PPD Spring Swing at Kellogg Golf Course

Wednesday, April 10 at 11am
Kellogg Golf Course
PEORIA (April 8, 2024) – The Peoria Park District is proud to host a new tradition "unlike any other" as they celebrate the new course layout at Kellogg Golf Course and a new season of PPD Golf with a Spring Swing event on Wednesday, April 10th at 11am! The media is invited out to cover this invitation-only event that includes lunch and optional complimentary 9 or 18 rounds of golf. Please RSVP to advancement@peoriaparks.org.

Last fall, the District offered a public feedback period where they tested a new route at Kellogg Golf Course for their championship 18 hole course. Based on overwhelming public feedback, the District opened Kellogg Golf Course this spring with the course numbering that's in line with the original 1972 design.

"We are proud to host this event as the celebratory start to kick-off the 2024 season," stated Emily Cahill, Executive Director of the Peoria Park District.

PPD Spring Swing will include three honorary starters that will tee off at 11:30am. They will include Jackie Petty, Matt Fahel and Earl Martin.
Public stewards of nearly 9,000 acres of park and greenspace and another 185 buildings, the Park District’s mission is “We contribute to healthy and vibrant communities by responsibly using our resources to offer high quality parks, recreation, and education experiences to those who live, work, or play in our District. We will be responsible stewards of all District resources. We will focus on services that make the greatest impact. We will create a culture that values and supports each other, those we serve and our community​.” To learn more, please visit www.peoriaparks.org.

More Resources:
View all our press releases and virtual press packets by visiting https://peoriaparks.org/news/

Media Contact:
Emily G. Cahill
Executive Director