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July 2024

Grassroots is the Key Ingredient to Budget Success

For the last 75 years, The Arc of NJ has served as the premier advocacy organization for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We knew heading into this year's budget cycle that we would be facing a tighter and less generous scenario than we've encountered in the past. But that doesn't deter us. We took on the fight. And the successes we achieved this year, to increase funds for services and supports that people with IDD depend on, the credit for those successes can be traced directly back to you. Our organization, and our advocacy work, is only as strong as the self-advocates, families, and members who get involved and make their voice heard. The grassroots turns up the volume on the work we do and so we grateful to everyone who joined our fight, and who helped our cause.

Thomas Baffuto

Executive Director

FY25 Budget Details:

  • $7.5 million in state dollars, which would receive a federal match via Medicaid, for the Division of Developmental Disabilities fee-for-service rates. Exact details around this are still being finalized. Increasing the rates was among the items we advocated and pushed for this year and so we are pleased to see that even in a difficult budget year, the Legislature decided to add funds to reinforce the work of our service delivery system. 
  • $1.25 million to increase Family Support Services, specifically the day and overnight camp reimbursement rates for children with IDD within the Children’s System of Care in the Department of Children and Families. We asked lawmakers to include $2.2 million to bring DCF camp rates on par with that paid by the Department of Human Services and so this appropriation is a little more than 50% of what we were requesting. The Arc of NJ was the only disability group who went out this year on a campaign to increase camp rates. And so while we did not receive the full request, this funding will definitely help close the gap between the adult camp rates and the camp rates for children with IDD.
  • $20.9 million to maintain the Direct Support Professional wage increase that went into effect on January 1, 2024. These dollars were necessary to annualize the FY24 DSP wage increase as it began half way through the fiscal year. This will ensure its continuation for the final 6 months of the calendar year. 
  • Funding to move 400 people off the Waiting List
  • $5.25 million to phase in an increase of new mandatory training for Direct Support Professionals (DHS)
  • $31.8 million, for a total of $67.8 million, (within DHS) for the WorkAbility program expansion. (Workability allows people with disabilities to continue their Medicaid benefits as their income and wealth rises, reducing barriers to employment),
  • $7.3 million within the Department of Children and Families, to increase the amount of respite children can receive. More respite hours is among the things we’ve advocated for as we know additional hours would help families as they support children with IDD. 

The Arc of NJ Celebrates 75th Anniversary with Awards Gala

In honor of our 75th Anniversary, The Arc of New Jersey hosted a celebration to honor our past and recognize incredible leaders and advocates who have done so much to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The event took place on Thursday, June 13th, at The Imperia in Somerset. We received beautiful and sincere video messages from Governor Murphy, Senator Booker and Congressman Kean which can be viewed here. You can also view additional images from our celebration by clicking here.

Congratulations to our 75th Anniversary honorees

Governor Murphy

President's Award

Pam Corrigan 

Legacy of Volunteerism Award

Barbara Coppens 

Legacy of Self-Advocacy Award

Leone Murphy  

Beverly Roberts Memorial Healthcare Advocacy Award

Hinkle Prior & Fischer

Legacy of Community Service Award

Laura Williams

Legacy of Leadership Award

The Legacy Families of The Arc

The Arc of NJ Connects with Lawmakers as Part of Year-Long Anniversary Celebration

To celebrate our 7th anniversary, The Arc hosted a table in Goldfinch Square at the State House in June with fun facts about our history as well as information about our programs and available supports. Representatives from The Arc of NJ, including self-advocates with the New Jersey Statewide Self-Advocacy Network, spent time connecting with more than 35 lawmakers and raising awareness about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Pictured top left, The Arc of NJ with Speaker Coughlin and top right with Senator Moriarty.

The Arc of Middlesex Celebrates 75 Years,

The Arc of NJ Executive Director Honored

The Arc of NJ congratulates The Arc of Middlesex County who celebrated their 75th Anniversary with a Gala event at the Sapphire Grand in Woodbridge on June 20. In addition, we congratulate The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto who received an award that evening for all he continues to do for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Pictured top left is Tom with staff from The Arc of NJ. Pictured top right is Tom with representatives from The Arc of Middlesex County.

Local Chapters of The Arc Host Annual Step Up Walks

Congratulations to all the Chapters who hosted Step Up for The Arc Walks in the month of June. Pictured top left is The Arc of Salem Walk at Riverview Beach Park in Pennsville on June 1. Pictured top right is The Arc of Gloucester Walk at Riverwinds Community Center in West Deptford. Pictured bottom left is SCARC's Gordon & Ginny Shelton Memorial Walkathon held on June 23, at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. And pictured bottom right is The Arc of Somerset's Rockin' Breakfast Run on June 1, at Duke Island Park.

News and Noteworthy from the Month of June

The Arc of NJ congratulates all of the athletes who participated in the Special Olympics of New Jersey 2024 Summer Games. The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto was honored to attend the Special Olympics New Jersey Opening Ceremony at The College of New Jersey on June 7.

The Arc of Atlantic County held its annual Membership Meeting on June 24, at The Arc’s Egg Harbor Township location. After the installation of the Board, Scott Hennis, Chief Executive Officer, briefed those in attendance with plans for the new fiscal year. The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto spoke to those in attendance about ongoing legislative and budget advocacy work happening on the state level.

Thank you to The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey (Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey) for inviting Associate Executive Director Celine Fortin to be their guest at the Greater Atlantic City Charities 29th Women's Forum at the Golden Nugget on June 6. Celine is pictured center, with Renee Woodside and Jennifer Goudy, Senior Program Officers for The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey.

Congratulations to those honored by The Arc of Monmouth at their Annual Meeting and Arc Awards event held on Tuesday, June 18. The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto attended to help celebrate at this wonderful event!

Upcoming Webinars with the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project

Stay Healthy at Home webinars and Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events are hosted throughout the month by the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project. Registration links for Stay Healthy at Home can be found here. This webinar series covers a variety of topics related to advocacy, life skills, employment, and civic engagement. Sessions are designed to be accessible to self-advocates, parents, and support staff. Live viewers can share comments, ask questions, and access resources. Live transcription is available. Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events can be found here. This interactive series of events is hosted by the NJ Self-Advocacy Project and focuses on activities to promote health and wellness education for students and adults with IDD. Live viewers will be able to share comments, ask questions, and participate in activities led by professionals in real time. 

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