Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunities

Postdoc Travel Grants

Postdocs working on any type of cancer research can apply for up to $1500 to attend a scientific conference.

Applications due Sept. 13. More info/apply

UCSF Cancer Research Showcase

Learn about the wealth of cancer research being conducted at UCSF! Specifically designed for graduate students who are choosing their rotation labs, but open to all members of the UCSF community. Followed by a reception where attendees and faculty can meet. Pizza and beverages will be provided. More info/register.

Grant Writing Support

F Grant Writing Workshop

Open to posdocs and graduate students. The workshop meets 1-2 times per month from September - March with the goal of having a complete application for the April due date. Begins September 26. For more information and to apply, click here.

CARE Grant Review Program

Provides HDFCCC faculty with grant review for multi-year, independent grants. Can submit just specific aims or the whole grant. More information/apply.

Clinical Trial Training

Concept to Completion: Strategies for Successful Clinical Trials Seminar Series

Open to faculty and senior fellows. All seminars are from 2pm - 4pm, via Zoom, unless otherwise noted. Part of the HDFCCC K12 Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology. To see all the seminars offered, click here.

Aug. 15: Fostering Diversity in Clinical Trials

Aug. 29: Protocol Structure and Review

Sept. 12: Demystifying the Climb, Promotions at UCSF

Career Mentoring Opportunities

Apply for Gender Equity Committee Leadership Coaching

In partnership with Claire Bonilla from Ethos, the Gender Equity Committee is offering 1-1 leadership coaching and peer mentorship for women and gender minority faculty. More information here. Apply by 11:59 PM on August 30th.  

LEAP mentoring program

LEAP Early Career Faculty Mentoring Program

LEAP provides career mentoring to early career HDFCCC faculty who do not receive it elsewhere. Applicants are matched with mentors in late September/early October. More info/apply

UCSF Physician Scientists Career Development Program

This program's mission is to cultivate the career development of a diverse laboratory-based physician-scientist community at UCSF. They support trainees from the start of the post-graduate training to full independence as a PI. More information

Other Career Development Resources

Entrepreneurship: How to Assess Opportunities - Aug. 28, 3:30-5pm

Stephanie Marrus, Managing Director, Entrepreneurship, UCSF Entrepreneurship Center

Michelle Arkin, PhD, UCSF, Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Co-Director of the HDFCCC Small Molecular Discovery Center. Open to students, postdocs, and faculty.


Exciting Pilot Project Opportunity!

The Upstream Research Center is pleased to release the third round of requests for pilot proposals to catalyze research aimed at reducing cancer inequities due to structural and social determinants of health.

More information/apply


Apply to be a member of the Anti-Racism Workforce Development Group - Open to all UCSF Health and Campus staff affiliated with the Cancer Center. Apply by 11:59 PM on Friday August 30th. 

DEIA Programming Assistant - Student Intern Opportunity

This position runs from September 2024 to June 2025, 10-12 hours per week, $30 per hour. Open to full-time students enrolled in a graduate degree program at UCSF. More info/apply.

Apply to be a member of the Gender Equity Committee - Open to all trainees, faculty, and staff affiliated with the Cancer Center. Apply here by Aug. 15 at 11:59pm. Contact Robbie Díaz if you have questions.


Aug. 13, 12pm: UCSF Healthcare Advocates for Social Justice Monthly Speaker Series - Health Justice & Lakota Tribe Protocol. Speaker: Candi Brings Plenty (they/them), a queer, Indigenous advocate, activist, and lobbyist. This event was planned by a diverse group of UCSF staff who organized in response to the ongoing racial injustices.The goal of the speakerseries is to promote critical thinking and action around intersectional structures of power, privilege, and racial oppression in clinical care, education, and beyond. Register

Click here for more career development resources and training
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center - Office of Education and Training | Website