Tune in with Shir Chadash!
July 23 - July 29, 2024
17 Tamuz - 23 Tamuz 5784
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- Looking Ahead
- Calling All Torah Readers!
- Mazel Tov!
- Shir Chadash Events & Announcements
- Upcoming Events
- Membership Renewal & Religious School Registration
- Learn & Play at Shir Chadash
- Weekday Minyanim
- Sisterhood Corner
- Shir Chadash Stands with Israel: Israel Resource Page
- Community Events & Announcements
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Looking Ahead: Shir Chadash Calendar
All links have migrated to our webpage. Click here to get there!
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Thursday, July 25th
8 am, Morning Minyan on Zoom
Friday, July 26th
5:30 pm, Holy Happy Hour
6:15 pm, Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with David Kaplinsky & Brianah Caplan
Saturday, July 27th
9:30 am, Shabbat Morning Services, followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by Esther & Marc Hendler in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary
10 am, Babysitting
Following Kiddush Lunch, Games Afternoon
Sunday, July 28th
9:15 am, Morning Minyan, followed by a special Men's Club breakfast in honor of Sol Heiman's 95th birthday
10:30 am, Sunday Mah Jongg - Open to all players of any experience level
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Thursday, August 1
8 am, Morning Minyan on Zoom
Friday, August 2nd
6:15 pm, Shabbat Evening Services
Saturday, August 3rd
9:30 am, Shabbat Morning Services, followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by Debbie & Leon Pesses in honor of Leon's 75th birthday and the Baby Naming of their granddaughter, Annie Elaine Pesses
10 am, Babysitting
Sunday, August 4th
9:15 am, Morning Minyan, followed by Men's Club breakfast
Monday, August 5th
7:30 pm, General Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 7th
10 am, Taste of Sisterhood Class: Biblical Women & Midrash
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The Ritual Committee would like to compile a list of congregants who are able and interested in reading Torah on occasion. Avi Gedalia and Barry Ivker carry the load for us on most every Shabbat and Yom Tov, but even they go on vacation from time to time. If you are interested in picking up the occasional portion, or as many aliyot as you wish, please e-mail Jon Mizrahi at jonmizrahi@gmail.com and let him know. We are happy to give plenty of advance notice for preparation. Thank you!
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Birthday Card Drive for Dave Meltzer's 100th Birthday |
Dave Meltzer, who served as Tikvat Shalom Board President from 1988-90, is celebrating his 100th birthday on August 8th. An unassuming man, Dave was an amazing Shir Chadash volunteer after his retirement from Chevron. Dave and his wife Pearl took charge of the books for sale at Nearly New and built the stairs going up on the stage. They moved to Austin after Katrina but still support Shir Chadash with annual donations. We are encouraging lots of Birthday wishes to go his way from our Shir Chadash community.
If you would like to contribute to Shir Chadash's Birthday Wishes Packet, either mail in or drop off a birthday card to the synagogue office by Friday, August 2nd. If you wish to send your card separately, feel free to contact the Shir Chadash office for the Meltzers' contact information.
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Shir Chadash Events & Announcements | |
Please join us on Saturday, August 3rd for a very special Simcha and Kiddush as we celebrate Leon’s 75th birthday, and the Baby Naming of our granddaughter, Annie Elaine Pesses, daughter of Evan and Sara Pesses, and little sister of Bette Pesses. All are welcome.
Debbie, Leon, Greta, Evan, Sara, Bette, and Annie Pesses
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Click flyer to enlarge
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In the case you didn't receive the 2024-25 Fiscal Year's Membership Renewal and Dues information, you may read the letter from our lay leadership HERE and complete your form and/or pay your dues using the buttons below: | |
Our inaugural "Game Afternoon" will be THIS Saturday, July 27th! | |
Come play Mah Jongg at Shir Chadash once a month on Sundays at 10:30 AM!
New and experienced players are welcome!
Upcoming Dates: July 28 | August 25 | September 22 | October 27 | November 24 | December 22
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Minyan will be in the Chapel
at 9:15 am, followed by breakfast.
Zoom participation remains an option.
This week's breakfast will be a special one, in honor of Sol Heiman's 95th birthday!
Everyone welcome!
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Thursday Shacharit Minyan |
Join us at 8 am for our
virtual weekday minyan.
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Top 10 Reasons to Join Sisterhood! | |
10. Sisterhood needs & values you
9. Interesting discussions & conversations
8. Opportunities to learn new skills
7. Being a part of something bigger than yourself
6. Connections to individuals around the world
5. Longest ongoing Torah study class in NOLA
4. Innovative programming
3. Increased longevity & decreased stress
2. Unmatched support system
1. Lasting friendships
Details about membership, dues payments, or contributing
for this year are COMING SOON!
Information and/or questions, contact Charisse Sands at 504-231-6464 or annsandsc@aol.com (Sisterhood in subject line)
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Shir Chadash Stands With Israel:
How To Support Israel (and yourself!) Right Now
In these unprecedented times, the leadership of both Shir Chadash and of the New Orleans Jewish community are here to assist you. Below, you will find a link to resources which can help, whether you are seeking pastoral and/or mental health support/counseling, opportunities for Israel advocacy, up-to-date news, or a chance to help Israel financially, spiritually, or through on-the-ground volunteer service. Please feel free to take advantage of these resources as fully as you like. And if you need additional help, please feel free to call us in the office.
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Community Events & Announcements | |
Join MSJE for our "Sit a Spell: Virtual Southern Summer Series", featuring three free online lectures exploring the lives of Southern Jewish figures who played a part in 20th century history - for better and for worse. | |
Contact Us
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM
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