 28 @ 7:30pm - Holy Thursday Service - In person and Online

Friday, March 29 @ 10:30 am - Walk-In Lunch

@ Noon - AA - Room 106

@ 7:30pm - Good Friday Service - In person and Online

Sunday, March 31 @ 7:00am - Sunrise Service at Hollywood Cemetery

@ 10:30am - Easter Service - In person and Online

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


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Rev. Matt Bates -

Carina Brackin -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.