Dear Scouting Family,

You are a vital part of our mission to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. We enact part of this through our motto: Be Prepared. And your family experience is important to the resiliency for each other and those around you when disasters occur.

As you might know, the Spirit of Adventure Council is working to live our motto through several new programs that link preparedness activities through the existing scout programs and more directly with community resources like Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Ready Cub! and links to local schools and first responders. What we don’t know and where your help is needed is your family’s preparedness efforts.

To help us build and support programming that will help our scouting families and neighbors we are distributing a survey to all registered families in  your district. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and will be compared to the national FEMA Household survey. The analysis is being independently completed by the University of Akron’s School of Disaster Sciences and Emergency Services and will guide our programming for the upcoming year. Please share your family’s experience anonymously at -- your honesty and willingness to share will shape our future resilience.

Yours in Scouting,

Dan Perenick

Eagle Scout & Spirit of Adventure Council Chair for Preparedness

Jeffrey Pellegrino, PhD, MPH

Eagle Scout & Professor, University of Akron


Spirit of Adventure Preparedness Survey (SOAPS): 

What’s in it for me and my Scouts? 

With all the programs, activities and opportunities why is it important for our Scout community to participate? 


We know you are busy raising your Scout, working, and balancing family life…but what if you could align your Scouting goals with your family priorities? And what if you could make a difference by sharing that with other families? 


The Spirit of Adventure, SOA, Council wants to deliver programs and activities that match the Scout motto, “Be Prepared”. When you participate in the Spirit of Adventure Preparedness Survey, SOAPS, you learn what specific preparedness activities exist for disasters in our community. The information we gain will support local Scout leaders in shaping your program.  


1.     Tailoring Programs: Understanding the specific preparedness needs and gaps among Scouts and their families allows the local Scout leaders to tailor its training, resources, and initiatives. 


2.     Community Resilience: The BSA’s mission includes character development, citizenship, and leadership. By participating in the SOAPS, your family actively contributes to building community resilience. Prepared individuals and families are better equipped to respond effectively during disasters, which ultimately benefits the entire community. 


3.     Educational Opportunities: The survey results can serve as educational material for youth. SOA leaders can incorporate relevant findings into training sessions, merit badge programs, and discussions. Youth can learn about the importance of preparedness and how their actions contribute to overall community safety. 


4.     Advocacy and Partnerships: Armed with survey data, the SOA council can advocate for policies and initiatives that promote disaster preparedness. Additionally, the council can collaborate with other organizations, government agencies, and community groups to strengthen overall resilience. 


In summary, participating in the Spirit of Adventure Preparedness Survey, SOAPS, aligns with the BSA’s values and mission, enhances its programs, and fosters a culture of preparedness among Scouts and their families.


You can make a difference! 


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Research analysis by the University of Akron’s Emergency Management/Homeland Security, Resiliency Behaviors Lab.

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