Dear Families and Partners,
As a parent, September and Back to School time can be a mix of all kinds of emotions, at least for me. Excitement, anxiety, being overwhelmed and joy are usually at the top of the list. As a mom of three kids, there is an incredible amount of work that goes into being ready for a new school year, new schedules, arranging transportation, communicating with teachers and staff, support needs, sports practices, extracurricular activities, the list goes on and on.
As important as all of those logistics are, tuning into each of my kids' unique emotions and needs around a new school year is my most important priority. I’m acutely aware that my sons without disabilities have a lot to process as summer ends and school begins and I have to make a conscious effort to make sure that their needs are not lost in the shuffle. They have their own new friendships to navigate, harder coursework and the exhaustion of fuller and more demanding schedules and days. It’s really important to acknowledge what they face each day, especially as they are often required to be more flexible, accommodating and patient than their same-aged peers. My boys also constantly find themselves teaching and leading their peers when it comes to disability awareness and respectful language. Even when their sister isn’t at their same school anymore, they can’t shake the responsibility they feel to make sure kids are kind to people with and without disabilities. And while it makes me so proud of them and who they are becoming, I also know that it can be a lot to process and carry.
Our world is a brighter place both because of our kids with disabilities AND their incredible siblings, who are our future leaders, doctors, teachers and parents. So this month, I encourage you to take some moments to really see, encourage and give some love to all the siblings out there that are making the world a better place for all people.
Working together for families,
Callie Kackley
Lead Program Coordinator for Special Education
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Welcoming Alina Bradbury to our CODSN Board
This month we would like to warmly welcome and introduce our new CODSN Board member, Alina Bradbury. Alina lives in Lakeview and has a 6 year old son. She has volunteered many hours to various nonprofit organizations for children and adults with disabilities, becoming a passionate advocate for children with disabilities after spending time volunteering as a horse leader at Project RIDE in Elk Grove, CA. After earning her BA at California State University, Sacramento in Child Development with a Multiple Subject Degree, she completed a dual credential program in both special education and multiple subject. While there, she researched inclusive education, and helped get a local chapter of Learning Disabilities of America started again.
Alina has taught middle school Special Education as a resource and inclusion teacher and has spent several years working in various K-12 classrooms. In Lakeview, Oregon, Alina worked for the Education School District as a Grant Liaison, and currently works at the Educational School District (Lake ESD) as a traveling special education teacher serving all schools in Lake County. She is active in her community, helping put on events for families, and is passionate about bringing more resources and support to families with disabilities both inside and outside of teaching. In her spare time, Alina enjoys riding her adopted wild horse and working cattle. To learn more about Alina and our other Board members, please visit our webpage at:
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CODSN Staff Are Here for You
Got a question or concern? Not sure what or where to ask? We at CODSN are here to help families, youth and children experiencing disability with resources and caring support. Visit our home page at and scroll down to view all of our services and offerings. We provide support accessing and navigating disability services, disability information; free special education consultations; networking, educational, and advocacy opportunities; digital resources; and a lending library. We have a number of ways to tailor support for you. These include website resources such as recorded trainings, workshops and conferences such as Breaking Barriers in the spring, support groups such as Ladies Who Lunch, and 1 on 1 support when you give us a call at one of our offices. Want to find out some information on your own first? Visit our many recorded training offerings on your own timeline by clicking the link below.
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Check out our events for back-to-school time. Visit our calendar and events webpage for more details and registration! Click the title of each to see its flyer. Click the "Register Here" text links at the end to register.
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Crook County
Ochocos For All ~ All Inclusive Hike. Led by the U.S. Forest Service, join us to enjoy the great outdoors at Bandit Springs, on September 28th from 9 am - Noon. Register here. Questions: or call 541-548-8559.
Early Childhood Family Resource Night. Come on by the Crook County Fairgrounds on October 10th from 4 - 6 pm for a night of fun and resources for the
whole family! Questions: Contact Marrin @ or call 541-8559.
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Interpretation is available with 72-hours advanced notice. For questions or help registering for any of these events, call 541-548-8559 or
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Here's the latest news you need to know.
In Process: FASN Is Changing It's Name to CODSN Klamath County! Changes are in the works! Since 2017 the Family Advocacy Support Network (FASN) has been a program of CODSN, with a goal of creating positive vision, long-term success, and a community of belonging and support for people with disabilities along with their families. These goals have not changed, but the name FASN has caused some confusion over the years. So we are in the works to clear that confusion by changing the name from FASN to ... CODSN Klamath County. You will be noticing changes over the next couple of months. We expect the changeover to be complete by the end of October. What won't change is our support and offerings. Please contact us at with any input or questions. We look forward to continuing to serve you.
Breaking Barriers 2025 Conference! Save the Date! Mark those calendars now because Breaking Barriers 2025 is coming Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at the Deschutes County Expo Center in Redmond, OR! More details to come. Join our Breaking Barriers Facebook page to keep up to date on the latest.
Free Air Purifiers Are Back. OHA is generously offering free air filters again this year. For those interested who have an Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO), you will need to place your order through your CCO. If you do not have OHP, then there is a process to get them through CODSN. Contact us at 541-548-8559 if you need help determining how to place an order or which CCO you have.
Oregon Intervention System Class. Tiffany Heyano will be offering an Oregon Intervention System (OIS) class in Bend on the weekend of September 7-8, 2024 from 9 AM to 5 PM, 168 SE Rice Way, Bend, OR. Cost: $100. RSVP to Tiffany Heyano at OIS is the behavior intervention system that the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) developed to effectively keep vulnerable people safe when they acted in dangerous behaviors. The system uses non-averse, non-punishing techniques and focuses on keeping the dignity of people using a Person-Centered philosophy and approaches along with self-determination. This training focuses on the principles of Positive Behavior Support and Intervention and is targeted to staff that support people experiencing Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities who may also engage in challenging behaviors.
Looking for even more information and event opportunities? Join our Central Oregon Disability Support Network Facebook and Instagram pages (or Kintsugi in Harney County and CODSN Klamath Falls in Klamath County for Facebook) where we share additional community events of interest.
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Special Education Highlight | |
Do you have a student that is Transitioning into Middle or High School? There are unique things to consider during this season that are different from how Special Education services looked in an Elementary School setting. We have some resources specifically for you! Visit our Recorded Parent Panel to hear from other parents who have gone through this transition. We also encourage you to use our Middle & High School checklist to prepare for this transition! | |
Parent Input Wanted at Virtual OSEP Focus Groups
Parents -- you can help shape future special education services in Oregon with your input. The United States Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will be holding virtual focus group meetings for parents receiving special education services. You can share your general story about how you have been involved in decision-making and in using your rights; what has worked well for you and your child and challenges that you have faced in getting services. OSEP will guide the group discussion and it will be confidential. Pick the best session for you:
Tuesday September 17th 10 AM - 11 AM and 1 PM - 2 PM or
Wednesday September 18th 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
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Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) |
Did you know that if you are a youth age 14 to 21 and want a job after high school that you can get help building job skills, exploring career interests and learning to advocate for yourself at work?
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are available to you if you are in school, you have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), or you have a documented disability.
This program is available through Vocational Rehabilitation.
To request services fill out a Pre-Employment Transition Services Request for Consultation form and email it to
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To register, contact Laura Dahill: at 971-226-1368 or email | |
If you are directly impacted by a fire, call 1-833-669-0554 to get connected to a disaster case manager. This is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or go online to | |
Community Health Worker Internship Opportunity | |
Any information provided by CODSN, its staff, and/or its volunteers is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any information expressed or implied is not intended nor should be construed as legal, medical, or other professional advice. This email may contain information that is confidential. If you are not the addressee, or if it appears that you have received this email in error, please advise me immediately by reply email, keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message and any attachments from your system. | | | | |