From the Desk of

The Produce Safety Team

August 20th 2024

Summary of Agricultural Water Rule Changes

Landen Tetil, Produce Safety Technician

Photo of irrigation on farm that links to infographic

The new rule on Pre-harvest Agricultural Water sets the standards for safe water use on produce crops during production and pre-harvest. Here is a summary of some major revisions from the original Subpart E requirements to the new Pre-harvest Agricultural Water Rule requirements. 

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Pond used for irrigation on a farm

How Can We Proactively Assess Our Water Sources?

Landen Tetil, Produce Safety Technician

We can’t begin to address food safety risks in our water if we don’t know what they are. Risks are inherent in growing food. Having risks is not the problem - how we choose to MANAGE risks makes the difference.

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Determining the Vulnerability of your Water Source

Phil Tocco, Annalisa Hultberg, Don Stoeckel, Alison Buskirk

Understanding how poop can get in the water allows us to protect the water way and reduce the risk of contamination.

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New Tool Helps Fruit and Vegetable Farmers Reduce Microbial Risks in Irrigation Water

Phil Tocco, Michigan State University Extension

Produce growers who use water for irrigation and applying crop sprays have struggled to identify and prioritize the risks associated with their water sources. A new tool makes on-the-spot evaluation using direct observations a lot simpler.

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A Note From MDARD about the Final Water Rule

With the Food Safety Modernization Act’s final Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water rule now published, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will continue its educate before, and while, we regulate approach for Produce Safety Rule requirements, including for pre-harvest ag water, during initial inspections. MDARD inspectors will maintain this approach unless egregious conditions are observed during an initial inspection.

FREE Resources and Low-Cost Training Opportunities

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Remote Delivery Produce Safety Grower Training ($170)

Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team
1715 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202 | MSU Extension MACD Produce Safety Technicians
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