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Summertime Means Camp & Fall Planning | |
Summer is a wonderful and special time of year. And nothing represents the joy of summer more than camp. Camp provides children with recreation, socialization and the opportunity to grow. During those special weeks, you can enhance your social skills, improve self-esteem, practice communication with peers, and simply enjoy the warm weather. At The Arc of NJ, we know how important camp is to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. That is why we advocated for an increase in the Department of Children and Families camp rate for Fiscal Year 2025. This rate had only increased by $2 over the past 10 years. In response to our advocacy, the Legislature added $1.25 million to the FY25 Budget that will address the DCF camp rate and will help to ensure children with IDD living across New Jersey can partake in the many benefits of attending camp.
And as we enter the month of August, The Arc of New Jersey is using this time to plan our advocacy for the new fiscal year. We are celebrating our 75th anniversary this year and we are not taking our foot off the gas as we gear up and engage lawmakers and the Administration on the priorities we care about. If you haven't already signed up, make sure you're on our Action Alert list so you too can join our grassroots network and be a part of our advocacy work.
Thomas Baffuto
Executive Director
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Assemblyman Kanitra visits The Arc of Ocean Day Program | |
On July 22, The Arc of Ocean County welcomed Assemblyman Kanitra for a tour and site visit of their North Bay Day Program. The Assemblyman had the chance to meet individuals who receive services from The Arc of Ocean County and he spoke with both individuals and staff about some of the most pressing issues impacting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Pictured here is Sharon Levine, The Arc of NJ's Senior Director of Governmental Affairs, along with the Assemblyman and a member of his staff, individuals who attend the North Bay Day Program, and Matthew Brady, Assistant Executive Director of Vocational Services at The Arc of Ocean County.
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Governor Celebrates Disability Pride Month, DHS Unveils New Disability Information Hub | |
During the month of July, Governor Murphy and the Department of Human Services celebrated Disability Pride Month with a proclamation, and they unveiled a new Disability Information Hub to coincide with the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The site is meant to be a one-stop resource for adults and children with disabilities, caregivers and families. It provides information on a number of topics including transportation, mental health, assistive technology and employment, and it covers a wide variety of disabilities, including but not limited to IDD, physical disabilities, TBI as well hearing and visual disabilities. To view the site, click here and to access the Caregiver Quick Start Guide, click here. To read the text of the proclamation, click the image on the right.
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The Arc of New Jersey in the News | |
In July, The Arc of New Jersey's Executive Director Tom Baffuto authored a letter to the editor in response to an elected official using the R-word. Our organization continues to push back against that term and works to educate the community about the hurtful impact it has on people with IDD and their family members. To read the letter to the editor, click here. | |
The Arc of New Jersey's Criminal Justice Advocacy Director Robyn Holt was featured in a Rutgers spotlight interview in their most recent newsletter. In addition, Robyn contributed to an article on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder also included in the newsletter. To read both features, click here. | |
The Arc Mercer Hosts Liberian Independence Day Celebration | | |
Camp Jaycee Cuts Ribbon on Jim Sandham Field House | | |
On July 26, The Arc of Mercer hosted a Liberian Independence Day Celebration and Flag Raising. The annual event is an important way of embracing diversity in the community and the many dedicated members of The Arc Mercer workforce who are of Liberian heritage. The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto is pictured right, along with representatives from the Chapter and dignitaries. | | |
Camp Jaycee, the residential summer camp for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, held a ribbon cutting ceremony on July 14, to mark the official unveiling of the newly-constructed Field House. The Field House was named after Jim Sandham for his years of service and support of Camp Jaycee. It will be used for both daytime and evening programs and it is truly the new hub of camp. Board members, families, campers and staff were on hand for the celebration and visitors had the chance to eat lunch and tour the grounds. The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto is pictured below, left. As part of the event, Tom gave out awards and acknowledged people who remain dedicated to the camp and who supported the creation of the Jim Sandham Field House. | | |
News and Noteworthy from the Month of July | |
Congratulations to The Arc of Warren County on their TRI Mountain Sprint Triathlon held with DASH Multisport which took place on July 13. The event provided a tour of Mountain Lake in Liberty Township. It included a 1/4 mile swim, a 15-mile bike ride, and a 3-mile run. The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto is pictured here with representatives from the Chapter. | |
On July 17, The Arc of Salem County held their annual supporter recognition ceremony and they honored Assemblyman Dave Bailey, Jr. from the third legislative District. The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto was delighted to be present for this wonderful celebration. | |
It's Not Too Late to Support The Arc of New Jersey | |
Thank you to everyone who supported The Arc of New Jersey through our 75th Anniversary Gala and Ad Journal. The funds raised enable us to make tremendous progress as we continue to grow and expand our advocacy and support services for people with IDD and their families.
But the need still exists. From now until December 31, 2024, The Arc of New Jersey's 75th Anniversary Campaign is looking to raise $75,000 to support our information, resources and advocacy for individuals with IDD and their families. Your donation, no matter the size, will contribute greatly to our ability to help the increasing numbers of individuals and families who call upon us for assistance. Click here to donate today and thank you for your support!
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Turn Your Wheels Into Wins! | |
Are you ready to begin a new adventure? Donate your vehicle to The Arc of New Jersey and embark on a journey of giving back!
Your unwanted car, truck, motorcycle, RV or boat can help us continue our mission of supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Donating your vehicle is a simple way to make a big impact and an opportunity to clear space in your driveway. Plus, it's completely free and tax-deductible, giving you double the reasons to give back. Ready to drive change? Give us a call at 732-733-6013 or click here to learn more about how you can make a difference today!
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Upcoming Webinars with the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project |
Stay Healthy at Home webinars and Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events are hosted throughout the month by the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project. Registration links for Stay Healthy at Home can be found here. This webinar series covers a variety of topics related to advocacy, life skills, employment, and civic engagement. Sessions are designed to be accessible to self-advocates, parents, and support staff. Live viewers can share comments, ask questions, and access resources. Live transcription is available. Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events can be found here. This interactive series of events is hosted by the NJ Self-Advocacy Project and focuses on activities to promote health and wellness education for students and adults with IDD. Live viewers will be able to share comments, ask questions, and participate in activities led by professionals in real time.
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