Monday, September 14th
7:30 - 8:30 PM
We invite members to join us for the next DCCA Online Social Hour.
This interactive presentation and online chat will be on the topic of: Racial injustice in the Dupont Circle neighborhood – the story of one block, and more.
- Black and white families often lived next to each other in 19th century Washington, particularly in the city center. However, during the first half of the 20th century segregated housing, playgrounds and schools became the norm. Racially restrictive covenants were a particularly effective tool for segregating housing.
Click here to read more about the fascinating topic from our featured presenter, Mara Cherkasky, a historian specializing in DC neighborhoods, institutions, and agencies.
DCCA Members check your inboxes to find your personal invite. Not a member? Join today.
Wednesday, September 30th
7:30 - 9:30 PM
Save the date for DCCA's ANC2B Candidate Forum.
This informational forum is an opportunity for residents to hear from each of the ANC2B candidates and understand their viewpoints on local issues. DCCA's President, Glenn Engelmann, will be moderating the event and forum attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions in real time.
Registration information will be sent in coming days. Seats are limited DCCA Members will be sent priority early bird registration.
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are non-partisan, serve two-year terms without pay and are elected in even-numbered years. ANC2B has jurisdiction over the vast majority of Dupont Circle and is comprised of nine ANC Commissioners. Each Commissioner has a Single Member District (SMD) and represents about 2,000 residents.
The ANCs' main job is to be their neighborhood's official voice in advising the District government (and Federal agencies) on things that affect their neighborhoods. Although not required to follow the ANCs' advice, District agencies are, on many occasions, required to give the ANCs' recommendations "great weight."
DC COVID-19 Updates and Response
As always you can find the DC Government's COVID-19 informational update here. The page contains continually updated news, resources, testing sites and data on the public health emergency.
DCBOE to Hold Virtual Town Hall on Election
Thursday, September 17th
10:30 - 12:00 PM
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DC Board of Elections (DCBOE) has developed the Vote Safe DC campaign to ensure that every vote is counted and that everyone, from voters to election workers, is safe. The DCBOE is mailing every registered voter a ballot for the November 3, 2020 General Election.
- DCBOE is also hosting a 2020 General Election Virtual Town Hall. Hear directly from DCBOE officials and staff about the Board's plans for the upcoming election and get your questions answered about voting. To attend, please register in advance for this webinar clicking here.
Wednesday, September 9th
7:00 PM
If you do not have a computer or access to the internet, you may join the meeting via phone at (301) 715-8592 or (646) 558-8656 with meeting ID 897 8918 3799 #.
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B meets the second Wednesday of each month. There is an open forum at each meeting for discussion of issues not on the regular agenda. For further information, click here to read the meeting agenda or contact
DC At-Large Candidates Forum - Online!
Thursday, September 17th
6:30 - 8:30 PM
A virtual DC Council At-Large Candidates Forum will be held online on the evening of Sept. 17th. The forum is being co-sponsored by DC’s Tenant Advocacy Coalition (TENAC), the Dupont East Civic Action Association (DECCA), Shaw-Dupont Citizens Alliance, and The Library Renaissance Project.
On Sept 17th you can join the meeting by logging into the event's zoom link:
Meeting ID: 825 3824 6632
Passcode: DECAA
Eisenhower Memorial Opening
Thursday, September 17th
The Frank Gehry-Designed Outdoor Eisenhower Memorial will open on September 17th. This new addition can be found on Independence Avenue SW across the street from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
The memorial joins seven other presidential memorials in the District. Click here to read the Washington City Paper's reporting on the design and opening.
Learn American Sign Language
Tuesdays and Thursdays
12:00 - 1:00 PM
The DC Public Library's American Sign Language Conversation Circle for Beginners continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays, noon - 1 p.m., via video conferencing.
This is a chance for beginning level signers to meet and practice conversing and learn some basic signing skills, vocabulary words and rules of grammar. Sign up and learn more here.
Friday, September 25th
6:00 - 7:00 PM
Join Friends of the National Zoo at their biggest fundraising event of the year goes online!
ZooFari is now Byte Night: ZooFari, sponsored by GEICO, a virtual version of our annual gourmet gala.
Tune in to the free livestreaming event, see exotic animals, bid on amazing auction items like animal-created art, and enjoy a fun evening while supporting the Smithsonian’s work to take a byte out of extinction. Click here to register.
Return of Dupont Underground
Dupont BID has announced that Dupont Underground’s community design and art space will reopen on Friday, September 4th.
Click here to see the calendar of events.
Posting for Public Health
The Viral Art Project is a virtual art gallery that invites graphic designers and artists to submit original poster designs that respond visually to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The ˆ report that the idea is to raise awareness of the challenges facing the world while also promoting messages of hope and security. The results so far have been striking—an ever-growing collection of posters that demonstrate how powerful typography and graphic design can be.
Click here to read the Washingtonian's story.
Local Newslinks of Note
National Building Museum Will Display DC Protest Art - LINK
It’s Official: Your iPhone Can Now Act As Your Metro Card - LINK
The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Crushed Downtown D.C.’s Economy - LINK
Taim Falafel opening next Thursday (9/10) in Dupont - LINK
What The New Federal Eviction Ban Means For The D.C. Region - LINK
What’s That Helicopter Buzzing Your DC Neighborhood? This Twitter Account Can Help. - LINK
Membership runs through the calendar year.
DCCA membership is open to residents, businesses and supporters of the Dupont Circle neighborhood according to the Association's Bylaws.
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |