September 2024 Newsletter

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested in knowing about Five Cities Orchid Society and encourage them to subscribe.

From the President’s Potting Bench

Dear Orchid Enthusiasts,

As September arrives, the summer heat begins to wane here in Los Osos, though the warmth still lingers. If your greenhouse is anything like mine, it remains a tropical oasis—minus the piña coladas.

My Sobralias are still in bloom, showcasing their sequential flowering. Each flower lasts about a week before a new bloom emerges just below, with each cane producing three blooms over six weeks. It’s a continuous and captivating display of nature’s artistry.

The Epidendrums and Coelogynes continue to shine, with their vibrant colors and delightful fragrances. If you haven’t yet had the chance to admire these beauties, now is an excellent time.

September is also a great time to focus on care for your orchids. As temperatures start to moderate, it’s important to adjust watering routines accordingly. While humidity remains crucial, be mindful not to overwater as cooler nights and shorter days can reduce the orchid's water needs.

It’s also an ideal time for repotting orchids like Sarcochilus, which are beginning new root development. Fresh potting mix will give the roots room to expand and prepare for next year’s blooms.

With the changing season, consider using a fan or misting system to maintain consistent humidity levels and improve air circulation, which helps prevent fungal issues as the weather cools.

A friendly reminder to renew your membership dues—your support is vital in sustaining our vibrant orchid community. Don’t miss next month’s intriguing talk by Eric Holenda on Orchids in Switzerland. It promises to be a fascinating journey into one of Europe’s orchid-rich regions.

Be sure to visit our store for the latest orchid merchandise. It’s a great way to show your orchid passion and support our society.

Lastly, join us for our monthly business meeting via Zoom on the second Tuesday of the month, Sept 10 at 7 pm. We will talk about upcoming events and future plans for FCOS.

Happy potting and blooming!

Best regards,

Jeffery Parham

President, Five Cities Orchid Society

This is s Sobrailia that I obtained from Bruce Rogers in 2019. It’s the tallest orchid that I own at about 11 ft. It bloomed last year for the first time. It sent out another flower this year and it is fragrant.

My puppy, Maisie, discovered the Sobrailia flower in bloom and just had to stand up on her hind legs in order to get her nose right into the flower.

Catteleya skinneri ‘alba- i have this growing outside in full sun.

Sarcochilus Kulnura Chic x Sarcochilus Kulnura Tipple. While most of my Sarchochilus bloomed in May and April, this plant was a late bloomer and still has buds that haven’t fully opened. I’m growing these in a bark in a netted pot that is has a wick and set in an outer lot. I always try and keep this a little moist.


We are excited to announce the creation of a “Members ONLY” FCOS Membership Roster that allows you to voluntarily opt into exclusive networking opportunities. This roster will provide a link accessible only to members, offering a platform for connecting and expanding your network within the FCOS community. Join us in taking advantage of this valuable resource to enhance your professional relationships and collaborations.

Sign up- FCOS Roster

The Orchids of Switzerland

Thursday, September 12, 2024

7:00 PM 8:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

This is a Zoom presentation

FCOS member Eric Holenda takes us on trip to Switzerland, a most unusual location to find orchids. Eric has traveled the world to see and photograph orchids in the wild. His past presentations on “Dancing Lady” orchids (Oncidiums) and a visit to the Amazon basin during high water season were filled with useful orchid growing information. Join us for this most interesting journey to Switzerland. Please note this is a West Coast Zoom event and times are Pacific Time Zone

The Zoom link for the Orchids of Switzerland presentation at 7PM Pacific Time on Thursday, September 12 is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 5543 5739

Passcode: 204435

Tim Culbertson gave an in-person presentation of recent trends in breeding Zygopetalums. Working in conjunction with Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids, Tim and Fred are creating hybrids with more compact form. They are also modifying the traditionally dark brown/black sepals to shades of light green to near white. The solid purple lip has been transformed to shades of red and some hybrids posess a near white lip. Happily most hybrids retain the strong hyacinth fragrance.

Tim provided a comprehensive overview of the many genera being crossed with Zygopetalums to create stunning new hybrids which are compact, fragrant and much easier to grow. Your editors are working to create a YouTube video of Tim’s presentation.

What’s Blooming Now - a few photos from our members and friends

Laelia lucasiana (longipipes) is endemic to southeastern Brazil. It is found at elevations of 4,000 to 6,000 ft. Although described as cool growing it seems to be doing well in spite of my warm summer greenhouse conditions. This plant comes from our June 2023 silent auction and I believe it was donated by Anne and Rudy Bachmann. It is growing in a hanging netpot filled with medium bark and large perlite.

Laelia lucasiana (longipipes) photo of the entire plant. The two spikes at the back emerged twisted, perhaps from the high (100F+) temperatures this plant was exposed to over the 4th of July weekend in my greenhouse. Ed Lysek

SVO 5867 (Pot. Paradise Rose 'SVO' x Pot. Lebenkreis 'Diamond Orchids') Here is what Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids wrote about his hybrid and he was certainly right about the color. My experience is this plant is in bloom at least 6 months of the year.

“If you want the darkest, most vibrant crimson-red flowers imaginable, this grex will do it! These really are going to be nice, with excellent form and amazing color, all on compact plants less than 8” tall that flower twice a year! This breeding is designed to produce compact plants with flowers that look like scaled-down standard/large-sized Cattleya blooms.” Grown by Ed Lysek

Encyclia tampensis x Enc. granitica Enc. tampensis (Florida butterfly orchid) is an epiphyte growing on trees in the Bahamas, Cuba and Florida where it is commonly found growing along waterways. It prefers warm bright conditions with good air circulation. Enc. granitica from Brazil and Venezuela is a rupicolus (rock growing) orchid occurring on granite outcroppings and ridges along rivers and among boulders with a small pocket of soil at elevations of sea level to 400 meters as a medium sized, hot growing lithophyte.

This plant was purchased from Carter and Holmes over 10 years ago and has long overgrown the original plastic pot which is surrounded by a mass of roots inside a larger clay pot without any media. This orchid grows in my greenhouse in a bright location with good air circulation. The clay pot keeps the root zone humid but allows the roots to dry. The six spikes are full of 1 inch mildly sweet fragrant flowers. Grown by Ed Lysek

Rhynchostylus retusa. Widespread in tropical Asia from India to Borneo and the Philippines. Although the AOS website recommends warm conditions my several plants have withstood winter lows in the 40’sF in my greenhouse. Growing in a slatted wooden basket inside a clay pot without any media. This is the first time this plant has two spikes. Grown by Ed Lysek

Rhynchostylus retusa detail of the flower spike.

MC1903-Den. Formidable 'Floribunda' (formosanum' giant' x infundiblum' 4N') grows in the Himalaya mountains of India and southeast Asia at elevations ranging from 600 ft to 6,000 ft.

I purchased this orchid two years ago from Norman’s Orchids, in Montclair, CA. Norman states, “It blooms well for us outdoors along with our Cymbidiums. We grow them outdoors down to 40° – 45° F at night during winter when kept dry and over 100° F during summer. Can be grown on a bright windowsill or under lights. Easy to grow and bloom. Ed Lysek

Rhyncattleanthe Hunabu Victory 'Brenda Havenor' is a complex cattleya hybrid (Jewel-Glo X Bouton D'Or). Most photos of this orchid on the web show a dark orange lip with lighter orange petals but one image shows a light blue and white flower. This color form is somewhere in between. Grown by Alan Durham.

Barbosella cogniauxiana. Grows as a warm to cool growing, long-repent-scandent epiphyte in Brazil in wet, primary forests. This orchid is growing on a piece of cork oak which is placed in a cool greenhouse. This orchid was given to me by Eric Holenda years ago and he had received it from Paul Delegram. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Side view of Barbosella cogniauxiana flower.

Dracula vinacea. A cold growing epiphyte growing in Colombia cloud forests and road banks at elevations above 2,400 meters. This orchid is growing in a mesh pot filled with sphagnum moss which is hanging in a cool greenhouse. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Side view of Dracula vinacea flower.

Lycaste aromatica. Growing in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador as a cool to warm epiphyte, lithophyte and sometimes terrestrially at elevations of 500 to 2,000 meters. This orchid is growing outside in a plastic pot filled with a mixture of bark and lava rock. It has a great cinnamon fragrance. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Masdevallia revoluta. A hot to warm growing epiphyte growing in Ecuador at elevations of 200 to 850 meters. Growing in a mesh pot filled with a bark and perlite mixture. A gift from John Leathers where this orchid was growing in his greenhouse in Pacifica, California. Now in Chris Ehrler's cool greenhouse.

Lycaste aromatic x L. macrobulbon. Lycaste macrobulbon is a warm to cool growing epiphyte, terrestrial or lithophyte that grows in Colombia, Venezuela and northwestern Brazil at elevations around 1,200 to 2,000 meters and is often found in conjunction with pit viper's nests. This orchid is growing in a plastic pot filled with a mixture of bark and lava rock and fortunately not near any pit viper nests that I know about. But there is an alligator and western fence lizard that might be guarding it at times. The pot is outside year round under a wood shade structure. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Closeup of Lycaste aromatic x L. macrobulbon flowers.

Masdevallia (Aurora 'Sensation x Tourmaline 'Mars'). This hybrid is growing in a mesh pot filled with a bark and perlite mixture, with the pot in a cool greenhouse. In Chris Ehrler's cool greenhouse.

Side view of Masdevallia (Aurora 'Sensation x Tourmaline 'Mars') flower.

Masdevallia (MGH 'Isis' x coccinea 'Elle'). This hybrid is growing in a mesh pot filled with a bark and perlite mixture, with the pot in a cool greenhouse. In Chris Ehrler's cool greenhouse.

Side view of Masdevallia (MGH 'Isis' x coccinea 'Elle') flower.

Masdevallia caudata. A cool to cold growing epiphyte found in Colombia and western Venezuela at altitudes of 1,800 to 3,300 meters. This orchid is growing in a cool greenhouse in a clay pot filled with sphagnum moss. This orchid has produced flowers during three different months this year. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Side view of Masdevallia caudata flower.

Masdevallia coccinea var blanca x Masdevallia don quijote. Both are cool growing species. This primary hybrid is going outside in a clay pot filled with sphagnum moss. The pot is placed under a wood shade structure. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Side view of Masdevallia coccinea var blanca x Masdevallia don quijote flower.

Masdevallia heathii 'Flame AM/AOS x Masdevallia MacInnes Golden Heart. This hybrid is growing in a mesh pot filled with a bark and perlite mixture, with the pot in a cool greenhouse. In Chris Ehrler's cool greenhouse.

Side view of Masdevallia heathii 'Flame AM/AOS x Masdevallia MacInnes Golden Heart flower.

Pleurothallis scurrula. This cold growing epiphyte is found in Peru at elevation about 2200 to 2400 meters. This orchid is growing both mounted to a piece of wood with a small amount of sphagnum moss on the roots and in a clay pot filled with sphagnum moss that is in a cool greenhouse. This orchid has had flowers on it at three different months this last year. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Side view of Pleurothallis scurrula flower.

Unidentified species of Scaphosepalum. As can be seen this orchid is growing on a piece of wood with some sphagnum moss on the roots. It produces many flowers per inflorescence and has flowers during the entire year. This mounted orchid is growing in a cool greenhouse. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Top view of unidentified species of Scaphosepalum.

Front view of unidentified species of Scaphosepalum.

Side view of unidentified species of Scaphosepalum.

Stenia vasquezii. Grows in Peru and Bolivia at elevations about 1,800 to 1,900 meters on moss covered shrubs. Is a warm to cool growing epiphyte. This orchid is growing in a cool greenhouse in a clay pot filled with a bark and lava rock mixture. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Zootrophion dayanum. This cool growing epiphytic species is found in wet montane or cloud forests at elevations of 1,500 to 1,900 meters in the Andes in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. This orchid is growing on a piece of cork oak with sphagnum moss on the roots, with the mount hanging in a cool greenhouse. Grown by Chris Ehrler.

Earlene brought her Den. victoria reginae to our in-person meeting Show and Tell and really impressed everyone with her ability to grow and flower a range of challenging Dendrobiums.

Guy Gottschalk brought several of his Neofenetia falcata to the Show and Tell. He advised to allow the sphagnum moss media to dry and get “crunchy” between thorough waterings.

I got the Euchile Marina from Santa Barbara Orchid Estate as a $7.50 special back in summer 2017. Best $ I ever spent. It is a cross between Euc. mariae x Euc. citrina. Exhibits the best of both species. The substance, coloration and wonderful fragrance of citrina and the lip of mariae. The buds open almost green and mature to a darker yellow. The flowers are now gone, but lasted about 2 months. I give it a cool spot near an open vent and water sparingly when the weather cools, about Nov. 1, then when new growth starts I water it almost every sunny day. This year has been the best it has flowered. Julie Wolter

Eric Holenda’s tulip orchid (Anguloa) was absolutely stunning and a great Show and Tell entry.

Michael Jenne’s Phragmepedium bessae hybrid was an inspiration to all who wish to grow and bloom this orchid. A noted breeder of this orchid, Jason Fischer will be our speaker in Nov. 2025 and his small P. bessae seedlings will have time to grow and will be available for purchase in time for his presentation in 16 months.

If your growing conditions are too warm to grow Miltonopsis (pansy orchids) the warmer growing Miltonia species and hybrids may be an option. This is Miltonia Belvedere ‘George McMahen’ obtained as a division of a plant grown by Joe and Cathy Parker at their greenhouse in Pacifica. It is now hapily growing on an oak branch in my Templeton greenhouse. The roots are surrounded by strands of Spanish moss to keep them cool and moist. The moss is periodically thinned to insure the Miltonia roots can properly dry between watering. Ed Lysek

Miltonia Totem Lake (M. Golden Fleece x M. cogniauxiae) growing in a slatted wooden basket with a small amount of bark around the roots. Misted daily in Spring and Summer. For recommendations for growing Miltonia orchids click here. Grown by Ed Lysek.

Close up of Miltonia Totem Lake. This plant was purchased at an FCOS meeting in February 2016 and has never disappointed with a flush of long lasting summer flowers.

Holcoglossum sublifolium x Vanda coerulescens. I moved an orchid in the back corner of my greenhouse and discovered this nice surprise. This Vanda hybrid was in bloom when I purchased it from Ruben at Sunset Valley Orchids’ booth at the Santa Barbara show this March. I did not expect a seconds bloom 5 months later. Growing in a net pot filled with medium bark in a shady corner of my greenhouse. It is now moved to a brighter spot more favorable to Vandas. Grown by Ed Lysek.

Phragmipedium longifolium, greenhouse grown by Michael Jenné, photograph by Chris Howard.

Sobralia macrantha - grown outdoors in part sun grown by Michael Jenné, photograph by Chris Howard.

Sobralia mirabilis - grown outdoors in part sun grown by Michael Jenné, photograph by Chris Howard.

Lesueurara Queen Joyce Duncan "Volcano Queen".

Love the spots! It is a cross between Brassocatanthe Mickey's Freckles x Enc. randii. The flowers last several weeks and have a wonderful fragrance, probably from the randii side. It seems to like intermediate temps and very bright light. No special requirements from this beauty. Because it is a clone, all 4 of this cross I have bloom alike. I really need to stop buying multiples of seedlings. Potted in Hydroton. Grown by Julie Wolter.

Bc. Frank Grezaffi "Roger"

I love Brassavola crosses and this is way up there on my list. Free flowering several times a year and fragrant at night due to B. nodosa. Got to admit, I do buy orchids on Ebay, but from well known and trusted sellers. This plant came from ebay seller "southjerseyite" David Off of Waldor Orchids in New Jersey. Provide intermediate temps, and very bright light and water when dry and it loves it. Potted in Hydroton. Grown by Julie Wolter.

Bc. Crazyarachno

The original cross of B. perrini x B. cuculatta (or probably B. appendiculata) came from Allen Black. I really love all of his crosses, he is a genius at B. cuculatta crosses. I purchased this from SBOE in 2018. I had this plant in a location that received really bright light, lots of air circulation and it did not do very well. Moved it to a warmer location with lower light in a corner and boom! Seven new growths with 15 flowers! My greenhouse is only 8' x 6' and space is very tight but this guy gets the 1st class spot. Potted in the same basket I bought it in. There it will stay for the rest of time because it would be very difficult to remove it. Grown by Julie Wolter.

Mcv. Paul Storm

= B. nodosa x Mop. brysiana. Once again, a nodosa cross and with spots, surprise!. I love these weird and unusual flowers, twisted petals and tons of spots. Bright light, lots of water while growing and the warm side of intermediate. Once again, potted in Hydroton.

Grown by Julie Wolter.

Den. victoria-regina. I got this plant from Cal Orchid in 2022. I had read that it is fussy and difficult to grow and really hesitated buying it but it was so healthy and well grown for $25.00 I gave it a chance and glad I did. I stake it upright due to shelf space. This guy has been in flower since the time I bought it. New buds pop out from old and new canes all the time. There might not be very many but they are a colorful contrast to the eye. It was in a tiny 2x2 pot when I bought it and just repotted it this year because it was top heavy and kept falling over. Potted in Hydroton mixed with Grodon Cubes. Grown by Julie Wolter.

Sobralia macrantha alba “Angelique” - grown outside in part sun grown by Michael Jenné, photograph by Chris Howard.

Sobralia macrantha alba “Angelique” - close up shows yellow throat and a subtle pink splash on the center of the lip.

Bulbophyllum bicolor - This is the first time this orchid has developed a spike - and these are unopened buds - can’t wait to see the flowers! Growing in sphagnum moss in a hanging basket kept constantly moist in a shady back corner of my greenhouse. Cultural info here (and a photo of what the fully open flowers will look like) Ed Lysek

Orchids in Art: From Ancient Symbolism to Modern Masterpieces

Orchids have long captivated human imagination, transcending time and culture to find their place in various forms of art. From ancient symbolism to modern masterpieces, these exquisite flowers have been celebrated for their beauty, mystery, and diversity. This article delves into the rich history of orchids in art, exploring how they have been represented across different mediums, periods, and cultural contexts. (to continue reading please click here)

Orchids Poems

The Orchid Flower" by Sam Hamill

The Orchid Flower

Just as I wonder whether it's going to die, the orchid blossoms and I can't explain why it moves my heart, why such pleasure comes from one small bud on a long spindly stem, one flower erasing the worry of winter. ~ Sam Hamill

(to continue reading please click here)

Historical Survey of the Top 25 Famous Orchid Biologists

Orchid biology has captivated many renowned scientists throughout history. Here's a list highlighting some of the most influential figures in the field:

(To continue reading please click here)


Britain’s rarest ghost orchid rediscovered after 15 years

One of Britain's rarest plants has been discovered in the wild for the first time since 2009.

The plant is a ghost orchid - a rare flower with no leaves or chlorophyll - the green pigment that absorbs sunlight so that plants can turn it into energy.

Upcoming Orchid Events

October 5 - FCOS NEW MEMBER SOCIAL: If you have joined FCOS in the last 2-3 years, you are cordially invited to The Planted Parlour, between 4-6pm. Come join us for a special event just for new orchid growers. A great way to meet other fellow newbies, ask questions and see how we support our orchid community. There will be food and drinks, and free give-aways geared towards new orchid growers. Please RSVP to

October 12 @ 2pm - ORCHIDS AS HOUSEPLANTS: An instructional class to explain the basics to growing your orchids indoors, either in a windowsill or underlights. You do not need a greenhouse or substantial outdoor space to grow and bloom beautiful orchids. Reserve your space in the class as space is limited.

October 19-20 - ORCHID MINI SHOW: The FCOS members are encouraged to display their blooming orchids for the public over the weekend. A great way to get Autumn blooming orchids some time to shine. The shop will also be stocked with many exciting orchids for sale as well as supplies. Prizes awarded for Best in Show!

For more information contact the Planted Parlour

Did I pay my FCOS 2024 Membership? CLICK HERE to see if your name is on our Paid Members List. Thank you for all who have paid their 2024 Membership dues.

Membership Benefits and How to Join FCOS

  • The FCOS Newsletter emailed every month. Keep up to date on FCOS activities, enjoy entertaining and informative articles, and orchid culture tips. Sign up for FCOS newsletter.
  • Monthly Zoom talks from local and worldwide Orchid Experts.
  • Opportunities to win beautiful and quality orchids. 
  • Network with amateur, advanced collectors and commercial growers 
  • Select invitation to our Holiday Party/Summer Picnic and Auctions.
  • Participation in our Annual Central California Coast Orchid Show
  •  Create orchid displays for The Huntington Botanical Gardens International Orchid Show/The Santa Barbara International Orchid Show.
  •  Invitation to exclusive FCOS Field-trips to out of town vendors and events.
  • Click to download a copy of the FCOS Membership Form.
  • Membership dues are $25 per year for an individual or family. $15 after June 1 for the balance of the calendar year.
  • Make your check payable to Five Cities Orchid Society, PO Box 1066 Grover Beach, CA 93483.
  • Please include your completed membership form with your payment.
  • Thank You for becoming a member of the Five Cities Orchid Society.

Payment by Credit Card with an FCOS-BetterWorld Account

If you wish to pay for your membership by credit card, you will need to establish an account with the FCOS processing service BetterWorld. Establishing an FCOS-BetterWorld account will also enable you to participate in FCOS on-line orchid auctions as well as paying for your membership dues. Click here to create an FCOS-BetterWorld account and pay for your membership by credit card.

A Lifetime Individual Membership is available for a one-time donation of $500. Your generous donation enables FCOS to attract quality speakers, create content rich newsletters and most importantly helps finance one of the largest regional orchid shows in the western U.S. You can submit your lifetime membership payment by check using the FCOS Membership Form or by credit card by clicking this link: FCOS-BetterWorld Lifetime Membership Donation of $500.

FCOS Garage Sale

Send an email to Jeff Parham, Chris Ehrler or Ed Lysek and include an image of your item, a description, price, and your contact info. We'll include your info in our next monthly newsletter if there is space. FCOS assumes no responsibility for payment, taxes, etc. We ask the items be orchid or plant related. FCOS is not taking a commission or participating in any other way.

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Five Cities Orchid Society 2024 Board of Directors

(Click on name to contact by email)

Jeff Parham, President

Ed Lysek, Vice President

Eric Holenda,Treasurer

Michelle Ralston, Secretary

Chris HowardAnne Bachmann & Lillian Burns, Directors at Large

Linda Hauss, AOS Liaison

Jeff Parham, Show Chairman

Chris Ehrler, Past President

Orchids are really great!