Volume 4, Issue 6 | August 2024

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Embarking into the 2024-2025 School Year

As we embark on another exciting school year filled with learning and growth, we’re thrilled to reconnect with our community and set the stage for a year full of opportunity. First, Hallie recounts the final Cultivating Happiness book study session and shares practical examples for integrating yoga, mindfulness, and meditation into the school day. Next, Nick shares a sneak peak from the Compassionate School Leadership Academy (CSLA) course, diving into Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, a powerful problem-solving and process enhancement method. Finally, Meghan shares learnings from a great webinar on practical ways teachers can use AI in their classrooms to support student learning and provide more personalized learning content. 

Featured Articles

Meet Our Research Assistants

Nicole Benquechea 

Nicole R. Benquechea is a dedicated research assistant and social media specialist with a strong commitment to improving education through research-based practices. She holds a master's degree in psychology and currently conducts comprehensive literature reviews, develops grant proposals, and manages social media content to support CEI’s mission. One of her most rewarding experiences has been working with the Compassionate School Leadership Academy (CSLA) in collaboration with Yale University's Department of Psychiatry's Program for Recovery and Community Health. This project reinforced her belief in the power of positive school cultures and their impact on students and staff. 

In addition to her work at CEI, she serves as a coder and technical support with Always Be Learning, Inc., where she provides technical support to clients, resolves technical issues, and analyzes retention rates to promote equitable outcomes that support student success. She is proud to have contributed to a 30% increase in the completion rate of college credit courses. She was also a graduate teaching assistant at Cal State LA, where she supported students facing academic challenges. 

Chandni Lal 

Chandni Lal is a current master student studying cognitive psychology. She started working at CEI due to her interest in understanding how yoga and mindfulness can impact children. She writes blogs for the newsletter on topics of yoga and mindfulness using her experience as a student researcher and a yoga teacher. She is currently working on the yoga in schools project to support grant funding to incorporate yoga and mindfulness practices in school. 

Hallie Williams 

Originally attracted by CEI's Heart Centered approach to learning, Hallie Williams began writing for our team in June 2022. Since then, Hallie has grown as a research assistant and a writer. Some of Hallie's articles discuss mindfulness as a means of mitigating peer aggression, gender-affirming classroom practices, and culture as a protective factor. As a research assistant, Hallie greatly contributed to the operation, collection of data, and composition of the NIEA Listening Sessions and Whole Child Report and is currently working on CEI's Cultivating Happiness Project.  


Hallie completed her Bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Women's and Gender Studies from Saint Louis University in May 2024 and will begin a Master of Education in Mental Health Counseling at Hunter College this Fall. Some of Hallie's favorite things are to practice yoga, travel, and study foreign languages. As one of our youngest team members, Hallie's time at CEI has been incredibly impactful as it has offered her the opportunity to gain new skills in research, writing, and project operations as well as a team of dedicated mentors. 

Highlights from Our Cultivating Happiness Book Study Session 3

Hallie Williams, CEI Research Assistant

The Center for Educational Improvement rounded off the final session of the Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being book study on June 20th. If you have not been following along, CEI is using Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being with Mindfulness, Meditation, and Movement: A Guide for Educators co-authored by our Senior Scholar Dr. Christine Mason, as the groundwork for our Cultivating Happiness in Schools initiative. This book contains seasoned advice and tools to help educators implement mindfulness techniques in their classrooms. We created the book study in response to the interest survey disseminated to readers back in January and will continue to create events that align with the reported interests and priorities of our readers, so stay tuned.  

In the third session, leaders Dr. Mason and Kahlil Kuykendall delve into pages 153-257 and offer practical examples for integrating yoga, mindfulness, and meditation into the school day. Dr. Mason presented important and helpful information on the vagus nerve, which controls specific bodily functions such as your digestion, heart rate, and immune system; and Kahlil Kuykendall walked attendees through the Surya Kriya or "Sun Kriya" yoga practice, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness, and inner well-being, as well as her implementation of mindfulness courses in Montgomery County Schools.

Watch the full session recording here or read on for a comprehensive summary.

Read more.

Implementing and Evaluating Compassionate Leadership Practices: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles

Nichkolas Grant, Associate Research Scientist of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine

Have you ever wondered how some organizations manage to continuously improve and stay ahead of the curve? The answer often lies in the use of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles. Rooted in the scientific method, PDSA cycles offer a structured yet flexible approach to problem-solving and process enhancement. This method is both iterative and cyclical, meaning it doesn't stop after one round but keeps going, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.  


Within the Compassionate School Leadership Academy (CSLA) course, a collaborative research initiative between the Center for Educational Improvement (CEI) and the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, we outline the foundation of PDSA cycles to equip leaders with the tools and knowledge needed to drive continuous improvement in their organizations. 

Read more.

Leveraging AI Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning

Meghan Wenzel, Co-Editor

Bill Ferriter, a former 4th-6th grade classroom teacher with 29 years of experience, led a great webinar demonstrating how teachers can use ChatGPT and other AI technologies to facilitate their work. He notes that in order to get teachers’ buy-in, they need to believe that something is both doable and important. He argues that AI can benefit teachers in a variety of ways, from getting their teams to important conversations quicker to accelerating the core work of collaborative teams.

AI can be a Powerful Tool for Teachers

Teachers want all students to learn, build critical thinking skills, and reach their full potential. At a high level, teachers are asking these core questions:

  • What do we want students to learn?
  • How will we know when each student has mastered a topic?
  • How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty learning a topic?
  • How will we deepen the learning for students who have already mastered essential knowledge and skills?

AI can be a powerful ally in achieving these goals by helping brainstorm learning targets and standards, drafting proficiency scales, providing personalized learning experiences, offering real-time insights into student progress, and automating basic administrative tasks so teachers can spend more time with students. With AI-driven tools, teachers can tailor instruction to meet the diverse needs of their students, identifying areas where individuals may need extra support or advanced challenges. This allows for more focused and effective teaching, freeing up time for teachers to build stronger relationships with their students and foster critical thinking and creativity.

Read more.

Upcoming Events and Announcements

Available for Pre-Order!

Advancing Empathy and Equity in Early Childhood Education: A Leader's Guide to Little Learners, Big Hearts

Check it out and consider pre-ordering from Solution Tree here.

Our New Book!

Little Learners, Big Hearts: A Teacher’s Guide to Nurturing Empathy and Equity in Early Childhood is out now! Buy it here

Subscribe to the Cultivating Resilience Podcast

See our archived podcasts for Season 2, including interviews with Horacio Sanchez, Afrika Afeni Mills, Melanie Johnson, Michelle Trujillo, Anitra Gallegos, and Dr. Kelvin Butts here.

You can also Listen on Apple here.

Are you looking to foster a more inclusive and compassionate school environment?

Learn more about the Compassionate School Leadership Academy (CSLA)! The CSLA prepares school leaders in high-need districts to implement trauma-informed practices in the classroom to meet the urgent mental health needs of American children.

Gain insight into your school culture. The CSLA is supported by a customized assessment tool—the School Compassionate Culture Analytical Tool for Educators (S-CCATE)—designed to gauge and change school cultures to ensure more equitable and compassionate school practices.

To learn more and complete the S-CCATE, click here.

You are also invited to join the HeartMind Community to receive discounts on publications and workshops, networking opportunities, and special offers for virtual consultations and additional resources from the Center for Educational Improvement.

Editors: Lauren Kiesel and Meghan Wenzel

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