What's up, AARCS?!

Remember me? It's Bernard, the handsomest shepherd you've ever seen, even when sporting a pink cast on a broken leg! WHOA, I can't believe I ever looked so ruff!

It's felt like FOREVER since my last update to you, but I was waiting for some good news to share... and now I have some! I got the all clear from the vet! My leg is healed up! I still have to take it easy for a little while, but the hardest part is in the past.

I'm sooo happy to have some freedom again! All those weeks of being forced to rest was really tough. I'm not really a lounging around kind of dog, so I was pretty frustrated not being able to move for so long. It is B-O-R-I-N-G sitting still all day!

Now that I'm finally feeling better and allowed to exercise and play, I've got to work on some things before I start accepting applications. I can be a bit anxious when I'm left alone -- can you blame me after nobody claimed me when I was hurt? -- but I've started taking some medication to help while I learn that my humans are always coming back.

Well, that's it! That's my update for now! Thanks for your help to get me this far -- you're my hero! Stay tuned to hear when I start looking for a forever home. Now THAT will be a day to celebrate!

--xo, Bernard 🐶

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