Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunities

Mock Interviews for NP, PA, and Medical School

We provide mock interviews for those planning on applying to medical, nurse practitioner or physician assistant programs. You will be matched with a UCSF faculty, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant for a one-hour interview - 45 minutes of interview, followed by 15 minutes of feedback. Applications are due July 15. Space is limited so please apply early. Open to HDFCCC staff. More info/apply

Other Career Development Opportunities

HDFCCC K12 Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology

Seminar Series

Concept to Completion: Strategies for Successful Clinical Trials Seminar Series

All seminars are from 2pm-4pm via Zoom.

Aug. 15: Fostering Diversity in Clinical Trials

Aug. 29: Protocol Structure and Review

Nov. 7: Informed Consent and Clinical Trial Ethics

Nov. 14: Types of Trials and Sponsors and the General Activation Process

Career Development and Leadership Seminar Series

July 18: Leveraging Philanthropy to Build and Sustain Your Research Program (1-3pm, in-person, open to faculty only)

Sept. 12: Demystifying the Climb, Promotions at UCSF (2-4pm, via zoom)

Open to early career faculty and senior fellows except where noted

Mentoring Opportunity for CRCs

Be a mentor for the Clinical Research Coordinators: Learners for Equity (CIRCLE) Program! This program trains historically underrepresented trainees to be CRCs. They are looking for CRCs to be mentors for the shadowing component of the program, which takes place between September and December 2024. For more information and to apply, click here.


DEIA Needs Assessment - Please fill out this brief 5 min survey to help us understand the needs of our Cancer Center community.

Apply to be a member of the Gender Equity Committee - Open to all trainees, faculty, and staff affiliated with the Cancer Center. Apply here by Aug. 15 at 11:59pm. Contact Robbie Díaz

Robbie Diaz if you have questions.

Upcoming Events:

THURS JULY 11, 3PM: Reshaping Perspectives and Narratives around Mental Health, Disability, and Neurodivergence within the AANHPI Community. Registration

The virtual event will feature Vietnamese, autistic storyteller and speaker, Dennis Tran

This lecture is free to attend but donations to the Asian Americans with Disabilities Initiative is strongly encouraged. 


Interested in receiving notifications from UCSF Healthcare Advocates for Social Justice, such as when new lectures are scheduled? Email Lindsay Williams to request a subscription to our mailing list. 

Entrepreneurship: How to Assess Opportunities - Aug. 28, 3:30-5pm

Stephanie Marrus, Managing Director of Entrepreneurship at the UCSF Entrepreneurship Center will present, followed by a discussion with Michelle Arkin, PhD, UCSF, Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Co-Director of the HDFCCC Small Molecular Discovery Center.


LEAP mentoring program

LEAP Early Career Faculty Mentoring Program

LEAP provides career mentoring to early career HDFCCC faculty who do not receive it elsewhere. Must be at the assistant or associate professor level and be a full or associate HDFCCC member. Applicants are matched with mentors in late September/early October. More info/apply

Interested in Recruiting a UCSF Med Student to Help with a Research Project?

Each year UCSF med students participate in over 200 mentored projects, from 8-week summer to full-time, yearlong projects. If you have a project that could use a med student researcher and want to meet potential students, participate in the Visit-a-Mentor Event in August.

Visit-a-Mentor are 15 minute planned, virtual appointments that give you the opportunity to meet the entire class of medical students. Open to all faculty. To participate, register here by August 2.

Click here for more career development resources and training
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center - Office of Education and Training | Website