Celebrating our Connections to Christ, Each Other and Community |
The Connection is your weekly news update at CTK |
Pastor Jackie Cook
Services are live-streamed and available on YouTube, or the CTK Website
Visitors are always welcome. Our prayground for children is located towards the back of the lower sanctuary on the same side as the baptismal font.
Hearing assistance is available during worship as well as large print bulletins.
There are chairs with arms in the Upper Sanctuary for those who need assistance and support.
We ask that if you are not feeling well to view the service via live stream. You can find this on our website. Click
below for more.
Music Notes
July 28 - Handbell Ensemble with Emmerson Neumiller, Emilia Bale and Mckinley Palmer
August 4 - Carmen Brammeier- Zayas and sons Evan and Jason join the Sanctuary Choir
August 11 - Art Jaehnke joins Maria in sacred duets on the Keyboards
August 18- Caleb Waltz, flute, and his sister Amalia Waltz, clarinet and vocals
August 25 - tba
September 1 - Art Jaehnke, keyboards and guest vocalist
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Fri. July 26-27 Pr. Jackie Sabbath Days
Fri. July 26 Men's Bible Study 7 am Lmber Inn
Mon July 29 Women's Bible Study 9:30 am in the Bell Rm
Authentic Diversity group at 4 pm
Wed. July 30 AGC Open House 9 am Adult Book Study with Pr Carl Kelly in Bell Rm @ 6:30 pm
August 1 Handbell Concert St John's Lutheran Brookfield at 7 pm
September 8 Rally Day!
More information below in this Connections
| Photo Directories are here! There is one for every family. Inside the cover is the survey, please fill out and return ASAP and before July 31st |
Giving to CTK is easy!
Scan our QR code
Thank you for your continual support of our mission & ministry! Your contributions help to share the good news of Jesus with a world that needs to hear about God's love & Grace.
| A BIG Thank you to Toni Schnorr! |
A heartfelt thanks to Toni Schnorr who has served faithfully on the Personnel committee and is now moving on to other adventures at CTK. Her tireless work and support of the staff is much appreciated. I have treasured working with Toni and am blessed to learn so much from her expertise.
At this time, CTK is looking for volunteers to fill this committee. This committee reports to the pastor and the executive team. They help with all employment issues. They check in regularly with staff, research and recommend wages, perform background checks, advertise, interview, and hire for open positions. The personnel committee has been an invaluable asset to the staff and the life of the church.
If you have any interest in joining the personnel committee, please speak with me know.
Pr. Jackie
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Exciting Staff News!
For those following the Badgerland Water Ski Show Team (Maggie's Team in the church office) and came to Fowler Park, Oconomowoc to see the team, it may interest you to know that they achieved 1st place in Division 2 for the State of Wisconsin competition! The State competition is held yearly the 3rd weekend of July at Wazeecha Lake in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. This picture shows the Best pyramid scoring the most points of the show. Other awards that helped in the first place ranking were: Best Boat Towing, Best Safety Boat, Best Ballet, Best Sound Crew & Announcer, Best Production! The Team will now compete in Shawano, WI Aug. 4 & 5. There is one more show left to see before the national competition at Fowler Park on Aug. 1st. See the hour-long performance on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=badgerland+water+ski+team+D2+first+place+2024
Congratulations Maggie and Team
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In addition to our Prayer List you are now able to click on the picture to the left and submit a prayer at any time. | |
Individual Prayers: Susan, Ben, Judy S. Ellen, Apple Grove Lutheran Church and all those affected by tornadoes and flooding, Marlee, Johanna, Jim O. Terri Lynn, Ruth, and for all those who grieve, and those who struggle with mental wellness.
Ongoing Prayers: Teri, Casey, Elaine, Tim, Maddie, Dave, all military persons and their families, all those who are in hospice and care facilities, and the healthcare workers who care for them.
Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, and those who work to end human trafficking.
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Summer Worship Series
The Good Book: Meeting Our Ancestors in Faith One story at a time in the New Testement
Coming in August
Aug. 4 G is for Growing up - Growing into God
Aug. 11 L is for Laodicea Gog at the end of the world
Aug. 18 Pr. Roy Nelson will preach
Aug. 25 S is for Shipwreck the truth about what's happening
Sept. 1 N is for Nicodemus at any age, there is always something new to learn.
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Wednesday Evening Book Study
Pastor Carl Kelly will lead a 6-week book study covering Martin Luther and the 95 Theses.
Discussion goes through the end of July
We meet in the Bell Room at 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm. Please use the side entrance of the church.
We will reference the Book Martin Luther’s 95 Theses with the Introduction, Commentary & Study Guide.
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Women's Bible Study
Monday Women's Bible study. July 29
We will continue with the study on mental wellness in the WELCA magazine.
Aug. 5 & Aug. 26
Please reach out to Pr. Jackie with questions. All are welcome and invited!
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Mark your calendars for
Rally Sunday, September 8th
Fun for all ages!
*9 am service with Blessing of backpacks
*Followed by:
Potluck—sign up to bring your favorite casserole, fruit, veggies, breads, muffins and pastries
Activities for all ages—card making for shut-ins, paper airplanes, line dancing, bingo, and more!
**more details to follow
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Family Picnic on the Playground 7.17.24 | |
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Church-wide Event
Outreach for Hope walks with life-giving ministries that serve people in low-income communities in the Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA.
These ministries not only provide help with daily necessities, but more importantly, they are centers in the heart of their communities for providing transformation and hope.
Outreach for Hope solicits donations from people and organizations, as well as special offerings for congregations who seek to walk with our ministry partners in compassion, faith, hope, and love
CTK will have 1 team this year. To sign up, click below. Come join the fun!
| Ministry Initiatives or CTK church goals for this year are Preparing, Caring and Sharing. How does this fit into your committee and daily life? |
Authentic Diversity at CTK
Next meeting: Monday July 29th at 4pm in Pastor Jackie’s office.
As part of the Greater Milwaukee Synod, CTK is exploring what it means to be an authentically diverse church. A group of us recently met to discuss what the next most faithful steps forward may be at Christ the King. We celebrate the progress CTK has made in the past couple of years. For instance, last year, CTK underwent a process to be a dementia friendly church which consisted in education and some minor modifications to our signage. We added a prayground to create a welcoming space for children and families and have hearing assistance available for those who need it.
In this light, we follow God’s Spirit to explore ways to be more inclusive and understand each other’s differences. This newly Authentic Diversity group will stive to meet monthly, explore topics to discuss, and learn from one another. The group will set the ‘ground rules’ for respectful conversations, pick a topic to discuss, investigate books and sources to add to the conversation. Please join us for this time of enrichment!
Can you help us reach our matching Goal?
All proceeds go to help with our new building costs.
If paying with a check please note "match" in the memo line. Checks payable to Hope Center.
101 W Broadway
Waukesha, Wi 53186
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Summer Movie Nights
Popcorn, sweet treats and beverages will be available during these two adult movie night offerings:
Monday, August 19, 6:30-8:30
Location for this evening of viewing is Our Savoirs in Oconomowoc
Movies will be shown indoors so come one and all rain or shine!
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Operation Restoration: Mending God's World was a huge success for our Vacation Bible School Children | |
Our VBS "ANGELS" participated in a service project during VBS that provided badly needed items for the "Street Angels" of Milwaukee. Mary Hollister delivered our gifts. | |
The children put together Hygiene Kits and Snack Bags
The children put these bags together in the Music/Service rotation they had everyday.
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All the children were very excited to donate to and make 70 Bags to give to homeless in Waukesha that needed them.
Thank you for your donations to help to the children a valuable lesson is giving.
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Prayers to End Hunger
We hear God’s invitation to gather and share the blessings of God’s table as a collective Christian voice working to end hunger in our nation and our world. While there are many important issues to work on, we believe access to nutritious food is fundamental for human flourishing. Therefore, we invite you to be a part of this effort, just as Jesus invited the disciples to be at His table to bless and feed the multitudes.
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Sunday Pickup!
Sunday, July 28th.
Please see the display in the upper sanctuary
Supporting families
Growing Futures
Changing Lives
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Five keys to breaking the defensiveness cycle
Your spouse makes a comment. You get defensive and respond with some snippy words, and your spouse gets defensive in return. Can you relate to this? The longer this cycle continues, the harder it is to communicate openly and be vulnerable with each other. How do you shift out of this pattern?
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Greater Milwaukee Synod News | |
Join us for a night of learning, practice, and… food trucks!
This event will be focused on the practices of community mapping and prayer walks. Each person will be given some money to spend that night while “listening” (being present & noticing) in the neighborhood. We’ll end the night with a debrief and some thoughts about how these practices can be a source of mission renewal in your congregation.
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Bishop Eaton Addresses Political Violence
July 16, 2024
For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us (Ephesians 2:14).
Just a few weeks ago in my June column for Living Lutheran I wrote, “I can’t think of an election cycle more fraught and divisive than this one. People all across the political spectrum claim that life as we know it is on the line. It’s not possible to agree to disagree—one must decide and put a stake in the ground. There is the potential for violence.” That potential is now a reality after last weekend’s shooting at a Trump campaign rally that killed Corey D. Comperatore and injured other attendees. I am thankful that former President Trump’s injury was minor and pray for his recovery alongside those affected.
I also wrote, “But division and violence don’t have to be our inevitable future.” I believe this and that God calls this church to say a definitive “no” to political violence now and in the future. Political violence has a long history but no place in democracy. This church belongs to God, and our unity in Christ is a grace-filled and healing gift in a fractured society. As the ELCA we have theological and community resources to meet this moment through worship, discipleship and civic engagement.
In the face of violence, God’s resolve for peace in human communities is unshakable. In proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ’s forgiveness, healing and new life, the church addresses the ultimate root of violence. God calls us as church together in this moment to hear and embody this good news by embracing our identity as peacemakers through active civic engagement grounded in our baptismal identity and our institutional witness to foster justice, racial and social equity, reconciliation, and healing with compassion and imagination.
Last weekend’s shooting has distressed and destabilized our nation. Political violence breeds fear and can set in motion cycles of violence that will further shatter us. Consider how, as individuals and communities in our life together, you will:
- Confess and confront the violent tendencies within ourselves and our society.
- Resist use of dehumanizing language about people with different political leanings.
- Build bridges of curiosity and compassion with people who think differently.
- Find ways to cultivate the practices of nonviolence in civic life.
Our inevitable future belongs to God. In this certainty and bound together in Christian hope, consider how you can join me in ongoing prayer and actions for our nation, a peaceful election season, the safety of candidates for office, and a bold and life-giving witness of our church in the time ahead.
In Christ,
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
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ELCA presiding bishop, Christian leaders issue statement against Christian nationalism
CHICAGO — The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), has joined Christian leaders in a statement against Christian nationalism.
- Whether we worship at a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple, America has no second-class faiths. All are equal under the U.S. Constitution. As Christians, we must speak in one voice condemning Christian nationalism as a distortion of the gospel of Jesus and a threat to American democracy.
More information is available here.
Watch it on Facebook: https://fb.watch/tuueMkfN7h/
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ELCA Advocacy-We are Christians against Christian Nationalism
Starting a discussion in his congregation, one ELCA pastor wrote: “sometimes people use words to claim to stand for something people think of as good but actually stand for something different. ‘Christian’ nationalism may sound like a good thing because it uses the word Christian. And the people who advocate for ‘Christian’ nationalism do think of themselves as Christian. However, they stand for things we in our tradition identify as contrary to the Gospel and opposed to what it means to be Christian.” Whether in your church or with friends and family, it is helpful to be versed in Christian nationalism from a Lutheran perspective.
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Staying Safe When It’s Too Darn Hot
When the temperature climbs above 80°F, older adults need to be proactive and take precautions to avoid ailments due to excessive heat. Keep in mind the following tips when trying to stay cool.
Stay away from direct sun exposure as much as possible. If possible, plan your outdoor activities either early in the morning or when the sun starts to set.
Air conditioning is your friend in summer. Spend as much time as possible in air-conditioned spaces. If you don’t have an air conditioner, go somewhere that is air-conditioned. For example, read a book at the library, walk around in indoor malls, watch that new movie at the theater, or meet your friends at the senior center. (Note: The federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps adults 65 and older who have limited incomes cover the cost of air conditioners and utility bills. To reach your state’s LIHEAP program, call 1-866-674-6327.)
Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of cool water, clear juices, and other liquids that don’t contain alcohol or caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine cause you to lose water in your body by making you urinate more.
Dress appropriately. Whenever you can, try wearing loose, light-colored clothes. Avoid dark-colored clothes as they may absorb heat. Top it off with a lightweight, broad-brimmed hat and you are dressing like a pro! These simple changes will help you both stay cool and avoid sunburn.
Did someone say sunburn? Buy a broad spectrum sunscreen lotion or spray with sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Apply the sunscreen liberally to all exposed skin. Also, bugs are abundant in summer, so spray insect repellent when going outdoors.
Cool down! Take tepid (not too cold or too hot) showers, baths, or sponge baths when you’re feeling warm. Don’t have the time? Then wet washcloths or towels with cool water and put them on your wrists, ankles, armpits, and neck.
From HealthinAging.org
For more tips on Hot weather Safetly click below.
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Pastor Jackie Cook
Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson
Music Director - Maria Tyksinski
Care Ministry - Sylvia Kreutzmann
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Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am
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