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E-Spirit Weekly Newsletter | July 9, 2024


V2A Application Deadline is quickly approaching!

Vision To Action grant applications are due by this Monday, July 15! The V2A website ( will close at midnight on that day. All components of the application, including financial information, signature page and any addenda must be part of the package. The Grant Team will review and evaluate all applications, and decisions will be communicated via email on November 1.

Register Today for 2024 Conference on Ministry

COM will be held September 16-18 at Mission Inn in Howey-in-the-Hills

We are excited to invite you to the 2024 Conference on Ministry, held this year at the stunning Mission Inn in Howey-in-the-Hills, FL. Join us from September 16-18, 2024, for an inspiring and rejuvenating retreat featuring our guest speaker, Dr. Barbara Rossing, professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

Our theme, "The Lamb's Alternative Power Story for the Healing of Creation," will guide us through the book of Revelation. Dr. Rossing will help us uncover its powerful message of hope and envision a renewed world where all are welcome and have enough. This is a unique opportunity to explore Revelation's theme of hope, not fear, as we journey to the beautiful city and river of life.

In addition to the enlightening sessions, the conference is a wonderful chance to connect with fellow rostered ministers, relax, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings of Mission Inn. We look forward to seeing you there for this enriching experience!

Click here for details and registration.

A Prayer for Peace

Almighty God, all thoughts of truth and peace come from you. Kindle in the hearts of all your children the love of peace, and guide with your wisdom the leaders of the nations, so that your kingdom will go forth in peace and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of your love, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.


Global Mission Bible Study Opportunity for Women

The second of three summer Bible study opportunities with women from FBS and the Lutheran churches of Guyana and Suriname is THIS Wednesday, July 10 at 6pm EST. The topic on Wednesday is Ruth--a story of love, devotion and redemption. You are invited to join via zoom for this one-hour time of conversation and prayer!

Connection information is as follows: 

Kathryn Carroll is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 838 8279 9173 

One tap mobile +13052241968,,83882799173# US +13126266799,,83882799173# US (Chicago)

Staying On Track with Retirement Planning

The idea of retirement can bring up many questions and emotions. Portico offers a series of 30-minute, prerecorded, online workshops called the Retirement Readiness Series to help ELCA Retirement Plan members feel confident about discerning their next steps. Workshops are easily accessible on myPortico. There’s no need to preregister — just sign in and watch. What to go deeper? Schedule a conversation with a Portico Financial Planner to understand more about where you are now and how to ensure you’ll reach your retirement goals. 

LTSS Alumni Explore Program


Looking for something different for continuing education? Check out our fall line up for Explore Programs. All available in-person or livestream, up to 15 hours for each course.

  • LTSS Alumni Unplugged – Dr. Susan McArver
  • Spiritual Practices – Dr. Melanie Dobson
  • Lutheran Polity – Dr. Justin Nickel


Click here for more information and how to register.


Grace, Lakeland Seeks Admin Assistant

Grace Lutheran Church in Lakeland, Florida is seeking an Administrative Assistant to provide part-time (15 hours per week) office support, confidential program support, and administrative assistance for the pastor and congregation of Grace Lutheran Church. Click here to view details about the position.

St. Andrews, Jacksonville Seeks PT Organist/Pianist

St. Andrews Lutheran Church by the Sea (ELCA)– Jacksonville Beach, FL

We are seeking a part-time Organist/Pianist. The position would include preparing and performing music for the weekly 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM services as well as other special days including Lent, Holy Week, Advent and Christmas using an organ and piano. This position is available immediately. Inquiries and resumes can be submitted to Pastor Jody Rice at

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate with the Pastor appropriate music for worship services and other church programs.
  • Provides organ music for weddings and funerals as needed.
  • Plan for seasonal choirs (Christmas and Easter). Accompany choirs during worship services.
  • Accompany congregational singing.
  • Work with worship committee to plan for the ministry of the church.
  • Cooperate with the Pastor by performing any other duties as needed. Prelude, Lutheran Liturgy, Offertory, Background During Communion, Postlude. Certain music (Prelude, Postlude, and others) will be at your choosing.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • College student or bachelor’s degree preferred
  • Proficiency in playing organ with foot pedals
  • Piano proficiency
  • Familiarity with liturgy and the liturgical year

$12,000-$16,000 per year

St. Andrews Lutheran Church by the Sea 1801 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32250

Small Congregation of about 75 on Sunday between the 2 services


Responding to the crisis in the Middle East

Due to the horrific, ongoing violence in and around Gaza, a severe humanitarian crisis continues to escalate in the Holy Land. Right now, Lutheran Disaster Response is helping meet many basic needs such as food, water, basic and emergency health care, shelter and medical supplies. Read more...

Bishop Eaton Expresses Disappointment in Grants Pass Supreme Court Decision

“As a church, we are called by God's grace to love and serve the most vulnerable and marginalized neighbors in our communities.” Read more...

Upcoming Events: Truth and Healing Movement

The ELCA’s Truth and Healing Movement continues in 2024! In the coming weeks and months, there will be more opportunities to learn about the true history and current realities of Indigenous people. Check out our schedule of upcoming events in July. Read more...


  • September 21: School of Lay Ministry Annual Retreat and Graduation Worship, Mandarin Lutheran Church, Jacksonville
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