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From the Desk of the Superintendent


I'm writing this newsletter opening on NFL Draft Day, but instead of trying to impress you by sprinkling in a few gridiron or pigskin cliches, I decided to focus on what I know best on this topic - teams.

My family is involved in a variety of sports, but most people know us as a golf family. Both of my boys play, and I've been known to attend a virtual work meeting on my phone, from a golf cart, on the course, often in less than optimal weather. We cheer (a quiet golf clap) for their personal best, but just like basketball and football - and my position as Assistant Superintendent at the Regional Office, the team score is equal to, if not more important than, individual results.

At the ROE, I work with teams who include incredible rockstars, some who simply function well together and can navigate any challenge that arises, as well as those who just know what I need or expect without much input from me. Some require meeting after meeting with robust discussions while others work more efficiently via what seems like a mile-long email thread.

Not surprisingly, the more I afford my teams autonomy, the more they learn to work together, their individual roles a growing asset to the process. That doesn't mean there aren't glitches or stumbling blocks along the way, but the more decisions they are entrusted with, our teams continue to grow and unveil intensive PD experiences, unique celebrations, and sleek conferences that include high-quality content and sophisticated schedules. In turn, I am beginning to notice the passions and strengths of individuals creeping into our projects, a fingerprint on the twists and turns, bits and pieces that make up these well-planned events.

Just as today's first round draft picks, as well as the players selected days later, will use their experience and hard work to help their team succeed, our Regional Office teams will do the same. While the NFL flexes its muscles during wins viewed by millions, each individual at ROE 4 brings their own voice and greatest energy to pull out a win for those we will always support, the districts, schools, and students in Boone and Winnebago Counties.

April Summary

Summit Academy: Legislators Visit; New Intern & Staff

At-Risk Student Services: Bawinkel Award; Child Abuse Prevention Month

School Improvement: CPS Pilot Program

Social Emotional Learning: SEL Symposium; Mental Health Awareness Month; Area Schools; TACE

Professional Learning: Pathways; Equity Symposium; 3 D's; NISDC

Professional Services: ICCB Conference; Eclipse Fun; Admin Professionals Week

Human Resources: March/April Hires; HR Advisory Council

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ROE 4 Awards Two Scholarships at 2024 IPA Student Leadership Breakfast

Dozens of Kishwaukee Region students were awarded certificates of recognition at the 2024 Illinois Principals Association Student Leadership Breakfast held in Rockford in mid April. Adding to the excitement of the day were the two $500 scholarships sponsored by the Boone-Winnebago Regional Office of Education.

School leaders were given the opportunity to nominate up to two students for the honor based on leadership qualities within their school or district. Students in the Kishwaukee Region attend classes in Boone, Dekalb, Kane, McHenry, and Winnebago Counties.

Following breakfast, several elementary winners joined predominantly middle school and high school honorees as they were introduced by their superintendent or principal on stage. Each received an award certificate and an age appropriate leadership book. Among the many youth on hand to accept the prestigious award was Christopher Clevenz, a 10th grade student at Summit Academy.

IPA's Mr. Chris Walocha emceed the event with several IPA team members on hand to help celebrate the winners. ROE 4 Superintendent of Schools Scott Bloomquist delivered the keynote that focused on decisions. All deserving of a scholarship, the event concluded by the random drawing for the recipients who would receive the two scholarships totalling $1,000 from the Regional Office. Congratulations to Monroe McGhee of Sycamore High School and Christopher Doetch of North Boone High School (pictured above with Principal Chris Walocha (left) and Superintendent Scott Bloomquist).

Thank you to the Illinois Principals Association for hosting this incredible event.

ROE 4 PL Facilitator Asked to Judge Annual CEANCI Event

Career Education Associates of North Central Illinois (CEANCI) recently hosted the finale of its second annual Design the Design contest. This competition offered regional graphic design students an opportunity to shine.

ROE 4's own Linda DeYounge, talented artist and Professional Learning Facilitator, acted as one of the judges for the competition, which was held on the Rock Valley College campus in the beautiful student center. Linda shared that she was happy to volunteer her time as a judge for the annual event.

The graphic design winners attend RPS205's East High School and Hononegah High School. They are first place winner Natalie Fry; second place winner Eleanor Toole; and third place designer Kristina Mohr. The fun t-shirt design worn by the judges was the work of the 2023 DtD winner, Charlie Carrig of Harlem District #122. (Photo credit: CEANCI)

Natalie Fry

Eleanor Toole

Kristina Mohr

Summit Academy

State Legislators Tour Summit Academy

Summit Academy welcomed several state legislators to their campus during the month of April. Nicole Corbett, Summit Academy Executive Director, and her administrative team and staff opened the doors of the school to both State Representative Maurice West and State Senator Steve Stadelman.

As Summit remains the largest alternative school program in the state and is now looked upon as a model for other alternative programs throughout Illinois, Ms. Corbett is happy to show off the results of three years of dedicated work. The work as a team, of course, includes improvements to physical aspects of the school but also clear and upbeat leveling privileges and conduct expectations are displayed at every turn. There is a sense of pride as you notice the connection and positive interaction the staff has with students. This is a result of a changed school climate, having replaced punitive attitudes with restorative strategies.

And this has captured the attention of not only other administrators and educators throughout the US but also that of leaders in our state. While Summit's enrollment is currently made up of middle and high school students, Nicole and her team have spoken with many local and state politicians in her quest to extend alternative programming in Illinois to include kindergarten through third graders as well. This is a lofty goal, but she is determined, in partnership with RPS205, to roll out a pilot elementary alternative academy to test the waters with those grade bands in the near future. Rep. West and Sen. Stadelman (as well as Minority Leader Tony McCombie at an earlier visit) have had a positive response to the initiative and are offering support. Ms. Corbett is hopeful for its success.

Both lawmakers were given a student ambassador-led campus tour with time to ask the difficult and also the fun questions. Both Representative West and Senator Stadelman even took the time to pick up a basketball for a few shots in the gym with Summit classes. When asked if his shot went in, Senator Stadelman responded, "Of course it went in." Win-Win for everyone!

Summit Employs Second Student Intern

Ms. Paige Motzkus is the newest student-turned-intern hired by Summit Academy. Ms. Motzkus, who graduated from Summit, will begin her mentoring and student-leader internship in the near future.

Paige came to Summit from Hononegah High School for credit recovery. A true Summit success story, she quickly acclimated to the Summit protocols and worked diligently on her coursework and grades. She flourished in the Summit environment and quickly began experiencing success with her classes, ultimately receiving her high school diploma.

We thought we would share a fun interview we recently did with Ms. Motzkus:

Question: What will your internship consist of? 

Paige: I'm going to work with middle school students as a mentor. 

Q: Can you share a bit of your story? 

P: When I first arrived, I was transferred from Hononegah as I was behind on credits. The Summit staff was so helpful. I absolutely love the staff; they actually care. No student falls through the cracks. 

Q: Was there any of the staff that really impacted you? 

P: Mr. (Stuart) Schor really had an impact. He is so positive but always realistic.

Q: What are your long-term goals/plans?: 

P: My long-term plans are to go into early childhood education. I used to work with that age at the Park District. 

Q: What are you most excited about for your internship at Summit? 

P: I'm most excited about having students look up to me - having that responsibility. It's a huge motivation for me, caring for them and being real with them, showing them how to do school and respect boundaries.

Q: Would you like to share any random/fun facts about yourself? 

P: I’m obsessed with Beanie Babies.

Q: Can you tell us about your family?

P: I have two little brothers and a little chihuahua named Lulu.

Paige is a delight and we feel will be a great inspiration for the Summit Middle School students she will be working with. Good Luck, Paige!

Summit Academy Introduces New Staff

At-Risk Student Services

Bawinkel Receives 2024 Blue Bow Champion for Children Award

Mary Bawinkel, retiring ROE 4 Attendance Interventionist, was named the 2024 Blue Bow Champion for Children Award winner during this year's Hands Around the Courthouse ceremony on April 18.

Nominated by ROE 4 At-Risk Student Services Director Meghan Hawkinson, Mary accepted the award and then shared heartfelt words of thanks and hope for the future with the 75 people in attendance. Mrs. Hawkinson, the ROE 4 At-Risk Student Services Team plus additional coworkers, and the Bawinkel Family attended. Her many supporters in the crowd are a true testament to the impact Mary has had on not only them but on the young students and their families she has supported over the years.

This is the first year the Blue Bow honor has been awarded and was presented during Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Day in Winnebago County, a proclamation by County Board Chairman Joe Chiarello.

Congratulations on receiving this well-deserved recognition, Mary Bawinkel! Mary will be difficult to replace as she has plans to retire at the end of this school year in order to spend more time with her sons' families.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

At-Risk Student Services did their part to raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month during April. The team not only participated in #GoBlueIllinois by wearing blue on April 5th, but they attended Hands Around the Park in Boone County, Hands Around the Courthouse in Winnebago County, and Mary Bawinkel's Blue Bow Champion for Children Award ceremony.

During the busy month, Director Hawkinson and her team also shared flyers about awareness and webinar and workshop opportunities in which the public could participate. These efforts were in addition to their job duties as interventionists and support for elementary, middle, and high school students in our region.

We are proud of the dedication this impactful team continues to do in Boone and Winnebago Counties. This tight-knit group has become a true force for ALL children in our communities.

School Improvement

Regional Office School Improvement Chosen by ISBE & IARSS for Chicago Public Schools Pilot Program

In an effort to elevate school performance in Chicago Public Schools, the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools (IARSS) and Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) have recently partnered and have chosen ROE 4 School Improvement Director Chris Collins as one of 14 specialists to provide on-site consultations and support for this vital program.

Beginning immediately, the team of 15 will begin facilitating school improvement plans, enhancing school climate and culture, and building leadership teams within the city's schools. This will be funded through Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds with the initiative focusing on schools with Intensive and comprehensive school improvement statuses.

Major targets will include:

  • Hiring and training a school improvement team at each location.
  • Delivery of a needs assessments to identify strengths and areas with room for growth. This will guide the implementation of evidence-based practices moving forward.
  • Schools will receive bi-weekly coaching and consultation, emphasizing SMART goals and data-driven strategies, beginning immediately and continuing through Spring of 2026.
  • School leaders will receive bi-weekly, job-embedded coaching to support sustainable improvement efforts.

The above focuses will include two days per month of on-site leadership coaching and consultation with additional virtual coaching in best efforts to support each school with readily available expert guidance. A spokesperson for ISBE stated, "By directly addressing the needs of our schools and equipping our leaders with the right tools and strategies, we are setting the stage for long-term success."

Upon sharing the announcement that ROE 4 and Chris Collins had been chosen for the project, Superintendent of Schools Scott Bloomquist said, "We're super excited to have ISBE continue to look to us for assistance with their most challenging projects. We're proud of Chris and the work he is doing. It says so much that this partnership feels he is one of the best in his field and wanted him on board." Always passionate about his job, Mr. Collins shared, "As we embark on this transformative journey with the School Improvement Project, our aim is to foster a culture of continuous improvement and success in Chicago's schools. By empowering educators and refining their approaches, we will significantly elevate the educational experiences and outcomes for all students."

Congratulations to Chris Collins...and also to CPS for having a group of powerful and invested leaders in their corner.

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Social Emotional Learning

2024 SEL Symposium Registrations Filling Up Quickly

The 2024 #SEL Summer Symposium registration went live just one month ago, and spots were gobbled up so quickly that the Area 2 SEL Hub Planning Committee had to create an additional 100 opportunities to attend.

We believe the affordable ground floor price point of only $30 plus inviting Gerry Brooks to be our keynote speaker helped put seats at the symposium in high demand. As of today, only 60 seats remain of the 100 that were added during the month of April. Following distribution of dozens of registration scholarships and more than 20 guest room sponsorships, we have now closed scholarship submissions and have entered the "Early Bird" pricing phase of registration. Still only $40 for the entire day of learning, we expect those 60 registration spots to fill up in the next week or two, most likely before we reach the "Regular" registration phase.

Keep in mind, the sooner you register, the sooner we will send out your individual chance to select breakouts. Once those are at capacity, they will be removed from selection status.

So join the almost 400 who have already registered by heading to this link and then wander over to this link to check out the event website! We can't wait to see everyone on June 12th!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mark your calendars as May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and the Area 2 SEL Hub and Social Emotional Learning at ROE 4 will be focusing on healing and resiliency throughout the month. Area 2 SEL Hub Coach Jen Kaiser has already filled her calendar with on-site mindfulness practices at many area schools. She will also be contributing to distribution of mental health awareness information through the ROE social media avenues, the SEL newsletter, and our own intraoffice newsletter.

Teacher Appreciation Week also happens in May, and the SEL Team has a great project dedicated exclusively to teachers. Spearheaded by Ms. Kaiser, mindfulness sessions will be offered in 15-minute time blocks via Zoom throughout May 6th to kick off Teacher Appreciation Week. Jen and her ROE 4 facilitators will be treating educators to this opportunity free of charge. Whether you have practiced mindfulness in the past or are a novice, all Area 2 educators are invited to log in and participate. No formal registration is required. Simply click this link to join us for Mindful Monday with Jen on 5/6.

Stay tuned - much more Mental Health Awareness on the way in May!

Area 2 Schools Continue to Receive Commendations

Regional Office of Education 4

Great job, Rockton 140! Counselor Beth DeVries and Principal Justin Bonne of Stephen Mack Middle School accept a commendation certificate for their SEL work with the Area 2 SEL Hub. Way to go, SMMS Team!

Regional Office of Education 8

Congratulations to Stockton School District #206 for receiving the Area 2 SEL Hub award and sponsorship funds in recognition and support of their commitment to social emotional learning in their schools. Go Blackhawks!

Regional Office of Education 16

Principal Sandy Ueker and social worker Meghan Malley celebrate awards for their SEL work, which includes Handle with Care, a collaboration with police, and having students be Emotional Detectives for field day!

Teacher Academy in Character Education Scheduled

Area 2 SEL Hub has just released Teacher Academy in Character Education (TACE). This three-day summer cohort with Boone-Winnebago Roe 4, Area 2 SEL Hub, and CharacterPlus is shaping up to be an amazing educator experience.

This course will inspire a personal commitment to character values as a teacher and further strengthen the noble purpose bedrock all educators share. It will also equip teachers with character development best practices and evidence-based methods for building positive character skills in students. We've also identified and will measure a few bold goals for TACE Academy Graduates: increasing academic success in their classrooms, decreasing student referrals, lowering teacher turnover, and increasing job satisfaction.

Be a part of this first cohort and join in the summer fun. The course will kick off at Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens with an evening of food truck grub to follow. We are sure this will be an unforgettable professional learning experience. Head to this link to take part in the summer 2024 session.

Check Out the Area 2 SEL Hub Website

Professional Learning

April 2024 PL Guest Column: Carrie Brockway

Click Here for Our Full Literacy Pathway Booklet

Successful Learning Simulation Held at ROE 4

Professional Learning Director Carrie Brockway (pictured left with PL Coordinator Diane Capriola) and the Literacy Collective of Illinois partnered with the Illinois SLD Support Project to bring "The 3 D's Simulation: Supporting Learners with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia" to the training room at the Regional Office on April 10th.

The in-person experiential workshop sold out in near-record time with attendees spanning the range of administrators to educators to support staff. Those who work on a daily basis with students with diverse learning abilities were the targeted audience for this unique learning session. Approximately 45 people attended.

The successful event was a combined learning and simulation opportunity where the teaching team was able to lead two separate groups of educators through a series of simulations designed to enhance their understanding of what it is like to be a learner with dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia.

The planning group as well as the presenters received high marks and positive feedback from those who attended. Additional sessions have already been requested.

Educational Equity Symposium Scheduled for 6/13

Teachers, school and district administrators, counselors, social workers, and all stakeholders invested in equitable learning environments in school are invited to join ROE 4 for a transformative day at the "Educational Equity Symposium 2024: Exploring. Learning. Mobilizing.”

The goal is to come together to forge a path toward a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape. This one-day event is dedicated to exploring innovative strategies, sharing impactful research, and fostering collaborative discussions aimed at dismantling barriers to educational success for all students.

Attendees will hear from leading voices in educational equity, including Dr. Devon LaRosa and Dr. Kierra Pickens, who bring their passion, insights, and groundbreaking ideas to the forefront of our collective mission.

Please visit this link for additional details and/or to register for the June 13th event. See you there!

Small District Conference Returns in a BIG Way in 2024

The Northern Illinois Small District Conference returned in a big way in April, with record attendance for 2024. The SDC has been on hiatus since Covid struck the education system in 2020, just one month prior to the conference's last scheduled date. This forced cancellation did not stop the conference from returning in 2024 following a year of planning and a complete revamp of its branding.

Planned by representatives from several districts in Winnebago County, as well as the Winnebago Special Education Cooperative and ROE 4, the day started with a bang with Keynote Speaker Kelly Gallagher delivering "Moving Readers from Compliance to Engagement." Following this, participants made their way around Hononegah High School to attend breakouts of their choosing, over 100 different sessions making up the three designated 45-minute time slots. The crowd of approximately 600 then concluded their day at one of four endnote opportunities.

One dozen vendors/exhibitors manned the gym during workshop transitions and over the lunch hour. Student and district volunteers helped with directions and information for attendees and presenters alike from check-in through to the end of the day.

The large event was made possible with the sponsorship of the districts and many businesses and agencies. Congratulations on an incredible day, Northern Illinois Small District Conference!

⬇ Hey Educators! Check This Out! ⬇

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Central Office & Professional Services

ROE 4 Illinois High School Diploma Coordinator Attends ICCB Conference

ROE 4 Illinois High School Diploma (formerly GED) Coordinator Logan Watts recently attended the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) Conference for 2024. The event has a collective attendee breakdown of roughly 50% Regional Office of Education staff and 50% within the adult education field. Only two conference participants were with iPathway or other agencies.

This was the first ICCB Conference in an extended period of time. The last recorded conference was held in 2014 for the GED testing battery update. Planners and participants alike were happy to have the event back up and running. 

The current board goals include:

  • support of first generation/minority/low income students in order to reduce equity gaps for these students 
  • increased support in transitioning to post secondary education with the hopes of students who earn their Illinois HS Diploma progressing on to further education 
  • contribution to the economic development in the Illinois college system and workforce, as well as building more career pathways through apprenticeships, increased credentials, and trade schools

Logan shared a few vital statistics he learned, including the drastic dip in GED/HISET testing during the pandemic, only 2-4% of individuals that do not have their high school diploma are testing, and only 16% of graduates then enrolled in post secondary education. 

Positive updates included hopes of increased funding, submission of an equity plan that will look at best practices to assist low income students, and a focus on attracting more test takers. In 2022, the board offered a highly successful campaign where the cost of the test was free of charge over the summer months. We'll keep our fingers crossed for a repeat of this program.

While at the conference, Mr. Watts attended three breakout sessions, including Introduction to the IL High School Diploma Portal; GED Testing Centers - Smooth Testing, and a New Process of Transcript-Based Alternative Credentialing. He shared that during the alternative credentialing session "questions were answered little-by-little by the crowd. Questions and answers were passed person-to-person as they knew information on a select subject. This was very informative and helpful. An advantage to all involved, this particular meeting was more of a conversation rather than a presentation." 

The event closed with an upbeat endnote, covering the fact that they are on course for increased funding for ILSAVE (the free summer testing initiative) as they've already seen an increase in usage with this program. The ICCP is also working towards better HSE guidelines and rules, more training materials for all methods of graduation via high school equivalence, digitization of microfilm records as a long-term project, working towards a website update for this year, and working on a mobile application and more mobile testing centers.

Thanks for the update, Logan!

Regional Office & Summit Join In On 2024 Eclipse Viewing

You can't say the Regional Office teams don't continue to learn right along with the students at Summit Academy. If you drove by either location on Eclipse Day, April 8th, you would have spotted groups of staff and students staring up at the sky with their funny paper glasses just like the rest of the nation. This also included Regional Superintendent Scott Bloomquist and Assistant Regional Superintendent Allison Pierson.

One of our ROE 4 directors even collected our glasses for her son to donate to his area elementary school, which had a plan to ship them off to schools in another country experiencing an eclipse in their location later this year. Of course, our area was lucky enough to be close to the path of totality for the April event, but on a special day like Eclipse Day, we really all are Curious Georges and students and matter what the age. We love when we can share the ROE 4's "shades of fun" pictures with everyone.

ROE 4 Staff Celebrated During Admin Professionals Week

During the ROE 4 monthly Office Lunch & Learn, we celebrated the team members who make our office run smoothly, and their skills and experience always make it look effortless. They are the core of our office, and we appreciate not only what they do but who they are.

Administrative Professionals on hand to receive a sweet surprise were (pictured L-R below): Logan Watts, Diane Capriola, Mary Wilson, Denise Rux, and Paula West. Not pictured but still celebrated were Madelynn Glenn, Emma Wentworth, and Janet Zinke.

Watts Wins Monthly Regional Office Core Values Drawing

Logan Watts, Illinois High School Diploma Program Coordinator at the Regional Office, was recently presented with an Amazon gift card by Boone-Winnebago Roe 4 Marketing Specialist Hannah Bailey.

Logan was nominated by a co-worker for going above and beyond to exemplify one of the ROE 4 Core Values. He humbly demonstrated "empowerment" by proactively embarking on a good deed for the entire office staff. Thanks, Logan, and Congratulations!

Click for NEW School Bus Driver Training Schedule

Human Resources

ROE 4 Welcomes March/April Hires

Betsy Sanchez

Social Worker

Summit Academy

Jill Mosher

Nutrition Services

Summit Academy

Savanna McKenzie

Substitute Teacher

Summit Academy

April Human Resources Advisory Council News

The April Human Resources Advisory Council welcomed guest speaker Dr. Mandolen Mull of MullMentum Consulting. Approximately 15 participants attended the hybrid session to network with other HR professionals as well as to hear Dr. Mull chit-chat about what is new in the world of human resources. Several participants remained on site following Dr. Mull's discussion to take a course on using Canva in the classroom or on the job.

While many topics were touched on during the 2-hour session, Dr. Mull spoke about hiring candidates who have obtained skills through alternative routes other than college. Those might include a military background, life experiences, or previous positions. Dr. Mull explained that employer expectations are that applicants already know how to do the job. In fact, they may have prior experience, but they have never done the job in this situation, with this team, with these resources available. With many employee shortages continuing, she is optimistic that organizations are starting to shift to this new mentality.


She also touched on a current lag time of 8 weeks from job posting to hiring. Organizations are making efforts to speed up the hiring process as the lag time is detrimental to other employees, who must do the tasks of the vacant position until a candidate is hired. One way to do this is improving outdated job descriptions. She said that organizations need to be more intentional about these and should ask themselves: What do we really need? and Who can do this job? 

Dr. Mull also discussed video applications, how engagement is critical in the first six months of employment, and the role of AI in the hiring process and in the workplace.

Following Dr. Mull's presentation, which prompted great discussions, ROE 4 PL Facilitator Linda DeYounge held a Canva Creation class, where she taught and reviewed the basics of using a flyer in Canva for Education, including templates vs. projects; colors, advanced colors, and color scheme; positions and layers with hotkeys; background remover; Magic Eraser; frames and resizing; and fonts. Linda, who has a Fine Arts Degree, also ventured into video editing. She was gracious enough to sprinkle in her own tips and tricks for those with Canva experience.

Thanks to both Dr. Mull and Linda DeYounge for making the time so worthwhile!

Careers at ROE 4 and Summit Academy

For the most up-to-date employment opportunities and information, please contact part-time interim HR Specialist Dr. John Ulferts at julferts@roe4 or search "Boone Winnebago Regional Office of Education" on Indeed or "ROE #04" on the Illinois Job Bank under the Job Seekers section. Plus, stay tuned as the Regional Office and Summit Academy will soon be posting open positions on their very own CAREERS page on the and websites!

Quote of the Month:

"No rain, no flowers."

Haruki Murakami ~

Japanese Author

300 Heart Boulevard, Loves Park, IL 61111  •  (815) 636-3060

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