DVHS Newsletter

April 09, 2024


April 8, 9, 10 - Regular Bell Schedule

April 11 ,12 - Block Day Bell Schedule

April 13 - DVHS Junior/Senior Prom

April 18 - DVHS Senior PTSA Application Due

April 29th - May 4th - DVHS Spring Concerts

May 1 - First Day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

2023-24 NEW Bell Schedule
SRVUSD 2023-24 Instructional Calendar
This Week at DVHS

Dear 12th grade parents,

We are so proud of our DVHS Senior grads and we know you are too! Graduation yard signs for your students are the perfect way to cheer on the graduates. Celebrate your student, or treat a friend or neighbor, and acknowledge their accomplishments with a personalized yard sign to display for all to see.

DVHS PTSA has partnered with Streamline graphics to provide beautiful, affordable, personalized yard signs delivered directly to your doorstep. And...your grad's legacy will live on as % of each yard sign purchased using our link will be donated back to the DVHS PTSA Sisterschool program to enhance the need for our students in our sister school. Show your 2024 graduate how proud you are of them!

Order your yard sign here! Flyer here

Last day to order is April 11th. Prices go up after April 11, 2024

Email with any questions you have.

DVHS Junior/Senior Prom

Saturday April 13, 7 -11pm @ California Academy of Sciences

Junior/Senior Prom is right around the corner. Prom tickets are on sale now through the Wildcat Webstore. This year’s theme is Enchanted Forest, and the prom will be at the California Academy of Sciences from 7 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, April 13. Get all the details here.

2023-2024 DVHS PTSA Scholarship Application now open for DVHS Seniors

Deadline to Submit: Applications are due by Thursday, April 18, 2024.

The DVHS PTSA is pleased to announce that the scholarship applications for the graduating class of 2024 are now open. Make use of your spring break and plan to apply. These scholarships are available for students planning to attend college or trade school. 

Theme: Community Spirit 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be a graduating senior of DVHS (Class of 2024).
  • Planning to attend a college, university, or trade school in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above (as of the end of Fall 2023 Semester).
  • Must be a current PTSA member at the time of application submission.
  • Application must be submitted by April 18, 2024, at 11:59 pm via the Google application form.

Application Requirements:

  • Application submitted using the Google form.
  • Most recent transcript (final transcript for Fall 2023).
  • Proof of Student PTSA Membership from July 1, 2023, to the date of scholarship application submission.
  • Essay (500 words maximum) focusing on a community activity and its importance.
  • One Letter of Reference uploaded to the form, showcasing community spirit.

PTSA Membership:

  • Students must be current DVHS PTSA members in good standing. Membership after July 1, 2023, qualifies. You can also become a DVHS PTSA member now here

How to Confirm Membership:

  • Log in to DVHS Future Fund and click on "Memberships" to confirm.
  • Contact Rupinder Kaur, Membership chair ( for assistance.
  • If not a member, visit DVHS Future Fund, select DVHS PTSA, and choose PTSA Student Membership. Attach the receipt to the application.


Application Checklist:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Proof of PTSA Membership
  • Recent Transcript
  • Community Spirit Essay
  • One Reference Letter

For any inquiries, please contact

We look forward to receiving your applications!


DVHS PTSA Senior Scholarship Committee

AP (Advanced Placement) testing information

This year, we are trying a new approach: Students will be responsible for their AP IDs, and we will have a pre-check-in to set all students up for success. Pre-check is scheduled from April 8 to May 1, and is required for ALL students taking any 2024 AP exam at DVHS.  Click here for all details.

Clean out your cupboards and closets to benefit DVHS Track & Field

DVHS Track & Field will collect your donations of clothing, household textiles, small household goods, and books on Saturday, April 20. The drop-off zone will be in the DVHS covered parking lot between 9 a.m. - 12 noon.  Click here for more details.

DVHS Spring Concerts

Spring Music Concerts - Music classes will be performing their final concert of the year! Come enjoy a beautiful evening concert and celebrate these student musicians in the Performing Arts Center April 29 to May 4, including Choir’s very popular Pops concert!

Grad Night Bay Yacht Cruise

Just for the Class of '24! Secure your spot on this exclusive June 5 San Francisco Bay yacht experience, as there is limited availability (first come first served) for approximately 300 guests. Your ticket includes the cruise on the bay, round-trip bus transportation to and from DVHS, a delightful self-serve buffet, refreshing beverages, a lively DJ, photobooths, and much more! Click here for the flyer! Purchase your tickets through the PTSA section of the DVHS FutureFund link

2024 DVHS Athletic Booster Scholarships - application deadline is April 21

Applications for the DVHS Athletic Boosters Annual Senior Scholarship are now OPEN for DVHS graduating class of 2024 who plan on continuing their education at a community, technical, or a traditional 4-year college. Seniors who participated on a Varsity DVHS sports team during their time at DVHS with an unweighted 3.0 GPA are eligible to apply. Application information and links are available on the DVHS Athletic Boosters website. Application and coach recommendations are due by Sunday, April 21 at 11:59 p.m. No exceptions!

DVHS Athletic Booster

DVHS Athletic Booster

Thank you to all of you who attended our DVHS Athletic Boosters Crab Feed. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The event was a HUGE success and your support will directly impact our student athletes and athletic programs. We also want to thank our team parents who helped put together amazing team baskets, and all the volunteers who helped collect donations or helped on the day of Crab Feed. We THANK YOU!!! 

Congratulations to all our auction winners!  All winners of the should have received their item(s) or been contacted regarding pick up of the auction item. Thank you again for supporting the DVHS Athletic Boosters!

In order to have successful events like this, we need volunteers! We have our Athletic Boosters election coming up on April 8th, in case you or someone you know is interested in becoming a board member, please email us at

Spring Team Donations

Thank you to all our parents who have already made donations to our athlete’s teams. Your team donations go directly to support the expenses in the team budget, so please donate! Any programs that hits the 75% received category will receive a bonus of $500 from Athletic Boosters. To run successful programs our teams need to hit their budgets. Please talk to your team parent if you have any questions about your team budget for the season. 

  • Team donations new through FUTURE FUNDS
  • The statistics are public, yet the family/player info is anonymous. The data is shared with the coaches so they know their program funds and standings by %. Donations by player name are 100% private and maintained ONLY by the DVHS Bookkeepers.

Athletic Boosters Meeting

Join us for our next meeting on April 8th at 5:30 pm in the DVHS Library. A representative from each team needs to attend for each team to be eligible for Coaches Grants. 


Stanford Medical - Diamond Sponsor

Greenlight Simulation - Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Group @ Compass Real Estate - Diamond Sponsor

Chauhan Family - Silver Sponsor

Bareiss @ Reman/Accord - Silver Sponsor

Shikha Kapur - Silver Sponsor

Regional Occupation Program (ROP)

We want to share the good news! Regional Occupation Program (ROP) teachers were invited to nominate students for Contra Costa County's Office of Education (CCCOE) Contra Costa County ROP Student of Excellence Award. CCC ROP’s Students of Excellence awards acknowledge the outstanding work and commitment of our students in Career Programs.  These DVHS students were nominated by their ROP teachers and selected from our District for the 2024 CCCOE CCC ROP Student of Excellence Award and will be honored at a CCCOE event on April 30: 

  • 12th grade: Emma Lee, ROP Course: Careers in Teaching 1; nominated by Jessica Tsuji
  • 12th grade: Maggie Gu, ROP Course: Intro to Business; nominated by Andrew Cardiasmenos
  • 12th grade: Samiuddin Hasamy, ROP Course: International Cuisine, nominated by Dave Offerman
  • 11th grade: Maya Mankude, ROP Course: Biotechnology, nominated by Kathy Huang

In addition, the following students were nominated and will be sent a certificate and a $50 Amazon card for their accomplishments:

  • 11th grade: Mahati Mannava, ROP Course: Intro to Business, nominated by Andrew Cardiasmenos
  • 11th grade: Joyce Wang, ROP Course: VS.Net, nominated by Yin Lau

Junior/Senior Prom is right around the corner. Prom tickets are on sale now through the Wildcat Webstore. This year’s theme is Enchanted Forest, and the prom will be at the California Academy of Sciences from 7 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, April 13. Get all the details here.

Get your homework done while still at school! 

Peer tutoring is now available from our Academic Leadership Peer Tutors. Students can request peer tutoring during Wednesday and Thursday Access (sign-up required) or Tuesday and Thursday during B Period (no sign-up required, walk-ins welcome). Academic Leadership tutors are students who are trained in peer tutoring and have had prior success in courses at DVHS. We can help with everything from Calculus to Choir, French to Freshman English. They are friendly and ready to help!

DVHS Student Carpool Program – it’s a great deal!

If your student is driving to school, create a carpool to save money on the student parking permit and earn gas money at the same time! A student carpool is defined as 2 or more DVHS students (driven by one of those students) per car coming to school together every day and parking in one of the 12 designated student carpool spaces in the student parking area. Carpool drivers will receive a gas card for participating (while supplies last) and carpool passengers are entered into a quarterly drawing for gift cards. The carpool driver also gets a break on the purchase of a parking permit - $100 for the carpool parking permit vs. $150 for regular student parking permit. This is a first come, first serve opportunity and the carpool parking permit form must be completed and submitted to the DVHS bookkeeper to qualify. Further details are on the permit form.

Student parking permit required

Student drivers need to have a 2023-2024 DVHS parking permit to park in our school parking lot. Parking tickets will be issued to cars parked in the lot without a current parking permit. Parking permits can be purchased on our website in the ASB Webstore. If a student has already purchased a parking permit, the permit can be picked up from the bookkeepers office.

Library Hours

The DVHS Library will be open from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and Wednesday after school until 4:15 p.m. We encourage students to arrive at school early to help alleviate the traffic congestion. 

School Library Month

San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the month of April as School Library Month. The school library ensures that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information and contributes to the growth and development of all students. Lifelong learning is enhanced and systematically developed through the school library. The librarian’s role is to provide the leadership and expertise necessary to ensure that the school library is an integral part of each school’s instructional program. 

National Day of Silence - April 12

San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes April 12, 2024 as National Day of Silence. During this student-led national event, some students may choose to take a vow of silence to bring attention to the name calling, bullying and harassment that many LGBTQ+ youth face. SRVUSD promotes respect, tolerance and acceptance on all our campuses and believes that all students and staff have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. National Day of Silence will not alter instruction on April 12, but students may voluntarily participate and teachers may discuss and are asked to be thoughtful and sensitive as they create lesson plans. Teachers will be teaching on this day. The pride flag will fly at the District office and at all District sites.

DVHS Spirit Shack 

The Spirit Shack is open on Fridays during lunch for the purchase of DVHS spirit wear tees, hats, stickers, lanyards, etc.

Public School Volunteer Appreciation Week - April 15-19

San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the week of April 15-19, 2024 as Public School Volunteer Appreciation Week. The many devoted and dedicated volunteers in our community provide essential support to our students through generous donations of time, talent, and resources. Volunteers enrich learning experiences beyond what is often available for students and selflessly serve on our boards and committees. They play a key role as our partners in education and in fostering a sense of community and pride within our schools and district.

Environmental Week - April 21-27

San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the week of April 21-27, 2024 as Environmental Week. Schools have the potential to effect positive, tangible environmental change while preparing students, in their careers and civic life, to be stewards of their communities, the earth, and its resources. We support students in becoming aware of the impact of their actions on themselves, others, the environment, and vulnerable communities around the world. SRVUSD also acknowledges April 21 as John Muir Day and April 22 as Earth Day.

Education and The California State Budget

The California State Constitution requires the Governor to submit a budget to the Legislature by January 10th of each year. The Legislative Analysis Office (LAO), a non-partisan government agency, prepares an analysis and overview of the budget. The budget is then reviewed by both the Senate Budget Committee and the Assembly Budget Committee. The Senate and Assembly each produce a budget bill which is utilized by the governor to produce a revised budget in May. The legislature is required to pass a budget by midnight, June 15th, each year. You may recall that this rarely happens.

The largest share of the State general fund spending supports education. General Fund revenue comes from personal income tax, corporation tax, and sales and use tax.  The majority of K-12 funding comes from the State and is allocated by the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The Legislature determines the LCFF grant levels in the annual state budget. In 1988 the voters approved Proposition 98 (also known as the "Classroom Instructional Improvement and Accountability Act,") which constitutionally guarantees a minimal level of funding for schools based on the General Fund revenue.  

The 2024-2025 proposed budget estimate of general fund revenue is significantly lower than originally estimated in the 2023-24 budget. Consequently the proposed budget assumes a significant decrease in the amount guaranteed by Proposition 98.  Governor Newsom assumes the state will have a $37.8 billion deficit over the next three years. The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) predicted a $68 billion deficit, $30 billion greater than the governor's predicted deficit. 

The K-12 funding is 26.2% of the proposed 2024-2025  State Budget. Funding for K-12 schools and community colleges would be reduced by $11.3 billion over three years (2022-2025). The proposed budget includes the following expenditures:

  • $6 million to develop ways of addressing student absence.
  • $20 million to support implementation of the new math framework.
  • $25 million to train teachers to screen for literacy problems, including dyslexia, something California State PTA strongly supported.
  • $7 million to support inquiry-based science instruction.
  • $300 million for the state’s poorest schools.
  • $122 million to increase funding for universal school meals.
  • $5 million to increase support for the California Cradle-to-Career Data System.
  • $500 million to convert school buses to zero-emission.

For more information about the budget, please go to Ed100 and EdSource.

Learn more about California’s state budget

COVID tests available

We have Covid antigen home tests available, free of charge, at our front office  

DVHS PTSA Membership

Did you know that your donations to the DVHS PTSA are eligible for corporate matching programs? You can help the PTSA earn more money to support our students and school community simply by taking advantage of such programs if your employer has one. Go to our page on the Benevity portal for more info:

And if you haven’t yet joined the PTSA, visit our webpage to learn more and join today: 

Update Your Newsletter Subscription

If you or your child will be at a different school site this coming school year, please take a moment to update your email list subscriptions to make sure that you receive summer communications. This is necessary because our newsletter/email lists do not get updated until after Labor Day. Just click on the Update Profile link down in the footer of this message and check the lists that you want to be on (and uncheck any you no longer want). This is also the place to update your email address if you've changed it.
All are welcome -- parents, family members, students, teachers, staff, and community members. Choose the school or specialty lists that best suit your interests. This is a great time for current 8th-grade families to join their high school lists. High School students interested in receiving their high school newsletters are also welcome to subscribe!

Parents of 2022 Graduates: You're welcome to stay on the high school list, but if you'd prefer to stop receiving newsletters and school updates, click on the Update Profile link in the council newsletter and uncheck any lists you no longer want to hear from. We encourage you to subscribe to an Alumni Parent list or follow the DVHS PTSA on Social Media.

Share This Link with Others so They Can Choose Their Lists!
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