September 2024 | Issue 46

The TriCircle Connection
Click here to visit our website today!

Would you like to appear in the printed program or to donate a give away prize for use at the TriCircle Gala Brunch? Click here to see all of the sponsorship opportunities and the benefits associated with each level. Please consider a donation today!

Want to buy tickets? Click here.

September Quote

“We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.” – Steve Maraboli

From the Desk of

Ana Gopoian

Recovery is Possible

I am so very proud to say I am 29 years in! I deserve to be proud - recovery is really hard sometimes. I am not going to lie, there have been dark days when the mountain in front of me seemed insurmountable and days when I have felt full of self love and a well earned sense of accomplishment and joy.

Ironically, I grew up on 389 Hope Hill Road, across from The Lady of Fatima Church. Soon after my 18th birthday, I found a note on the counter from my father, "You are no longer welcome here." My journey to the streets began. Read more.

Together WE are Stronger!

August Spotlight:

An interview with

Owen McLean

We recently had the honor and privilege of gaining some insight into the life and times of Owen McLean. Below, he shared his story and shed some light on his life experience in relation to his recovery.

1.   How did you become involved with or learn about TriCircle?

I learned about TriCircle through my Mom's involvement. Although I no longer lived in Connecticut at the time when my Mom got involved, it's where I grew up so I'll always have a connection to the state. It's also the place where I started using so I really appreciate organizations like TriCircle taking action locally to provide support. 

2.   Have you or a loved one benefited in some way from the services TriCircle offers?

Yeah, my Mom seems to get a lot out of her involvement. She continues to work with the organization, including as a volunteer. I know she gets a lot out of helping people. 

3.   What activities do you engage in to help others in recovery or those dealing with a family member's addiction?

I'm a big proponent of 12 step recovery programs & remain active in those, trying to help other addicts as best I can. I've also spoken at rehabilitation centers & prisons, worked with TriCircle in the past, and tried to be a positive influence on the people I knew from when I was a using addict. 

4.   Can you share a brief overview of your journey with addiction and recovery? What does it feel like to have 4 years under your belt, free of drugs and alcohol?

I really got started using when I was 15; although I had tried substances earlier, that was when I began compulsively using. It quickly spiralled out of control from there & within months began creating chaos in my life. My parents eventually put me into an intensive outpatient program, my first experience with any sort of addiction treatment. Unfortunately, it didn't really take since I quite frankly didn't want to change. I did manage to cut back on my using for a time, largely out of self preservation, until I moved out to go to college. I was right back to wreaking havoc in my own life & the lives of those around me, this time without my parents as a limiting factor. Things intensified further than ever before and my mental health deteriorated until I checked myself into a hospital for fear of taking my own life. There was a moment of desperation where I suddenly realized that I actually valued being alive & my using was now in complete opposition to that. Self preservation now meant I would have to stop completely to save my own life, not just get better at hiding my using to avoid punishment from my parents. That sense of self preservation has stuck with me, even more than four and a half years later I am keenly aware that this remains a life or death situation for me. While my life has improved leaps and bounds by virtue of getting clean & I'm proud of where I am today, I purposefully try to focus on the present & avoid getting complacent in my recovery. With the time I have clean, I don't find myself really struggling with cravings for drugs anymore, so avoiding complacency usually means working on the other areas of life that are affected by my disease.

5.   What was the most challenging part of seeking help for your addiction?

The most challenging part of seeking help was gaining a willingness to accept help in the first place. To this day, I'm not entirely sure how I overcame that. I had been in multiple life threatening situations of my own making prior to the day I got clean. None of that ever made me want to change, until suddenly that day it did. I will say that around that time I was becoming more motivated by goals for the future which I kept sabotaging with my using, that might have helped me feel like I had something to live for & helped push me past the threshold where the uncomfortability of staying the same outweighed the uncomfortability of change. While there have certainly been challenges since then, all of them pale in comparison to gaining that initial willingness. 

6.   What positive factors did you encounter in your experience?

I mean, there's really too many to describe. Getting clean was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Using was the number one source of my problems, a lot of them just straight up went away when I got clean. Aside from that, I've gotten freedom to take control of my own life. I've developed legitimately healthy relationships with people who I'd never have met otherwise. My relationship with my family has improved immensely. I've been able to pursue my professional goals. I've been able to travel the world. I've been able to work on myself in ways that simply weren't possible when I was using. The list goes on; for virtually everything good in my life today, recovery has been the foundation. 

7.   What barriers, if any, did you encounter in accessing treatment, such as location, transportation, cost, or availability?

Not many, to be honest. Especially now, in the post-COVID age of ubiquitous online meetings for virtually every flavour of recovery, treatment is a click away. As for cost challenges, I am personally very wary of any treatment option that charges the addict. There are countless effective options that are free of charge. It should be noted that I've never done inpatient treatment, so I cannot speak to the challenges associated with that. But in virtually every case, I believe the addict themselves will be their own biggest barrier to accessing recovery. 

8.   How important was the support of family and friends in your recovery journey?

The support of family & friends was invaluable to my recovery journey. My parents have been nothing but supportive and have always been there when I needed them. I've become friends with many fellow recovering addicts, without whose mutual support I wouldn't have been able to recover at all. As for my friends who were around when I was using, some disappeared when the drugs did but others helped me out immensely. And when I make new "normie" friends, I really appreciate the acceptance most of them have that I don't use drugs or drink. 

9.   What other information (personal or professional) would you like us to share in our newsletter?

Anyone who'd like to get in touch can reach out to me via email at Professionally, I'm an entrepreneur so a little shameless self promotion is now in order: if you're in need of alternative women's clothing check out my website, OR if you're in need of business consulting/digital marketing/web design services you can check out my other business at Use code TRICIRCLE10 when placing an order to receive a 10% discount!

10. How can your skills and expertise benefit the people TriCircle serves?

Well, from a personal standpoint, I can relate to anyone affected by the disease of addiction. I don't pretend to have all the answers but I know the pain addiction brings quite well. For addicts in particular, I can make some recommendations as to what has worked for me. Professionally, I can benefit you if you need new alternative women's clothing or business consulting/digital marketing/web design services! 

Thank you, Owen, for your dedication to TriCircle and for your willingness to share your story, your thoughts and your talents with us.

Together WE are Stronger!

Run or Ride - It's Your Choice!

Join us at one of these events

on Saturday, September 21st.

A portion of proceeds from both these amazing events

will benefit TriCircle.

Outrun Addiction

Enfield Education Annex

124 North Maple St

Enfield, CT 06082

7:30 AM Registration/Packet Pick Up Opens

9:00 AM 5K Run/Walk and 2Mile Walk Start

10:00 AM Post-Race Awards

To register visit

For the People

The award-winning ‘For the People’, produced by John Voket, focuses on issues related to aging, veterans, youth, education, health and human services, public safety, workforce and consumer issues and the environment. Broadcast segments and guests explore concerns facing communities we serve, and detail how individuals and communities may respond to address and/or mitigate those concerns. ‘For the People’ airs Sundays 7-8am. Click the image below, then scroll down to TriCircle, to hear an interview with Ana Gopoian, our Founder and Executive Director.

TriCircle's 2nd Memorial Quilt Project

On Friday, August 16, we gathered and connected with people who have experienced the loss of a loved one due to addiction. Surrounded by the support and compassion of others who understand, we honored and remembered our loved one's lives by creating unique quilt squares in their memory! Pictured below is the 1st Memorial Quilt. More opportunities to participate in making the 2nd quilt will be made available soon.

Take some time for self-care. Give yourself

permission to pause! It is not selfish to love yourself, to take care of yourself and to make your happiness a priority!

Registration is required, and attendance is limited.

TriCircle Presents Weekly

SMART Recovery Meetings

and SMART Family & Friends Meetings

What is SMART Recovery?

SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym; it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change. Join us!

Click here for the 2024 Calendar of Meetings.

TriCircle believes that there are many pathways to recovery. Harmony Within is a free transformative alternative peer group workshop that blends yoga and art and is offered just prior to our SMART Recovery Meetings on the last Tuesday of each month, 4:30-6:30 at Master's Manna in Wallingford!

NUEVAS ofertas en español,

primeras en persona

Español SMART en el Estado!

(Ver folletos a continuación)

  • SMART Recovery Spanish todos los miércoles en Meriden
  • SMART Recovery Amigos y familiares en español todos los jueves en Meriden
  • SMART A.R.T. la APG el tercer miércoles de cada mes antes de la reunión

Relax Your Body, Center Your Soul, and

Focus Your Mind

Yoga sessions are held at DiversaFit

549 Center Street,Wallingford, on the last Saturday of each month.

Special thanks to DiversaFit for offering this location, free of charge!

What's Happening?

Drop In Setback Middlefield - Wednesday, September 4 & 18 (1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month - (see flyer below or click here)

Drop In Setback Wallingford - Wednesday, September 11 & 25 (2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month - (see flyer below or click here)

3rd Annual Hope After Loss Self Care Retreat - Saturday, September 14 (Rain Date: Saturday, September 21) The Story Barn, 952 Main Street, Somers, CT (for more information see the flyer below or contact Paula LaJoie

3rd Annual Hope & Support Self Care Retreat - Sunday, September 15 (Rain Date: Sunday, September 22) The Story Barn, 952 Main Street, Somers, CT (for more information see the flyer below or contact Paula LaJoie

7th Annual Outrun Addiction 5K - Saturday, Sept 21. Registration is open, for more information visit A generous donation will be made to TriCircle with the proceeds from this event.

Raianna's 3rd Annual Memorial Poker Run - Saturday, September 21, Registration begins at 9:00 am, kickstands up at 11:00 am. Join us at 557 West Main Street, Branford, CT. Scan the QR code on flyer above for more information. Proceeds benefit TriCircle.

6th Annual TriCircle Gala Brunch - Sunday, November 3, 2024, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at The Farms Country Club,180 Cheshire Road, Wallingford. Tickets available now! Want to be a sponsor? Click here

Memorial Scholarship Committee Meeting - Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 9:30 AM via zoom. WE NEED YOU! Please join the committee by sending your interest to or click here to learn more.

TriCircle's Hope & Support Group Meetings - Thursdays, September 5, 12, 19, and 26, and every Thursday throughout the year (click here for full schedule with locations)

TriCircle's Hope After Loss Support Group Meetings - Mondays, September , 9, 16, 23, 30 and every Monday throughout the year (click here for full schedule with locations) No meeting on Labor Day Monday due to the holiday!

Harmony Within - Tuesday, September 24, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, and recurring on the Last Tuesday of each month at Master's Manna, just before the SMART Recovery Meeting (see flyer above or click here)

SMART Recovery Meetings - Every Tuesday (see flyers above or click here)

SMART Recovery Family & Friends Meetings - Every Tuesday (see flyers above or click here)

Reuniones de SMART en Espanol - Todos los miércoles en Meriden (haga clic aquí)

SMART A.R.T. la APG - Al tercer miércoles de cada mes antes de la reunión (haga clic aquí)

SMART Recovery Amigos y familiares en español - Todos los jueves en Meriden (haga clic aquí)

Yoga at DiversaFit - Last Saturday of each Month (see flyer above)


Join us for some great food,

fabulous friends and lots of fun!

10% of proceeds from all of our Setback games benefit The TriCircle Memorial Scholarship Fund!

1741 Pub & Grill

70 Lyman Rd.

Middlefield, CT

Wood -n- Tap

970 North Colony Rd.

Wallingford, CT


Looking for a way to help TriCircle?

In search of a purpose driven, fun and fulfilling opportunity to give back?

TriCircle is looking for people who are action oriented and

passionate about our cause to work with us.

If your superpower is planning, organizing, and/or helping to implement events, then here is your chance to shine! We need help with Fundraising & Events! Meetings will soon be established and will convene once a month at

TriCircle, 169 Colony Street, 2nd Floor, Meriden

Please consider lending a hand!

Contact to sign up!

Community Service Hours Are Available for All of the Above!

Together WE are Stronger!

Searching for a Compassionate Group That Truly Understands?

Click here for a full schedule for

Hope & Support Group meetings, including locations.

Thursdays - Hope And Support

Click here for full schedule of Hope After Loss

Group meetings, including locations.

Mondays - Hope After Loss

Zoom options will continue to be available

for both support groups. For the time being, the Colchester meetings are virtual only. All are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these virtual or in-person

services at no cost.

TriCircle is located at

169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Meriden, CT 06451

We are pleased to be located inside the Women and Families Center.
This allows for wonderful opportunities to expand
the reach of our support services and resources
as we cultivate this collaborative partnership.
This location also provides increased accessibility
on the bus line and nearby train station.

Together WE are Stronger!

Do you enjoy reading our newsletter?

Do you know someone who might also like to
receive The TriCircle Connection each month?
Click here to sign them up.

Visit our website to learn more about

TriCircle and to consider a donation today!

PayPal Giving and Venmo are also ways to give.
Click the images below or scan the QR code to find out how!
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169 Colony St. 2nd FL, Rm 28 | Meriden, CT 06451 US

(860) 349-7074 |