Current water supply conditions as of 4/8/2024:
Lake Mendocino FIRO* Target Water Storage Curve: 98,905 acre-feet
Current Storage: 98,630 acre-feet (99.72% of FIRO Storage Curve)
Lake Sonoma Minor Deviation Curve: 264,000 acre-feet
Current Storage: 265,404 acre-feet (100.5% of Minor Deviation Storage Curve)
*FIRO is the acronym for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations
Current rainfall conditions (10/1/23 –4/8/24)
Average (1894-2023 water years): 32.63"
Current Water Year: 36.34” which is 111% of average
Santa Rosa (STS):
Average (1950-2023 water years): 32.33"
Current Water Year: 34.24” which is 106% of average
Rainfall Data Source: NOAA's California Nevada River Forecast Center
Raining outside? Keep this number handy: Sonoma Water Flood Forecast Information Hotline 707-526-4768