In this Email:

  • Important Announcement
  • A Message From the VRTA President
  • VTRA Member Benefits Information
  • Today’s Interest Rates
  • Get Your Home and Auto Insurance Quotes
  • "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over"


Due to unforeseen domain access issues, VRTA website has a new web address:  VRTA.US . The VRTA Benefits website remains unchanged at .


Please be sure to update your web browser bookmarks to be sure you are using the correct website moving forward. 


Also, be sure to notify all your local and district unit members of this change by forwarding this newsletter/email.

March 2024

President’s Message

As we near the date for the upcoming Spring Delegate Assembly, we are filled with anticipation. April 16-17, 2024, will be a rewarding two days filled with an array of presenters, informative sessions, and an installation ceremony for incoming officers.

We are looking forward to the usual outstanding performances of presenters who never disappoint the members. New presenters from AARP Virginia are welcome and bring with them relevant updates to keep us current. Breakout sessions will allow members to learn, share, and engage in best practices garnered from the different sessions.

Committee reports are expected to be succinct but not lacking in pertinent details. Committee chairs are expected to share their information with the secretary. Also, the Prize Patrol depends on the districts and units to donate prizes. If you wish to participate in the Marketplace, contact Karen Whetzel at

District presidents have received updates to share with members. Please follow the chain of notification so all members will have current information. The Registration Form, DoubleTree Link, and the VRTA Spring Newsletter, as well as specific deadlines, are posted on the website,

The Spring Delegate Assembly will showcase the unity among its members to aid in the continued success of VRTA. Plan to attend and lend your expertise to maintaining the belief that our Association is the impetus leading to the fulfillment of VRTA’s Mission and Vision.

Jean Marrow

VRTA President

Jean Marrow

VRTA President

Phone: 804-350-7719  


If you ever wonder what it means to have VRTA benefits, visit the website – to see what benefits are available to you.

Phone (540) 722-2529

Toll-Free (800) 467 5425


Contact a Personal Risk Advisor to get your personalized home or auto quote!

Christian Fernandez


Emily Simmers


Gena Young


Insurance Advisory Services

  • Home & Auto
  • Medicare Products
  • Long-Term Care
  • Life Insurance
  • Fixed Indexed Annuities

Financial Advisory Services

  • Retirement Income Planning
  • Pension Survivorship Analysis
  • Portfolio Management


Yogi Berra’s oft quoted pronouncement about a baseball series is also true about the Virginia General Assembly. We are thankful that this year the budget conference committee reached agreement on the 2024-2026 budget before the deadline. The House and Senate agreed with the report, although not unanimously, and adjourned sine die on schedule March 9. However, it’s not really over until April 17 when the GA reconvenes for the one-day session commonly referred to as the Veto Session. At that time the legislature will take up the Governor’s amendments and vetoes. Since a two-thirds majority is required to override a veto and the Democrats have a razor thin majority, we can be pretty sure any vetoes will stand.

Sometimes a bill that’s defeated in the regular session has a mysterious way of being resurrected by funding in the budget bill. And a bill passed by the GA may get no funding in the budget bill and so is not implemented.

How did the influx of more than 50 new legislators this session affect the GA as they dealt with almost 3,600 pieces of legislation? Although there were a few dust-ups, one new Republican Senator said, “I can’t think of a single negative moment.” A veteran Democratic Delegate said the “…newcomers changed the tone. They’ve been so energetic, so many new ideas. They want to change the world.” She found that “energizing.”

On Friday, March 8, the Governor signed 60 bills, amended 12, and vetoed 8. A governor usually has 30 days to sign, veto, or amend bills passed in both chambers. However, legislation sent to his desk a week before the last week of the session must be acted on in 7 days; therefore, the Governor had to act on these bills by midnight Friday, March 8. Those not seeing action would automatically pass. Let me know if you are interested in getting these bill numbers to learn their fate. The Governor has 30 days to act on the bills sent to him during the last week.

HB 30, the $188 billion budget bill, passed in the House 62-37 and in the Senate 24-14. To see how your Senator and Delegate voted, go to, pull up HB 30 and click on the vote numbers at the bottom.

The legislators are at home now. A follow up session with your senator and delegate between now and April 17 would be an excellent time to ask questions about their votes, the effects of specific bills, etc., and to tell them your thoughts before the Reconvened Session. The Legislative Committee would like to hear about these discussions on April 16-17 at the Delegate Assembly.

Yogi, in politics, it “ain’t” ever over!

Bea Morris 

VRTA Legislative Chairperson


Important VRTA Dates to Remember

April 16-17, 2024: Spring Delegate Assembly at the Doubletree in Richmond, VA.

VRTA Fall Conference: Monday September 30, 2024, and Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at the Doubletree Midlothian in Richmond, Virginia. Watch for registration information for the conference and the hotel coming soon. Please note: this is a Monday and Tuesday to avoid the religious holiday on Wednesday.