Inspired, encouraging, serving and seeking… Together in life’s joys and challenges… Making a difference! 

If you want to include any special announcements in this Weekly Email, please reach out to me in the Church Office via email at:

Thank You & God Bless,

Spencer Aguiar

Church Administrator

WINTER WALK on 2/11/24


As in the past, we will have a team walking in the Winter Walk in Boston on Sunday morning, February 11th. The walk raises awareness and funds for organizations that serve the homeless. WW2024 leaves from the Boston Common on Sunday morning, and goes for two miles through the city in winter's coldest month. The Missions Ministry will be donating funds on behalf of First Church, but individual donations are also welcome. Please contact Janet Fischer, if you are interesting in walking.

COVID-era Winter Walk!

The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI

7:30 until 8:30pm, on-site in the Library at First Church and on Zoom

Wednesdays, January,  24/31

Wednesdays, February 7/21

Join Pastor Ian in this Book Group to learn about AI and its social considerations.

The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI

by Fei-Fei Li 

"The Worlds I See is a story of science in the first person, documenting one of the century’s defining moments from the inside. It provides a riveting story of a scientist at work and a thrillingly clear explanation of what artificial intelligence actually is—and how it came to be. Emotionally raw and intellectually uncompromising, this book is a testament not only to the passion required for even the most technical scholarship but also to the curiosity forever at its heart."

Please let Pastor Ian know you might participate.


Spiritual Conversations with Coffee in January

Group led conversations before church, about scripture and the life of faith, and the journey we are on with God and each other. The January meetings will take place on January 21/28 at 9:10 AM in the Library.


Al-Anon is an organization that offers experience, strength and hope to families who are

struggling with alcoholism and addiction. It is a very safe place to share the challenges of

difficult family situations. We at Al-Anon are very grateful to the First Church of Swampscott which has offered us space to hold our meetings, as below:

Tuesday nights at 7:30

Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the library

Thursdays at noon in the library

Please join us! For more information, please email Jodie or Laurie. Thanks.

The First Church Swampscott

40 Monument Avenue

Swampscott, MA 01907

Senior Pastor: The Rev. Ian Holland

Director of Music Ministries: Patricia Clark

Church Council 2022-2023

Clerk: Sharon Thomas

Treasurer: Sharon Scofield

Members: Diana Beaupre, Betty McNeil, Susan Hamilton,

Clarke Orzalli (chair), Heidi Whear, Melissa Foye

The First Church in Swampscott UCC |
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