We celebrate World Hepatitis Day on July 28

Dr. Baruch S. Blumberg

Every year on July 28, people in many nations around the globe celebrate World Hepatitis Day.

That date is the birthday of Dr. Baruch Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus in 1967 and developed the hepatitis B vaccine two years later. He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1976 for this groundbreaking, lifesaving work.

The Hepatitis B Foundation commemorates World Hepatitis Day in many ways. This year, we're hosting the B Informed Patient Conference in Philadelphia on July 27 (see below).

Throughout July, we will be sharing thoughts and experiences of people living with hepatitis B, and sharing social media posts highlighting the new WHO hepatitis B treatment guidelines, which recommend treatment for many more people living with hepatitis B.


Help us commemorate World Hepatitis Day by improving awareness this month! You can share our social media posts and use our many multi-lingual resources to help keep a global focus on hepatitis B.

The Hepatitis B Foundation is hosting the B Informed Patient Conference, a free event in collaboration with the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia on Saturday, July 27, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. EDT.

The conference is in conjunction with World Hepatitis Day, the following day, and will bring people with lived experience together to get information, ask questions and learn about all things hepatitis B. There is no charge; breakfast and lunch will be served. There will be many opportunities for networking and meeting providers!

Registration is required to secure your spot. You can use the website or email or call 215-489-4900.

An online community for people living with hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a significant health concern for many Asian and African immigrants in the U.S.

It's crucial for people living with hepatitis B to take care of their mental health while managing the disease, as the stress of navigating health care systems and the stigma associated with the disease can impact overall well-being.

There is in an online community to support you in your journey with hepatitis B or delta. You can join Hep B Community, a global, peer-led, volunteer-driven forum with expert, trustworthy advice in a safe environment.

You can find Hep B Community here.

5th Annual International HBV Meeting Community Forum

Join Us for the 5th Annual Hep B Community Forum on Sept. 11. You can participate online or attend in person at the Sheraton Grand in Chicago. It's an excellent opportunity for people living with hepatitis B and community members to share their insights and experiences!

  • If you're a member of the public and wish to register for the Community Forum in-person, please click here to register.
  • To attend online only, click here to register.

Registration is free. Don't miss out on this incredible event!

B Heppy Podcast: Hepatitis B and Delta

among PWUD Communities

Beatrice Zovich (left) and Amy Jessop

In this episode, Bright and Anousha speak with Amy Jessop, PhD, MPH, director of research and HepTREC with Prevention Point and Beatrice Zovich, MPH, public health program manager with the Hepatitis B Foundation, to share insights from their recent study examining barriers to screening and education for hepatitis B and delta among PWUD (people who use drugs). 

Listen to the podcast here.

Read the study: Dismantling Barriers to Hepatitis B and Delta Screening, Prevention, and Linkage to Care among the PWUD Community in Philadelphia

Webinar recording: Strategies to Eliminate

Mother to Child Transmission of Hepatitis B

Listen to the recorded webinar on Strategies to Eliminate Mother to Child Transmission of Hepatitis B. This interactive session features updates from the World Health Organization, examples from Malawi and Nigeria, and a Q&A session. Gain insights into the lived experiences of those with hep B, an overview of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission guidelines, and practical country implementations. Don’t miss this comprehensive discussion on eliminating hep B transmission from mother to child.

View the webinar

#BtheVoice Featured Storytellers from Uganda

In recognition of World Hepatitis Day, we've released new stories Uganda as part of our global #BtheVoice storytelling campaign, which conveys powerful, personal accounts from people affected by hepatitis B, a disease that currently affects nearly 300 million people worldwide. 

The new storytellers, Denis and Hassan, talk about the challenges and obstacles people living with hep B face as a result of stigma and discrimination.

You, too, can be one of our storytellers. If you are interested in telling your story of how hepatitis B has affected your life, we want to hear from you. Learn more here.

Postcards from our storytellers

In honor of World Hepatitis Day, our #justB and #BtheVoice storytellers have shared heartfelt words of encouragement and wisdom through postcards for the hepatitis B community.

Discover genuine stories from real people living with hepatitis B worldwide:

View the postcards from our amazing storytellers here.

New Blog Post: Nargis Speaks about Living with Hepatitis Delta

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV), which is dependent on hepatitis B virus (HBV) for survival, affects 5-10% of hepatitis B patients and can lead to more severe liver disease. Since 2016, the Hepatitis B Foundation's Hepatitis Delta Connect program has raised awareness, promoted screening and research, and supported those affected.

We interviewed Nargis, a New Yorker with hepatitis D, about her experiences since her diagnosis. Nargis discussed her severe symptoms, depression, costly and limited treatment, and her gratitude for family support. She stressed the importance of awareness, education, and support for delta patients.

Read our blog

Our team creates simple guide to new WHO Guidelines updates

The World Health Organization (WHO) released important new hepatitis B treatment guidelines earlier this year.

"These guidelines provide a substantial simplification and expansion of eligibility for treatment to overcome barriers in access to HBV testing and treatment," the WHO announcement said. However, the guidelines are fairly complex.

In response, the Hepatitis B Foundation has produced a "Simple Guide to Understanding the 2024 WHO Guideline Updates." The user-friendly document is being shared with medical and public health professionals globally. The free Guide is posted here.

Updates to our "B Informed Training Hub," open to everyone!

The Hepatitis B Foundation and partners have launched a cost-free training website, the "B Informed Training Hub,” for people who want to learn more about hepatitis B and hepatitis D. This site provides training, education and resources on hepatitis B, hepatitis D and liver cancer for anyone who wants to learn more. All are welcome, especially people living with hepatitis B, their family and friends, and advocates!

We've just updated the lessons below, which are posted here.

  • What Is Hepatitis B?
  • Acute vs Chronic Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis Delta 101: All the Basics on Hepatitis Delta Virus (hep D or HDV)
  • The Link Between Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer

Hepatitis B Provider Training

We invite you to become a part of our provider training program using the Project ECHO Model. The sessions, designed around case-based learning and mentorship, help local workers gain the expertise required to provide needed services. Each session will include one case discussion and a short 15-minute didactic aimed to empower providers to evaluate, monitor and treat patients with hepatitis B in the primary care setting. Free CME is provided.

Project ECHO mission:

  • Provide basic education on hepatitis B testing
  • Provide education on hepatitis B management
  • Improve testing and management of hepatitis B

View previously recorded ECHO sessions here.

Upcoming dates:

  • July 18, 2024
  • Aug 15, 2024
  • Sep 19, 2024

Meetings take place on the fourth Thursday of each month at 12 p.m. EDT

Register here

Scan the QR code

For World Hepatitis Day, a special collection of journal articles

BioMed Central (BMC), a publisher of scholarly journals, has assembled an excellent collection of recent journal articles about hepatitis B for World Hepatitis Day. The free section of its website is here.

BMC invited the Hepatitis B Foundation's researchers to write a blog post about how they went about preparing a recent research article. We chose to focus on the article below. To read a perspective from two of the authors, Dr. Chari Cohen and Dr. Catherine Freeland, "Behind the Paper: Survey of lived experiences and challenges in hepatitis B management and treatment," click here.

Journal article of the month

Survey of lived experiences and challenges in

hepatitis B management and treatment

Freeland C, Adjei C, Wallace J, Wang S, Hicks J, Adda D, James C & Cohen C

BMC Public Health

[Link to article]

2 April 2024, Volume 24, Article #944 (2024)

For this study, survey responses from 560 people in 76 countries who are living with hepatitis B were analyzed. The authors wrote: "Overall findings demonstrated key gaps in care, management, and treatment access related to hepatitis B: identifying these gaps can be used to identify areas for improvement along the care continuum for viral hepatitis. The survey found a need for the comprehensive simplification of clinical management and health care services related to hepatitis B. A thematic analysis of the open-ended survey responses highlighted major overarching themes including the cost and access burdens associated with hepatitis B management and treatment, and challenges in finding knowledgeable providers. Efforts should continue to explore public health approaches to address barriers and facilitators to testing, care, and treatment for people with hepatitis B to improve awareness of hepatitis B and access, care, and treatment among patients and providers."

Learn more about our research and education programs at
The Hepatitis B Foundation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for those affected by hepatitis B worldwide. Our commitment includes funding focused research, promoting disease awareness, supporting immunization and treatment initiatives, and serving as the primary source of information for patients and their families, the medical and scientific community, and the general public.
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